
Hate Him Or Love Him, Gabe Newell Is Paramount

IronstarMovement writes: "He's arguably one of the most despised individuals in the industry to today. Many have deemed him as hugest nerd to ever walk the face of the planet. It has even been rumored that he's received 'broomstick rape threats' from some of his haters across the internet. For his unrelenting refusal to develop for the Playstation 3, he's often been considered to be the ultimate fanboy, as his decision not to bring games to the PS3 seems more so irrational and lazy than it does logical. Case and point, people do not like Gabe Newell."

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Ninji5366d ago

It slimmed down and he didn't.

chrisulloa5365d ago

I guess there are still mass amounts of butthurt over Gabe's refusal to make PS3 games.

Obama5365d ago

haha good joke. Bubble up Ninji.

qface645366d ago

more like the size of paramount ........ anyone? anyone?

anyways i don't like him im not really a pc gamer so i have no reason to like him

young juice5365d ago

id stab him myself, but he might bleed hot gravy.

MyBlasterRunsHot5365d ago

I respect valve as developers but everybody knows Gabe Newell is the biggest "asshole" in this gaming industry

- Good article

DatNJDom815365d ago

You beat me to the joke! LOL

Megaton5365d ago

I really don't have anything against him, even though he's made some pretty retarded comments about the PS3. I like Valve's games, and it seems almost blasphemous to be playing them anywhere but the PC anyways.

deadreckoning6665365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

Valve is small. Smaller than Bungie even. What haters don't seem to grasp is that it cost MONEY to develop games for the PS3. Since the 360 and PC are similar to each other, its simple(and less expensive) to port the game to the 360 from the PC. Also, the developers at Valve aren't experinced with the PS3. Imagine the money it costs to hire people experienced with the PS3.

If Valve is comfortable just making great games for the 360 and PC, its THEIR-OWN-DAMN-BUSINESS. Gabe Newell, doesn't like the PS3..SO-WHAT? Its his choice and he owes no one anything.

Valve on average only cranks out 1 or 2 console games a year, so its not like PS3 owners are missing out on anything huge. The haters are people who need something to hate because they have nothing better to do. Same reason people hate on HHG.

Infernostew5365d ago

Only award he's winning this year is fattest kid in class.

evrfighter5365d ago

omg! inferno that was so funny! it should be in the top 10 jokes of all time!!!!111

PrimordialSoupBase5365d ago

He runs a development studio that crafts fantastic games and likewise runs a digital service that makes the console scene seem like a total joke in terms of making digital a viable sales method. The only thing that can be claimed is that he has pride issues, and should probably just buy some PS3 dev kits with all that cash.

bruddahmanmatt5365d ago

Looking at that picture, is it possible for him to be anything but paramount?

MetalFreakMike5365d ago

Him and his team take too long coming out with games. Also he bashes the PS3 every chance he gets. I do not have any respect for this man. His games are good but not taking years and thinking his game is the best good. If Half-life 3 was announced to take 5 more years to come out, I would not be surprised at all. He can keep his crappy company and his too short, too long to develop games.

Bathyj5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

Gabe is a lazy slob and Valve coasts on Half Life's deservedly good name. Face it, before L4D their output was limited. The whole idea of Episodes for Half Life was so they could come out every 6 months, then they ended up releasing every couple years with still no Ep 3 in sight.

But what really dumbfounds me about Gabe and his PS3 hate-on is that Half Life and other Source games are games that encourage lots of mods. Valve could be bringing mods to a console big time if they'd only do a little homework up front and learn something new. Its not like there isnt plenty of help there for devs who want it. PS3 is too hard just doesnt cut it anymore and Valve could be huge on PS if they wanted it.

young juice5365d ago

your a pc, im a microwave. i bet he uses us more than he uses that treadmill guy

MegaPowa5365d ago

and i hate gabe i wish he'd make games for my system ;-; WAH WAH WAH WAH all you fanboys seriously need help i can't believe your going to hate someone because they don't like a system that you do.

MyBlasterRunsHot5365d ago

The PS3 is a proven platform (proven multiple times more than the Xbox 360) there is no need give a flying flick about Gabe Newell... hes just a prick and to be honest if a L4D, Half life or any other game should come to PS3 it should be boycotted out of spite and let Valve get angry at Gabe...for his arrogance.

