
Batman Arkham Asylum 2 Escapes onto Retailer for Pre-Order

PSLS writes:

Since its debut teaser trailer at the 2009 Spike Video Game Awards, Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 has been completely shrouded in mystery.

While we do expect more information leading up to E3, it seems the game has already been listed on one retailer's website for pre-order.

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n4gn4gn4gn4g5360d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
_TheSituation_5360d ago

can't wait for this man. Gonna pick this one up first week it comes out for sure. Who else?

chester5360d ago

can't wait either, but i have to admit there is a small part of me that's slightly worried they're rushing to capitalize on the momentum of the first one as quickly as possible.

oh well, just believe in rocksteady and expect a great game.

Dtoxz5360d ago

Oh HELL YEAH! I loved the first one! That will be a day 1 purchase for me!!!!!

erathaol5360d ago

I have the first one but I'm not going to dive in for another helping. The first one was good but I'm pretty sure everyone just missed all the problems it had. Now that its a runaway success I don't think they are going to fix anything.

I can only see the same level of improvement made between L4D to L4D2, nothing mind blowing just something slightly better. I mean why should developers bother trying to make something new when what you have already sells?

raztad5360d ago

I CAN wait. I havent picked the first up yet so, I'll wait till the second is here. I love games for the cheap.

On a side note, it's crazy how fast the sequel is coming. Not sure whether is a good thing.

kaveti66165360d ago

I didn't like this game. My friend rented it and I played the first full level and I found it to be repetitive.

Maybe the rest of the game was better, but from what I played, I was not impressed. That is a shame because I saw it recieve a lot of hype and I was confident that it would be a great game.

I know I'm going to get a lot of disagrees for this, but I don't care. And now, it seems Rocksteady has moved ahead to produce the sequel based on success of the first game.

LtSkittles5360d ago


I won't disagree with you, but you should've at least waited until you got out of Croc's Lair, that was epic.

I hope the sequel is awesome, and I don't doubt RockSteady's abilities.

snoopgg5360d ago

Yeah, the last one was bad srse. This is a day one purchase for me. Was it me, but wasn't the joker boss battle at the end way easier the poison ivy boss battle. Just wondering?

LtSkittles5359d ago

@Snoop, no,it wasn't just you.

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decimalator5360d ago

if it's anything like the first one, I'll be all over this.

unrealgamer585360d ago

I hope this is a sandbox game, I want the whole gotham city. this game is only under inFamous for my best superhero game.

AngryFork5360d ago

agree, i want sandbox also, and being able to look in dark alleyways etc. swing down and save people and so on.

JudoChinX5360d ago

Part of the appeal of the first game was that the environment felt like a character unto itself... I'm not sure that can be done in a sandbox style game, at least not to the same degree.

ThePlaystation3guy5360d ago

And I wil fo' sho' be picking this game up, FIRST DAY!

kewlkat0075360d ago

You can expect the second one to be better. Probably will be the best Gotham City created compared to the other installments.

PS3/360-1.Batman Arkam Asylum
NES-3.Batman(Loved the soundtrack in this game, played it on my MAME machine the other day)

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r214182d ago

I'd have raged if inFamous wasnt included. Glad to see its on the list twice :)

ZeekQuattro4182d ago

The only thing I disagree with on that list is MVC 3. I liked 2 so much better and stopped playing 3 shortly after I bought it because it just wasn't as fun and I missed characters that were in the 2nd one.


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