
Crytek: New MMOFPS in the Works?

Yegor Bondar, a Ubisoft Level Designer, has something very interesting stated in his Linkedln profile. From November 2008-July 2009 he has been working on a unannounced MMOFPS for Crytek.

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DeadlyFire5260d ago

Maybe... There is a new rumor of Battlefront MMO. Battlefront's last game was dropped in October 2008. So if true this game could be its successor. I wonder how many will be able to battle it out online if so. MMOs take about 3 years or more of development though so even if so we probably won't hear of it officially until 2011 or 2012. Could be something else not Star Wars though.


Avowed Dev Once Again Asked About Skyrim Comparison, Points to The Outer Worlds

IGN : Fallout New Vegas, Grounded, and Pentiment developer Obsidian has responded to a question about the ongoing comparisons between its next game, Avowed, and The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim by pointing to another of its previous games: The Outer Worlds.


Dustborn Hands-On Preview - Wordy Road Trip [Wccftech]

Dustborn comes with some interesting features that may be lessened by its basic and not particularly fun action-oriented sequences and combat

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Review: Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece | Console Creatures

Console Creatures writes, "Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece is a hail mary for Kingdom Hearts fans who held out for a Steam launch."

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