EvilBlackCat5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )


Simply he just say some bad comments about a console(PS3) and they just take it personal.

LOL!!! pathetic like i give a fnck whatever a developer say about a console. ITS JUST A CONSOLE MADE BY A COMPANY THAT ITS ONLY INTERESTED IN YOUR MONEY.


YOU PS3 "GAMERS" the word that describe you all is... >> DRAMA <<

Persistantthug5365d ago

Valve themselves even gave up on that ridiculous excuse, in favor of the more recent "XBOX Live community is better", excuse. Jeez, get with the times people. lol

Valve has plenty of employees and plenty of resources and know how, including the option "out" the work to other developers like they have done with every Half Life game on PS3 and PS2, which is how Gearbox got their start. Gearbox by the way is smaller than Valve and develops for all HD platforms as well as Splash Damage and many other developers as well. Valve is not small.

The reason Valve did not release L4D 1 and 2 on the PS3 is because Microsoft paid and/or incentivised Valve for that game(s) and there's nothing wrong with that, but they should stop talking negatively about the console that they are paid to NOT develop for.

5365d ago
fear885365d ago

You would have to be the biggest whore around (Literally and figuratively)

tplarkin75365d ago

It's a bit over the top to say he is "despised". Bloggers/reviewers need to demonstrate professionalism. The fact remains that he and his company are responsible for taking FPSs to the next level. We would still be playing DOOM clones if it wasn't for him. Regarding his PS3 comments, they are valid. The PS3 hardware components may be the best ever created, but they put them together with duct tape.

5365d ago
starchild5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

Pathetic article.

I know he ultimately was trying to put a good spin on it, but his opening paragraph was so ridiculous and poorly written.

The only people that despise him are butthurt PS3 fanboys.

starchild5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

@ persistantthug

Look, I don't care if they have a 50 or a 500 man development team. The PS3 is notoriously hard to develop for and if they don't want to mess with it that is their choice.

You act like just because many developers do go ahead with PS3 development that it means that it is easy or a good choice for every developer. Wrong. John Carmack has told of how his company is having to put out twice the effort on the PS3 version of Rage to try and get it up to the same level as the 360 version.

Twice the effort! It is not surprising in the least that some developers would decide that it is not worth it.

Consoldtobots5365d ago

why anyone cares if this guy makes games for ps3 is beyond me.

hazelamy5365d ago

i was so going to do that joke.

Shadow Flare5365d ago

And as the winter progresses, this large species can withstand the harsh cold by wrapping his neck flab around himself like a scarf. And then they will roll south

Arnon5365d ago

I don't think some people grasp the idea that there's no reason for Valve to develop on the PS3. Their games revolve around the PC, modding and multi-core CPU usage, and contrary to what people believe, the Cell is not a multi-core CPU (well, like what a conventional CPU is). Not only that, but since they work on PC hardware, developing for the PS3 is just a waste of time. It has asymmetric architecture, and there's CPUs in the market already that outperform the Cell.

Can anyone give me a reason why they should invest in completely recoding their entire game just so it can be sold on the PS3? That takes quite a bit of money.

He's not a 360 fanboy. He's a PC fanboy, and I guarantee you that if the next Playstation has more relations to PC hardware, you will see Valve games on the console.

SRT4Chris4015365d ago

Yeah, his as* and his stomach are paramount. Certainly not prowess in programming. Escpecially as dev's from 3rd parties are getting better at programming for the ps3, and valve is still stuck at stealing/buying up user generated content and turning/claiming it's they're own. You know like cough* Counter-strike, cough* Day Of Defeat, cough* Team Fortress, cough* and left 4 dead....

starvinbull5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

He's a great developer figure within gaming but time and again Valve have demonstrated an innability to move out their comfort zone.

They have produced hit after hit after hit and invested in the right technlogies at the right times.

The problem with trying to do things your own way all the time is that whilst you may have your die hards you will innevitably alienate people and leave yourself exposed to failure (think Haze).

