
Counter-Strike: Source Update Released

Valve has released a new update for its classic FPS Counter-Strike: Source, now available for download.

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PinkUni5248d ago

an update now????

since when did they ever care about css?

Pandamobile5248d ago

Valve releases updates for all their old games once in a while. Hell there was a Half-Life 1 engine update a month or so ago.

toaster5248d ago

@ PinkUni
Dude I just lol'd so hard. Valve takes care of their own. They support their games years after they release. Like what Panda said, they update all of their games.

CSS probably still has more people playing it than console games.

ZombieRollz5248d ago

Yeah like Left 4 Dead! Oh wait... I love me some Counter-Strike: Source but isn't it time to move on? It's been 6 years now, and they need pump out Half-Life 3/Counter-Strike 3.

snaileri5248d ago

Statistics at the time of posting this:

Game servers with players inside(empty servers excluded):
+12 000 on CS:S and +15 000 on CS 1.6

Remember, those are servers, not players.
Any of those servers having between 1 to 64 people inside.
Average of players seems to be 22.

So, half a million players playing as of right now, both games combined.

TheIneffableBob5248d ago

If those numbers are just right now, imagine how large the total numbers are.

Pandamobile5248d ago

Today's peak of Counter Strike Source players all online at the same time was 100,000. That's a hell of a lot of people playing a 6 year old game :)

Azurite5248d ago

79,184 peak of CS-players (not Source)
Not bad for a 10 year old game.

ManGastaS5248d ago

Do you know that Counter-Strike will be include in the Olympic games London 2012!

Harlequiine5248d ago

Bleh when I downloaded it I had hoped it'd be to bring it into the 21st century with achievements, in-game avatars (ala TF2) and maybe a few extras, but no deal.

Not that I really care, since I played it to death for 5 years and it's the only online FPS I still play.

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Counter-Strike: Source gets a 2019 graphics overhaul mod, available now for download

DSOGaming writes: "Modder ‘gEck0_’ has released a graphics overhaul mod for Counter-Strike: Source, called Counter-Strike: Re-Source (2019). Counter-Strike: Re-Source is basically a compilation of countless textures, models, skins, shaders and more that aims to greatly improve the visuals of this 2004 Counter-Strike game."

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We know what most of you will say – it’s not! Some will say it’s trying too hard and some will say it is perfect.

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Gazondaily2336d ago

I keep jumping back into this.

The sheer number of player numbers, decades after release of the original CS is astounding. Its always over half a million!

The gunplay is on another level.

pellpell2335d ago

I am a big fan of the gunplay in this as well - creating that fairly easy to pick up but very hard to master element I look for in games

SolidStoner2335d ago

If you love shooters like CS GO, you must look into Rainbow Six Siege, more intelligent, squad based and tactical, with every choice having consequences - its really an FPS Chess game..

JEECE2335d ago


Playing Siege makes me ask one question - if I'm going to play a game of this style, why not play the best one: Counter-Strike?

While it's a great option for console only people, if you are already a CS player, there's no reason to take a step down. The microtransaction-encouraging progression alone takes it down a notch (locking powerful characters behind extremely high credit requirements).

Minimox162335d ago

It will be great to have it on new consoles! PS4/XBOX1/SW!

Gazondaily2335d ago

This is one game where you need keyboard and mouse support

Bretty2335d ago

I just couldn't get into it. I've tried so many times but I just suck at FPS games haha.
That said I do enjoy watching it pros play it from time to time.

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From Skill To Skins & Scams – The Changing Faces of Counter-Strike

Pixelgate writes:

''At this point, everyone has heard about the scummy behaviour surrounding Counter-Strike GO gambling and two bell ends exploiting the trust of their tween fans. It oddly says a fair amount about the current state of Counter-Strike, a series once treasured as the retreat from the gimmicks of main stream multiplayer.''

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