
New Screenshots and Trailer for EA Sports' MMA

Xbox Evolved:

"EA SPORTS MMA will feature the most authentic, intense and broad mixed martial arts experience to date – complete with a vast array of top fighters and fighting styles from around the world."

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Blaze9295246d ago

UFC 2010 might have some competition...

ProA0075246d ago

Still a bit sour at the fact that EA said MMA wasn't even a Sport and dissed it...

tokoshix5246d ago

Really curious on how it will control compared to UFC's game.

Caspel5246d ago

Brett Rogers! he's a fool. he better not be on the cover.


The Best MMA Games Review

MMA is one of the most intense and exciting sports to watch, but notoriously violent. For those not up to the intense dedication and training that learning MMA take, PS3 and Xbox offer a number of games which are the next best thing.

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3808d ago

Video Game Online Passes Suck And We'll Tell You Why

GPT: "It's not exactly a shocking discovery to realize that Electronic Arts has become something of a corporate monster in this generation of gaming consoles. While ulterior (profit) motives obviously exist behind most of their actions, I simply cannot keep up with who the “bad guy” is anymore."

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GunShotEddy4805d ago

I hate this BS. Just one more way companies can get more money form us.

rdgneoz34804d ago

Yah, it is BS that if I buy a game new I have to buy an online pass for it... Oh wait, it comes free with a new game... If people want to be cheap and get a game used, don't expect to get everything for like half price. Play some PC games like MMOs where you can't trade them in at all since they have activation codes.

"Just one more way companies can get more money form us."
First off, "from". 2nd, you didn't give the developers money in the first place by buying the game new, you gave your money to gamestop or such, so that's probably the only money you gave them.

"I work at GameStop"
'And I'm angry cause you're taking away our used business by including onlne passes, so I'm gonna write an article bashing buying new games since most people will agree without reading more than two sentences or just the title.'

As for overpriced DLC, yah its annoying as hell. The costumes and such are not too much of a problem because they have no affect on the gameplay at all.

Roper3164804d ago

People who buy used games suck let me tell you why!

Because used games do not support the dev, publisher or the gaming community that is why!

coryok4804d ago (Edited 4804d ago )

i pretty much always wait for a price drop, i dont buy 60$ games anymore unless i know im going to enjoy them for a good amount of time. the problem with that is that most stores generally dont carry games after theyve had a pricedrop. i look on websites and its telling me a used copy is 4 miles away from me while the closest new copy is 95 miles away, well shit, im getting the used copy

it seems like more and more now im picking up a game, playing it for 4ish hours and its over. sure some of them have an online part, but seriously, i dont need online for all of my games, it doesnt really give me any value when the games online is exactly the same as cod

i also, generally, dont buy dlc, i think its a rip off. they give us like an hour of gameplay and charge us 10$ for it, hell psn has hour long demos of lots of games, if i wanted to play for an hour i would download one of those


Japanese indie shooter games coming to PS3's PlayStation Network in May

Sony Online Entertainment will soon be introducing several Japanese indie video games, or "doujin," on the PS3 PlayStation Network this May. Game developer Rockin' Android is collaborating with SOE to localize the games, starting with a collection of 2D anime shooters. The first group of three games is the Gundemonium Collection.

About the Gundemonium Collection, from SOE:
"The Gundemonium Collection consists of three titles: Gundemonium Recollection, GundeadliGne, and Hitogata Happa. Each game delivers action packed 2-D anime-style game play, and brings the intense indie 'bullet hell' genre to the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. Each of the titles offers multiple levels of frenetic action and high-impact weaponry. All of the titles will offer PlayStation Network Trophies and remote play capability."

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sinncross5160d ago

They should go for a PS3/ PSP PSN release and not just the PS3.
I see myself using these sort of games on the go rather the at home.