In a sense Valve have put themselves in the position where they have to produce hits all the time and have not advanced beyond steam which seems conspicuous givenhow old it is.

Look at Kojima for a comparison. He has had hits wherever he has laid his hat and whatever the technological limits/advancements. In 10 years time I don't think people will remember Gabes achievments despite the number.

It's partly due to the poisonous atmosphere that has surrounded this current console generation where every major figure is looked at for loyalty or disloyalty and every remark however flippant or off cuff dissected and speculated on.

Gabe in this atmosphere has rather than abstain from it instead added to the poison with some of his comments.

He said the PS3 was a waste of everyones time which had some traction 2 years ago but now that many of the best games this gen are on the PS3, his reasoning for dislike of the PS3 doesn't any more hold water.

Hard to develop for? Look at Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 and LittleBigPlanet.

Too expensive? A few million less sold than the 360 as of now and no sign of slowing sales.

Unfortunately Gabe is for a large number of people now a hate figure for no more than having opinions that turned out to be wrong.

Not releasing anything on the PS3 makes those wrong opinions look like malice.

Despite the great games that Gabe has been behind he has made himself look like a can't do developer when others are easily producing gold on next gen formats. The answer to this is unfortunately for Valve to diversify and evolve, something that they have seemed reluctant to do since HL2.

I can't wait for Ep 3 but this is despite the fact that I won't be able to play it on my console of choice and when I do play it it'll be visually inferior to other games I'm enjoying at the moment. I can get over this because I know it'll be great but for others it'll be a sticking point that may put them off as will some of the comments made by Gabe Newell.

Immortal3215365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

who admit that the ps3 is hard to developed games?

The Lazy One5365d ago

What does them existing have anything to do with how hard they were to make?

People run the iron man too. That doesn't make it easy.

kwicksandz5365d ago

u crazy??? Long after the MGS series has been forgotten half life 1 and 2 will still be upheld as the giants of their era.

They basically are the template for modern game design in their genre.

And you think valve pioneering a successful digital distribiton platform will be forgotten when the entire industry believes thats the way forward?? Lay off that crack pipe son

Steam has basically become my "Console" of choice now so i love valve and i love gabe!

reaferfore205365d ago

It makes me wonder why Valve doesn't want anything to do with PS3 when iD and Crytek both have engines that look gorgeous and they both developed them on PS3 alongside PC... I guess they're just making too much money off of Steam to give a crap about all the success they could have on the PS3.

JonnyBigBoss5364d ago

Heh. I found that pretty funny (and stunningly accurate).

ATi_Elite5364d ago (Edited 5364d ago )

Gabe Newell is the co founder of VALVE and the bright idea behind STEAM and Half Life. He can do NO WRONG.

Gabe Newell, Valve, and Steam should never be under estimated
their only as good as there last IP...Left 4 Dead ring a bell?

You create Steam and garner the attention of every major publisher and basically create a digital distribution store that Apple copies then you have achieved something great.

Back in 2002 they told their then publisher Vivendi to go take a hike because NO PUBLISHER should screw up the Developers idea (Counter Strike Condition Zero)

VAVLE is self contained and not some small time company looking for Sony or Microsoft or EA to hold their hand. They paid their dues in the PC game industry and earned their respect by earning PC gamer's respect. Valve isn't really in the console business they ARE THE PC BUSINESS when it comes to games.

Your a small time developer looking to distribute your game without MICROSOFT or EA raping you...Go see Gabe Newell and STEAM.
You talk about gaming quality and innovation, view VALVES GAMING CATALOG

So what if Mr. Newell doesn't want to program for the PS3. I rather him not do it then half a$$ do it like other developers just to make a buck. SONY has enough triple A talent. Vavle can careless about the XBOX360 as well. As a former Microsoft employee he is NO XBOX FANBOY.

As long as Gabe Newell and Valve stay ahead of the curve, and respect the PC gamers and modding community, they are OK in my book. (Screw up HALF LIFE 2 Episode 3 and it's off with his head)

I'm sure most Console gamers are like "Gabe Newell, who is that"

starvinbull5364d ago (Edited 5364d ago )

My point is that as far as console gaming goes Gabe has himself made it look like fanboyism that he doesn't want to develop for PS3. There's nothing wrong with it and plenty of PC developers have similarly not bothered with it but if he didn't want to give the impression of being a M$ fanboy a$$hole then comments like "the PS3 is just a waste of everyones time" don't help.

