
TSA Fixes Sony's PR - Take That, Xbox 360!

TheSixthAxis makes a tongue in cheek reply to last weeks Microsoft PR offensive on behalf of Sony's PR department. In doing so touches on a selection of the blockbusters coming out through 2010

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NYC_Gamer5350d ago

360 only has timed exclusives..

darthv725350d ago

If you know a game is coming to the system you want to play it on, does it matter if it goes to another one first? That shouldnt stop you from buying the game simply because it came out first on another platform.

If you want to protest and be heard, don't buy the game at all. That will get developers attentions about shady tactics and exclusive contracts.

mcgrawgamer5350d ago

Serious question. At this point in each console's lifecycle why do we care what MSFT says about sony or the ps3? All their talk up to this point hasn't stopped or derailed Sony's momentum in any way. Why is so much energy put into defending Sony?

darthv725350d ago

the only one expressing themselves are the fans. What you said can be turned around to state: Why is so much energy put into attacking Microsoft?

In all fairness, Sony doesn't need defending. Same goes for Nintendo and MS. The one sided fans need to step back from the front lines of defending their purchase and enjoy what they have and look forward to what they will be getting.


Comparing Galen Marek and Cal Kestis: Star Wars Force Users

Compare Star Wars' Galen Marek and Cal Kestis—two powerful Force users with unique journeys, combat styles, and roles in the galaxy far, far away.

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Was Released 16 Years Ago Today.

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TheNamelessOne6d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv725d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

4d ago

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