
Sony exec on Internet Video Link for PS3, no new OLEDs

As if the PS3 wasn't already a multimedia powerhouse for entertainment, intent on making you want to rip every other appliance out from under your telly, a recent interview with Stan Glasgow, Sony President of Electronics in the US, has revealed there will be more video streaming services coming to the console soon.

Although no real details are known about it at the moment, Glasgow did confirm that the PS3 will get support for the BRAVIA Internet Video Link service in the near future.

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Mondayding5360d ago

Price - that's all that matters to gamers like me. I don't want my console to do anything other than play games on, and I'm not prepared to shell out huge wads of cash for it. Not wanting to start any tired old this one's better than that one is - both the xbox and the PS3 are pretty much the same when it comes to processing speeds and graphics and whatnot, so I went for the cheaper option. You can dangle whatever extras you like in front of me, I'm not going to bite. And, aside from the hardcore contingent (most of N4G's readers I suspect), that's the opinion of your average consumer. Unless you're a consumer who is more interested in specific titles - I have a couple of friends close to switching to the PS3 because of some of the PS3 only titles recently shipped and in the pipeline...

Guido5360d ago

Lower prices on downloadable movies would be great but in the end, the PS3 is already the powerhouse of multimedia and anything new would simply cement that title in stone.

W831SOLIDSNAKE5360d ago

The you should have bought a PS2 its only $99.99 with great games.

Godmars2905360d ago

Let me guess: you've defended XBL subscription fees. Think that Netflix on the PS3 is inferior because it free yet disc based.

Could you be less transparent please?

deadreckoning6665360d ago (Edited 5360d ago )

casttv.com is AWESOME for free videostreaming. Sony kinda screwed themselves by adding an Internet Browser on the PS3. 80-90% of the shows and movies that are available for download on PSN can be seen for free on the Internet Browser if you know where to look. Oh well, the consumers win :)

@Dev- Ah yes! Free porn! Good times on Pornhub, good times! This is the reason why id NEVER pay for Live.

Dev8 ing5360d ago

And let's not forget that you can stream porno too. I like allsp.com for free the episodes of South Park. You'd think that for $50 a year they would at least add a browser; this and the lack of dedicated servers would put me off live.

ForROME5360d ago

Im with ya bro, PS3 offers many things free and plays the same and the hardware is superior and more bang for the buck. The xbox is cheap you get it your happy, until small charges pile up, wifi, live, power charger or batteries, it just gets annoying, all we want to do here, is mainly

Play Games

anything that cost more money outside of that, makes me think twice

as an avid lover of HALO I cant lie, i love HALO, but despise xbox past HALO and Mass Effect.

With PS3 really loading that Pipe up now, GOW 3, UC 1 and 2, UC 3 sure to come, GT it just doesnt make sense not to get one, and have as much free wifi, BR, internet as you can.

I will always have a soft spot for Xbox unlike many of you here, I was no PS2 fan, I was pure Xbox loyalist, but the 360 made me reverse because of the hardware issues and 5-10 system.

rambi805360d ago

"I don't want my console to do anything other than play games on" - I used to say the same exact thing - I was so young and foolish back then

RedDragan5360d ago

I have no interest in the Xbox 360 at all.

It doesn't offer me anything over the PS3 and although there are some pretty freaking awesome games for the Microsoft Console... it is just that. A Console.

With the PS3 you get so much more for your money. And although you can get even more on a PC, I prefer the idea of keeping a Media Center under your TV in the living room. With all the additional Media features coming it is a fantastic machine and well worth the price I have paid for it as other companies like Pioneer, Panasonic, Phillips and Toshiba would have charged close to £700 ($1400) or more and there machine would have no console aspect to it.

The 7.1 Surround is flawless. I cannot see what people are complaining about with Blu-Ray playback quality because I have set mine up properly in the system settings, it beats the £380 Panasonic which got 5 stars rating. The music upscaling is better than my previous £2000 Wharfdale setup and plays HDV1 video files at amazing quality on the huge HDTV.

It is the quintessential Media Center. Well done Sony, you put the Media Center market on its head before it even started because the other companies woould have ripped us going into high 3 figure sums here in the UK and 4 figure sums in US Dollars. Now the likes of Pioneer have to think hard about how they market there Media Center when they finally catch up, because whatever these companies planned was probably scrapped and cancelled... their product will need to be majorly updatable like the PS3!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5360d ago
scruffy_bear5360d ago

Sony keeps giving awesome new features for free to all us PS3 owners, happy days

rambi805360d ago

"making you want to rip every other appliance out from under your telly"

My,My - How times have changed

RedDragan5360d ago (Edited 5360d ago )

So true Rambio

I remember how it looked so cool having so many things under the big shiny TV lol.... showing off the brand new DVD player next the surround sound next the high end VHS. "Ooh... I can watch everything with this setup!!! XD

Now the all-in-one look is the in thing. Hopefully all the other regions will have their PlayTV because the PS3 in Europe and AU is a TV recorder as well!!!!!

Granted the Surround System remains, but now the TV stand is Tier 1 - HDTV, Tier 2 - PS3, Tier 3 - Surround!


rambi805360d ago


Indeed - Play TV would really be yet another welcome addition.

I was actually referring to how the media has changed its tune recently pertaining to the PS3 - But you also have a good point - my PS3 has replaced so many devices.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5360d ago
Typical-Guy5360d ago (Edited 5360d ago )

Not all PS3 users. I bet it's going to be US exclusive.

@ scruffy_bear I really hope so my friend.

scruffy_bear5360d ago (Edited 5360d ago )

Maybe lets hope we all get it :)

@ Typical-Guy I do too

nogolis5360d ago

I think it'd be king if we could boot up an emulator on our PC's and stream it to the Ps3 in the end room. That'd be so sharp. Having our Ps3's interact with our PC's and be able to control it would be awesome.

I know Tversity and all that but it's not nearly compatible enough and the features just aren't their to sustain more than pics, movies and music. Sometimes not even that.

Meh, I can dream right?

Dev8 ing5360d ago

There's also playon but you have to pay for that.

Redempteur5360d ago

Well there is thsi java media server ( forgot the name ) where you can access all your drives ( pc ) and stream the content to your ps3.

it's very powerfull.

RedDragan5360d ago


TVersity is great if you have the right equipment to support it.

Ratified N Routers imporove functionality even though the PS3 is Wireless G. Better still, wired streams HD content flawless with same Wireless N Router.

There are some other tips mate I can pass on, give us a PM if you want to know some more about improving streaming performance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5360d ago
nogolis5360d ago

You can easily convert MKV files, man. It takes like 3 seconds using TSmuxer GUI.

deadreckoning6665360d ago

I agree with deadgoat. When NEED more codec support. Idk, if anyone noticed this, but firmware 3.10 removed numerous codecs on the PS3. Zshare suddenly stopped working.

silvacrest5360d ago

just get PS3 media server, it really is powerfull and much better then Tversity, it has not failed to play any of my vids yet

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Another possible title - Slow News Day.

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A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

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