Steam is of course masively successful and Valve can probably bank roll most of their own games with it, but without devoping the next source engine they will lose momentum. They can attribute most their credibility and respect to being ahead of the curve yet since the orange box I can't really see what they have brought to the gaiming table.

Ep 3 is years overdue and certainly will be when released NEXT YEAR! Therefore Valve can't really disapoint anyone, the future of Valve is very much dependent on the next major Valve release. Problem is that we all know it'll be another source engine game which was out of date by the time of Ep 2. My reaction isn't that it will be rubbish I just think they should have done something spectacular for the finale which a new engine would greatly help with.

Valve got where they are now by making great games and I would like to see them doing that, which they aren't at the moment(L4D2?).

With regards 10 years time, Kojima isn't reliant on one platform and people all over the world on every major console bar the Wii are playing his games, know his name and respect him. Gabe Newell is pissing people off and Valve are at least until Ep 3 stuck in a rut as far as reclaiming their best deveolopers on the planet crown goes.

I know a lot of you disagree with me but I'm not talking bs. I have a steam account bought about 20 games and to be honest don't bother with it anymore. I can't be considered a console fanboy in that respect with no knowledge of Valve games (CSS,HL1,HL2,Ep1,Ep2,Portal,TF 2).

+ Show (35) more repliesLast reply 5364d ago
Heartbroken-Menace5365d ago

So he made Half life, good for him, it's not like half life created nor saved FPS gaming.

slave2Dcontroller5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

of this article is Malik "ThaTruthMVP", the very guy who did the Uncharted2 GOTY song. I like the ironstarmovement as they really arent biased but are funny as hell.

On Topic; Love or Hate this comment but Gabe is a fat, lazy over rated biyaach. I'm not a PC gamer so I have never been impressed by any of his gLames aside from L4D2.

mastiffchild5365d ago

PC gamers should like Gabe but, from what I've seen and played this gen on the consoles(and I know EA ported tOB for PS3 but if he'd cared about what his gams were playing like he could have sorted it out or done it himself and 9/10 gamers aren't going to care beyond the fact it's a Valve game in their console and it runs like crap), nbody who games solely on a console should care about him or Valve at all right now.

Valve, and Gabe, don't want to make games for PS3 and that's totally fair but the digs were neither warranted nor fair. Mostly, however, they were very unprofessional and bound to garner him and his company some abuse-it's for his statements he gets knocked rather than the actions of not developing for the PS3-Bungie get NONE of this hate and the reason is that, like Ted Price and Insomniac when asked why they had no games on the 360,they weren't rude about the console or gamers on it when they explained themselves. In that sense Gabe and his cronies brought it all upon themselves for no apparent reason.

Personally, and I've said it before and gotten grief for it but, no matter, I'll say it again-Valve and Gabe don't care about us 360 owners either. the quality of their games on PC is miles better than on 360 tOB when ported to the 360 got away lightly becaue of awful PS3 port but, really, I thought it was quite ropey itself having played HL2 on PC first. The real clincher for me feeling the way I do, though , was buying the first L4D to play with some of my 360 mates, paying twice as much for it as I did on Steam and the poor quality of it allied to the lack of any real support from Valve or in the form of mods from the community(which is what REALLY made L4D for me on PC). It seems to me like the only reason 360 gets games from Valve while the PS3 doesn't is because the dev tools are similar enough to PC for Valve to knock them out cheaply and forget about them. I think Valve and Gabe could not care any less about consoles if trhey tried and the happy by-product of their rants against Sony and it's gamers is the way it keeps them in with a more zealous faction among 360 fans who'd, imo(of course), be a lot better off having a good go of the Valve games they own on 360 on a mates PC to see just how Valve are really treating them. I certainly wouldn't buy another Valve game for 360 unless things really change.

