
First 8 minutes of the White Knight Chronicles European version's opening sequence

The biggest console gaming site in Finland KonsoliFIN published eight minutes of new video material from the highly anticipated White Knight Chronicles international edition. The video is from the beginning of the game showing the opening sequence. English voice acting can be also witnessed from this video.

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Bodyboarder_VGamer5353d ago

What's the point? The entire game have been on youtube since a year ago...

Godmars2905353d ago

In English with improved online content?

ThanatosDMC5352d ago

HAHAHAH! His character looks like a fruitcake with an evil face!

Anyway, multiplayer isnt going with the single player story, right? And you cant go knight mode online?

LittleBigSackBoy5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

I can't wait for this game! If anyone wants to co-op, add me. My PSN is HideoYojima, I have a headset (just incase anyone wants to use headsets)

EDIT: You had to play Demon's Souls for a few hours, before you could co-op. I really liked Demon's Souls co-op, but it could get abit annoying waiting for your friend to find your blue stone. As long as WKC's co-op is easy to get into, i don't mind how long i have to play the single player for. It wasn't like i was going to skip it anywa.

Thanks for the preview, might be some typos because i'm using PS3 browser.

ElementX5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

I hear you can't play multiplayer until you reach a certain point in the game. It's not online out of the box. Read the Eurogamer preview.

" the online mode is entirely distinct from the single-player story - you access isolated multiplayer quests from the world map, taking your custom-created avatar into an instanced level with up to three other players.

It's not, disappointingly, a co-op version of the main game, but rather a collection of MMO-style slaying and fetch-quests,


"The game also doesn't let you dabble in online questing until hours into the game - it's almost as though you have to earn the right to have any fun - so players hoping to have a quick go at an online quest just to see what it's like are out of luck. "


Ace_2355353d ago

you cant play online till after chapter one thats all not that long a wait.

ElementX5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

Oh, thanks for the heads up. I'm still bummed about fetch and slaying quests. I got tired of those playing WoW.

Myst5353d ago

So Hideo is you? Wow, all this time I never knew lol. So your getting it to, I'll try and catch you whenever your on-line, but due to my class scheduling I probably won't be on till nearly 7:00 PM EST.

LittleBigSackBoy5353d ago

Not sure what that'll be here in the UK, Nuri. I'm up until 3-4am everyday anyway, so i should see you online. I'm not sure what date i'm getting it though. If the store i normally import from gets it on the 2nd, i'll get the US version. But they might not because it comes out on the 26th here anyway. Anyway...i'll let you know on PSN

ElementX5353d ago Show
Myst5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

Ah alright, I had to use a time converter. Although I ended up using UK - England - London as a basis for the UK as well as a state close to mine. It stated that you were 5 hours ahead of me. Though not sure if it was correct.


Will be keeping an eye on my message field then.

@Above ElementX
N4G what do you expect :p

ThanatosDMC5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

Anyway, i dont think White Knight Chronicles gameplay is that great. They should have opted to copy Star Oceans' or Kingdom Hearts' gameplay.

WKC: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Star Ocean: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

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THC CELL5353d ago

day one for me
this game owns any rpg on xbox including fable

knightdarkbox5353d ago

sorry but fable 2 not have this horrible graphics of ps2..

OmarJA-N4G5353d ago

Agree PS3 is now the home for the best RPG titles this gen... :)

@ knightdarkbox:

Sorry Fable 2's graphics looks outdated compared to WKC. :)

IrishAssa5353d ago

Don't like fable 2 but the graphics are alright, its jsut the style they chose

Two-Face5353d ago

''this game owns any rpg on xbox including fable''

Tells me how much you know about games. You don't know a sh*t.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5353d ago
5353d ago Replies(8)
OmarJA-N4G5353d ago

This game looks incredible & the online aspects are amazing... :)

Picking it up after I'm done with Demon's Souls & Dragon Age.

kingdavid5353d ago

I will get it for sure, just a question of when. But its either this or bioshock 2 at release. Decisions, decisions.

Baba19065353d ago

i have the same problem dont know when to buy what lol to many games i need in the next 3 month. horrible decisions.

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RETRO Review - White Knight Chronicles (PS3)

Grab your longsword, shield and round up the fantasy archetypes - there are Ice Dragons afoot!

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Memorable Music in Gaming #21

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

I am kicking things off by going back to a familiar well here - with a song from the Neverwinter Nights soundtrack. This is still arguably one of my favorite music scores in a video game ever, but I decided to lead off with it and then create something of a theme as I decided to pull all of this edition's songs from RPG games.

Neverwinter Nights (PC) - Battle - Forest Boss

I touched on the somewhat mystical quality of another Neverwinter Nights song last week when discussing City Docks Day. There were a lot of really good battle tunes in this one, but the Forest Boss song always stood out in my mind. The battle itself was not even the most memorable one, but right around the one minute mark, it reaches an epic level that just stuck with me.


The ten last-gen games that should have "HD Remasters"

Digitally Downloaded writes: "Below are the ten games we'd like to see make their way to the new generation of consoles this year. Or, perhaps, game collections that could be pulled together into a single disc package for even better value as we have seen other recent HD/ Remaster releases."

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Snookies123534d ago

B-But FFXII isn't last-gen. I'd love to see it remastered regardless though. Brilliantly fun game, I just disliked the story unfortunately.

hkgamer3534d ago (Edited 3534d ago )

story was ok, but very unlike the other ff storylines where there is a clear villian.

i just want the game for vita/ps4. international zodiac version would be interesting to play but i hope that the original glitches(?) are still there.

i had more fun breaking the game then playing the game properly.

would also be cool if they added dual wielding. would make some rare weapons actually useful.

MrSwankSinatra3534d ago

I really would like to see a HD Remaster of both Twilight Princess & Skyward Sword. Those games deserve to be in HD

Relientk773534d ago

Are you saying that they could make Ni no Kuni look even better, because I would like to see that.

hkgamer3534d ago

they could easily make that game look better. just make it as detailed as the animation. the 3d models had a lot less detail.

not saying it didnt look nice, just saying it could be improved a lot.

DougLord3534d ago

NONE - lets keep remakes to games from 2-3 gens ago!

PeaSFor3534d ago

what i want to see:

Patapon HD Collection
FFIX & FFVII Remastered
MadWorld HD
Thrasher:Skate&Destroy HD
EA Skate series HD
Lumines Collection
VibRibbon remastered
Mario Galaxy 1&2 Remastered
BF1942 Remastered

WheatBread3534d ago

Screw that we need new games

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