
IGN: Fable III Video Interview

Peter Molyneux talks candidly about the success and failures of past Fables, and why Fable III is not an RPG.

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life doomer5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

It's all about the power man! lol


Top Six Most Culturally Progressive Video Games

Progressive concepts in games can come from some truly unexpected places if you look a little deeper past what's directly on the surface. It's unlikely for instance that anyone would ever bestow the Grand Theft Auto series with the title “culturally progressive.” With over the top portrayals of drug-slinging, car-stealing, sex-crazed criminals who can beat up hookers for fun, GTA seems like the opposite of a diverse game with progressive ideals. If you take the time to scroll through the radio stations in the game's fourth major title however, you'll find satirical renditions of both ultra-conservative and public access radio stations, skewering the absurd things said on the extreme fringe of both the political right and left in a way that's funny but still clearly making actual social commentary. These six titles from throughout gaming history show a changing landscape where video games can be just as progressive as anything television has to offer.

-Gespenst-3172d ago (Edited 3172d ago )

I haven't played Tomb Raider, and I probably never will because I have zero interest in it and games like it, but my impression of that game is that it was sort of vicious. Lara was the oppressed woman, and her foes were the lecherous, sexist, misogynistic crowd (symbolically, metaphorically speaking), and her solution is to brutally kill them (symbolic of oppression) which hardly makes her better than her oppressors. Makes her the same as them, and if it's okay for her to do it, so to speak, why isn't it okay for them to do it? Really, it's not okay for either side to do it. She seems like a poster-girl for vengeful, power-reversal feminism to me, which isn't progressive.

Again though, I haven't played the game, so I won't try to assert any of this as necessarily valid, but it's just my impression of the game. I'd imagine there are parts in the game that challenge my cursory interpretation.

DiaperFace3172d ago

The game was realistic. Get out of your damn bubble.

caseh3172d ago

"and her solution is to brutally kill them"

I think discussion over a nice cup of tea had gone out of the window by that point.

poppinslops3172d ago

I think Tomb Raider's inclusion has more to do with Lara's transformation from a walking boobjob into someone that's halfway believable... yeah, she kills a lot of brainwashed cultists, but she doesn't enjoy it like they do.

She blames herself for getting her friends and crewmates into trouble, so her fighting back is motivated by a desire to save her people and escape - not revenge or power... it's survival of the fittest - and she is the fittest.

-Gespenst-3172d ago

Okay fair enough, thanks for that. Like I said, I'm not in any real position to judge the game.

DiaperFace3172d ago

Screw "progressive" games, IDGAF about "progression", I care about a good game, and last time I checked, how "progressive" a game was didn't factor into quality at all. Chrono Trigger wasn't a masterpiece because Crono was a half black half indian transgendered lesbian midget who sexually identifies as an attack helicopter, you know.

gamejediben3172d ago

How can I give you more agrees?

Seriously, SJWs can go get bent. "Progressivism" is poison to everything it touches.

I don't care if "they're hearts were in the right place", I only care if the game is fun to play!

,,l,, SJWs ,,l,,

Yui_Suzumiya3172d ago

How is Fallout 2 progressive? I assumed this would be another article discussing Gone Home, lol

Allsystemgamer3172d ago (Edited 3172d ago )


Women are already equal. Now they just want men to suffer for being men. We're not allowed to fantasize anymore.

Yet women are allowed to look at shirtless perfect male models and then complain when their SO isn't ripped like the dude whose JOB is to stay fit.

Hate to break it to you SJWs but people are attracted to attractive people.

As for the progressiveness in games. Grow up. They're catered to a demographic. That demographic usually being teenage boys. Guess why they like. Titties and violence.

DiaperFace3171d ago

For real. SJW needs to be defined as a mental illness.


Fable Franchise Manager Leaves Lionhead Studios

Ted Timmins, who has been with Lionhead Studios since 2004, has decided to call it quits.

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christocolus3710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

I hope MS finds someone to breathe new life into the series.

Fable legends looks interesting atm but the series has been going downhill since fable2.

Phil Harrsion and Ken lobb need to find the right person to fill timmins vacant position asap... fans need fable legends to be great.

andrewsqual3709d ago

Not sure what you are expecting as it has been made clear that Legends will be a Co-Op-fest and not play like the main series at all.

Clown_Syndr0me3709d ago

This isnt a bad thing, Fable 3 sucked, and Anniversary wasnt all that.

cyhm31123709d ago

why don't they start a new franchise instead?

shivvy243709d ago

exactly what i was thinking

WeAreLegion3709d ago

Remember Black & White? Black & White 2? The Movies? The first Fable?

Several members of Lionhead left after all those games and formed Media Molecule. That's why everything since has been pretty meh.

christocolus3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Yeah Phil harrrison spear headed that and also helped in securing evolution studios and london studios for sony.. I'm guessing that's the reason MS brought him on board.. He has already helped create MS lift and i think there are some other unannounced studios coming up..Phil Spencer stated that recently.

Gamer19823709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Not to mention Molyneux has left the founding father.. His ideas were always a breathe of fresh air in the gaming industry (dungeon keeper,populous, theme hospital, theme park, black & white, fable). He was truly a legend and although Godus isn't as great as previous titles thanks to a smaller studio the fact hes missing from lionhead is partly why its not the powerhouse it once was.

gjruk3709d ago

Molyneux just said the things we wanted to hear, he would recite a script that would entice you in with all these 'amazing' 'groundbreaking' ideas that never came to fruition. Would rather someone be up front and not beat around the bush.

djplonker3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Good let it die the fable series got worse everytime they released a new one... the first was the best!

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Peter Molyneux Is At It Again

Peter Molyneux releases a few interesting details about his upcoming game, 'Curiosity'. We also go a bit into Molyneux's history with hyperbole to see if his patterns leading up to this new game tell us anything about his new life as an independent developer.

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What are the odds that someone will crack the "system" and steal all the "fun". Im taking bets