Obviously, as someone who games on PC and all the consoles I realise the PC version is almost always the better looking game but while I still find games like Mass Effect close enough(though certainly not as well running or good looking)on 360 compared to PC I don't see the same level of effort from Valve with their console ports. So, while Valve are still one of the most influential and innovative(all round with Steam etc)AND remain my personal favourite PC devs I have to think that they really are only committed to PC and , if anything, it's just Gabe's own words and MS heavy career that gets him sus comments and hate from PS3 gamers who, really, he had no need to offend as he did.

I actually don't doubt that, in person, he's a top bloke(heard from a few people who've spoken to him online that he was very good with them as Valve fans and took time to answer their questions-though NOT about HL2ep3!)and his company are very important for the great games they make(what else has had the import of the HL series?)but I can understand either set of console gamers being a little miffed if I'm honest and another honest opinion of mine is that it would be best all round if Valve went back to just making PC games if they aren't going to put the exact same care and as many features as possible into their console games.

IDK how much, or even if, they were financially incentivised by MS to develop games for the 360 myself but even without any they must be making a lot right now from 360 sales of the L4D series and while I don't want to pee on anyone's chips who enjoys those games on the 360(hey, fun is fun and I'm noone to put a price on anyone elses)I just don't believe they're either getting the same effort put in for theirs as PC gamers or that Valve see the 360 as anything other than easy money. Then again maybe I'm just annoyed about paying what I did for L4D-even a year on! Anyway, no offense to anyone as it's just my opinion at the end of the day and it's not up to me to say what anyone should or shouldn't like-I only add this as people have been getting way too defensive over this issue recently.

BrownPowerzz5365d ago

If you don't think the Half-Life series/Gabe have influenced or/and revolutionized FPS's or gaming in general you are blind and ignorant fools that doesn't deserve to be called "gamers", IMHO!!!

To call him a "fat, lazy over rated biyaach" is childish and you're probably the one with issues! ;)

Xi5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

half life and counter-strike saved the pc game market after starcraft began to loose popularity, their games (and mod support), and steam, are one of, if not the sole reason why pc gaming still exists today.

Their lighting and rendering model is also the bases for most current engines.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5365d ago
Pandamobile5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

I've exchanged a couple of emails with Gabe. He's an awesome guy. What other CEO of an immensely successful game development studio would exchange petty emails with fans besides Gabe?

Someone's email to Gabe regarding sexist headcrabs in Half-Life 2:

Out of that fat, homely man's head - has spawned one of the most decorated and innovative first person shooters of all time and has completely paved the way for the future of digital distribution.

Love it or hate it, you've all been graced by Gabe and the rest of Valve in one way or another.

SnuggleBandit5365d ago

i agree with what you said but he has said some pretty dumb things (pertaining to the ps3). I honestly don't know how he could say some of the things he said being as intelligent and professional as has been in the past.

Pandamobile5365d ago

He was asked a question in an interview. Gabe's not the kind of guy that would sugarcoat an response that he doesn't really believe like most PR guys would.

It's not like he just came out of the blue and said 'PS3 SUCKS!'.

Erotic Sheep5365d ago

Actually Panda... you're quite wrong on that.


This is anything but professional. Sure he may not like the system, but there are other ways of saying.

Pandamobile5365d ago

Game Informer asked his opinion on the PS3. He told them what his opinion is.

Erotic Sheep5365d ago

But does that make it professional?

SnuggleBandit5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

"It's not like he just came out of the blue and said 'PS3 SUCKS!'"

ya i know, but being in the position that he is, he should know to be a bit more diplomatic than that....plus now he looks pretty dumb for his statements because of the things sony did to the ps3 that are paying of years later (now) bluray, wifi, hdmi, hard drive, the cell processor etc. All those things may have looked dumb (and attributed to a VERY high cost) but they are what will give the ps3 a longer lifespan and better, higher quality games.

badz1495365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

his opinion alright but that's more a fanboy's opinion than a professional's! I also don't really care if he likes the ps3 or not but saying it out loud to the media like he did? he's not a professional, he's a douche!

evrfighter5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

since when is an opinion supposed to be professional?

he's a top frag gamer in that big heart of his. Those guy's don't beat around the bush. He'll call it like he see's it. that's the difference between pc devs and console dev's....he won't pull an Infinity Ward and pretend a certain crowd of gamers don't exist.

love him or hate him Gabe Newell IS Paramount

Pandamobile5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

You guys keep saying it wasn't 'professional'. Like I said, Gabe's not the kind of guy that would sugarcoat an answer to a question just so he doesn't offend anybody. This is what sets Gabe apart from other game developers, and what makes him such an awesome guy.

