Playstation 3 CPU Speed Downgrade Rumor - Redux

Microsoft's Andre Vrignaud comments on the recent Playstation 3 CPU Speed Downgrade Rumor:

"Remember my earlier post dissecting an alleged PS3 Rude Q&A? There's just something about a finely honed - yet evasive - turn of phrase that sets the Spidey-sense tingling, and I'm getting that feeling all over again around the rumor of the Playstation 3's main CPU speed being downgraded.

First a bit of history. Back in June Kotaku posted an IM conversation with an alleged PS3 developer. That developer stated that CELL yields were low, and that the already reduced 3.2 GHz CPU speed (from a promised 3.5 GHz) could end up being as low as 2.8 GHz. (He also stated that there would likely be an external power supply, which I 100% believe to be the case.) Anyway, at the time I found the conversation a fascinating read because it struck me as very credible.

I don't know how much you know about the CPU manufacturing process, but a good summary can be..."

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achira6582d ago

just another bs rumour article. boring...

kingboy6582d ago

lol they will never stop`s really boring now for real..

sparco6582d ago (Edited 6582d ago )

Look at em lol. They dunno wat else to say other than "boring". Shame. 2.8 haha. Brilliant lol. Why cant they jus finalise sum fu**in details! Do they even kno what they are doing?? But still, we dont know until Sony have a word in this.


looking a little nervous you guys...

zypher6582d ago

yeah, Microsoft IS looking nervous. they sit around dissecting the competition as if they don't have problems themselves. hardly any of my supposedly backwards compatible XBox games work on my 360 except for Halo. why don't this Andre dude work on that?

THELANDSOFSAND6582d ago (Edited 6582d ago )

lol, people don't give a sh1t about xbox games generally, they want to play next generation titles. Halo 2 is about all people play on BC. plus, all my titles run fine. what xbox game are you playing?

and a 2.8 downgrade is something to be nervous about. It's just like the PSP, runs at 333, but sony downgraded it too 222 for all games because of heating issues.

zypher6582d ago

you're so eager to start a flamming war that you've missed the gist of my argument. apparently people do care about bc, otherwise Microsoft (who seems devoted to PUBLIC INTEREST) wouldn't bother with it. i've recently tried to go through Fable Lost Chapters as an evil wizard, and it's frozen up on me at least six times: other times it jumps, or i get a "need to clean your disc error" even though the disc is spotless and my system freshly turned on. what i was saying is that Microsoft needs to concentrate on just that: Microsoft and the 360. you don't hear about Sony programmers sitting around disecting Xenon or 360's GPU do you? since Microsoft has committed themselves to bc, they need to make sure that it works near flawlessly before they start critiquing the competition's system.

as far as a PS3 downgrade; the fact in itself that this is coming from a MICROSOFT programmer makes this just a partial, biased, self-serving RUMOR. only a fanboy drone would believe it without some sort of cross-reference.


i dont have any problems with fable, maybe you need to clean your disc? is it scratched?

zypher6581d ago

hey, don't try to swing the blame my way. the disc is flawless. Halo works perfectly (go figure), and i got it used from a friend of mine. it has one scratch on it and it play JUST FINE. yet Fable, brand new, not even with dust on it, freezes, jumps and all sorts of things. and this isn't an isolated incicent: maybe your supposed flawless experience is, but 360's bc issues are wide-spread. if Microsoft knew they couldn't do it right then they shouldn't have ever done it at all...and yes, the same goes for Sony with their lackluster PSP games.

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Sphinx6582d ago

but even I am getting tired of rumor after rumor... I'm looking forward to the launch, so we can see the real deal.


sony need to finalise their retail hardware and make an offical announcement.

ghostface6582d ago

I care about my EX'BOX games.There are no good games to play on the 360 yet. Until some good games come out,i will be playing my not so oldschool EX'BOXgames.

THELANDSOFSAND6582d ago (Edited 6582d ago )

um PGR3, COD2, GRAW, Oblivion, DOA4.

Very soon: Saints Row, Dead Rising, TDU- then GOW, COD3, Halo3, Forza2, fable 2

what games do you like?!

most of the good xbox games play fine on the 360, if you want to play xbox games so badly you will have to keep playing a xbox.

zypher6581d ago

well maybe he got a 360 with the hopes of getting a next-gen experience and he hasn't yet, which has made him rely on XBox games. besides, why would he keep the original XBox with Microsoft all but burrying it as inconsequential?

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

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Sonyslave323h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6027h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro246h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro246h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


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The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

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Knightofelemia1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.