But fanboys will never see through that.


If you watched any of the interviews, everything he said was pretty much right on the money.

The Wii overtook the 360's marketshare alarmingly fast, the PS3 is a pain in the ass to develop for. You'll RARELY find a mutliplatform game on the PS3 that really pushes the PS3. The only games that really shine on the PS3 are games made Sony-owned developers, and Sony-published games.

SnuggleBandit5365d ago (Edited 5365d ago )

ok, he didn't sugarcoat it, but what he said was not true...and now he looks pretty stupid for those statements...does he not??

LordMarius5365d ago

"The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It’s really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted," Newell told Game Informer magazine. "I’d say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a ‘do over’. Just say, ‘This was a horrible disaster and we’re sorry and we’re going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it.’"

no thats not idiotic at all /s

evrfighter5365d ago

And how much were they charging for a ps3 when he made that statement? I thought the same thing when it was what $5-600 iirc. I own a ps3 now. Sony screwed their loyalist fans the hardest.

But it was ok because Sony said I'd go get a 2nd job if I really wanted one

jessupj5365d ago

Actually, he pretty much did come out and say the PS3 sucks. And to those defending him saying, "he just speaks his mind instead of sugarcoating". Following that logic I can say "All wii owners are satan worshipers and murderers" and it's perfectly fine right? Because I'm just speaking my mind, right? right?...... wrong.

I find it sad how unbelievably selfish we all are. Gabe's comments and actions only affect ps3 owners, so 360 fanboys just don't care. It's not just 360 fans, we all do it. That's why most of us still bought MW2 when IW gave a big F you to the pc fans.

I for one fight for other people rights, that's why I didn't buy MA. PC gamers deserve better and I'd only be part of the problem if I gave Activision my money. I wish we all would look after each other.

CWMR5365d ago


Oh please, you act like your rights are being trampled on because somebody made some negative comments about a console you like. Get real.

If your rights really were being threatened I would come to your defense as a gamer. But many PS3 gamers just disappoint me. They act like everybody has to tow the Sony-worshiping line or the world is coming to an end.

And there is a big difference between the example you gave of calling Wii owners Satan worshipers and what Gabe Newell said. If you said that about Wii owners everyone would know it was false. What Gabe said was based on his years of experience in the industry and should at least be given some respect.-

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Ubisoft's Board is Launching an Investigation Into The Company Struggles

It has been announced that Ubisoft's Executive Committee and Board of Directors will launch an investigation and review of the company.

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Christopher1d 2h ago

Is Ubisoft board going to investigate themselves since they're the ones telling Ubisoft how to do less for more and push MTX over taking longer to make better games w/o them?

DarXyde11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Breaking news:

Board investigation concludes wasteful spending on employee compensation packages responsible for financial woes. Live service a net positive for company.

OtterX11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

It's amazing how out of touch with gamers they've been for over a decade, and its only gotten worse.

The biggest innovation that I saw in that time was their "indie" arm w titles like Child of Light, and in VR with Eagle Flight and Transference. Loved all 3 of these titles. I want to see more of that side of Ubisoft, the one who takes risks.

BeHunted1h ago

Microsoft should open up their wallet and acquire Ubisoft

isarai11h ago

Honestly kinda glad all these AAA publishers are finally imploding, they've tainted this industry and took advantage of us too long. Die and don't come back

TheCaptainKuchiki10h ago

Ubisoft carries the entire french video games industry though. You don't want them to disappear or so many jobs are gonna be lost

isarai9h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Both can be true, sure i absolutely do not want the honest people just doing their jobs and living their passion to lose that, but im also so tired of the schemes, toxicity, ripoffs, blatant dishonesty, and literal scamming they've done for years while laughing in our face about it! They've gladly even targeted kids in search of their precious "whales". They have no shame, morals, or even basic humanity, their lower employees cant keep being their shield for consequences

RiseNShine4h ago

That's not reason enough for not letting them fall, at this point they promote non-owned, sometimes dissapearing, buggy, crappy over-expensive AAAA games with generic open world checklist games filled with political agenda. Let them burn i say, they are a perfect example of everything wrong in the industry and they should fall at this point.

FinalFantasyFanatic6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Just let them burn, at this point, I don't care if a few developers like Ubisoft don't survive, it's healthier for the industry, although, with everything that's happening, I feel like we might be due for a crash.

XiNatsuDragnel11h ago

We need more implosions the AAA collapse is coming

TheCaptainKuchiki10h ago

It's too late. That should have been done a good 3 years ago.

Hofstaderman9h ago

They investigating themselves? Pffft...

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Nintendo Accused of 'Bullying' in Weak Patent Dispute Over Palworld

The article discusses a claim by an intellectual property (IP) expert that Nintendo likely does not hold patents strong enough to prevent the game developer Pocketpair from creating Palworld, a game that some believe resembles Pokémon. The expert suggests that Nintendo's legal challenges against Palworld could amount to nothing more than corporate bullying, as the patents Nintendo might be relying on are not robust enough to stand up to legal scrutiny. The situation could be seen as an example of a large corporation trying to exert undue influence over a smaller competitor.

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-Foxtrot3d ago

Crazy how far they are willing to go over nothing rather than tell Game Freak to get their shit together and sort the quality of the mainline games out.

Personally I'd drop the two game bullshit, make a full on complete game, and take their time making the best game they can without relying on a silly battle gimmick they'll ditch after one game. Gimmicks out of battle is what they should be focusing on, beauty contests, berry making, secret bases, the underground, Seasons, events during day / night and post game content like travelling to a new location or something.

porkChop3d ago

That's the thing, this is why we're now seeing more serious competitors in the genre. Game Freak has just been coasting by, doing the bare minimum in innovation for the last 20+ years. They need to get with the times. Hire more devs, give more dev time to foster creativity, etc. But now that they can't get away with that bare minimum they're trying to sue their competitors out of existence. It's disgusting.

Cacabunga2d ago

Nintendo risks big with this one.. it’s means competition to pokemon and that they dont want

gold_drake3d ago

been saying this since sun and moon.

gamefreak just isnt used to, still isnt used to, the console market. they did well on the handheld space but as a complete 3d developer z they fail miserable

the last two pkmn gens look like gamecube games. not to mention the bugs at launch.

but uve seen the ridiculous anount of copies sold at launch too.

Profchaos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Realistically though palworld Pokemon with guns featured so many themes and concepts that Nintendont
There's no way they would make a game where you could use realistic weapons or have pals slaving away.

They're not the same genre at all they just feature similar characters

Markdn2d ago

Can't hide plagerism I guess, Palworld had it easy, even flaunting it, they deserve ever thing Nintendo decides to throw at them.

gold_drake14h ago

i think nintendo also made it quite impossible not to have similar creatures.

when u look at that other pkmn like hame, the name excapes me now, they look fairly similar to alot of pkmn.

FinalFantasyFanatic2d ago

I pretty much agree, two editions of the same game shouldn't even been a thing at this point. The foundations are solid, but the lack of content and having a lived in world really let the latest games down.

Profchaos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Two editions worked way back in the day as a gimmick hey your mate has different Pokemon in blue than you have in red so trade them but nowadays it's pointless we don't have any of those limitations system links not really a thing anymore and two editions feels exploitive nowadays like they are targeting kids to double dip

badz1492d ago

why would they do that when the fanbase is still willing to buy whatever low-effort and low-cost crap they are churning out? they are out to make as much money as possible with as little investment as possible and say what you want but GF is excellent at that front mainly because the fanbase allows them to. Nintendo is saying nothing because they are making money.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 14h ago
Valkyrye3d ago

posting articles from msn.com now seriously?

MaximusPrime_3d ago

The article is actually Gamesradar's. MSN just used their page like a URL shortened link.

MeteorPanda2d ago

It's straight up bullying with mooney and using the government laws as a tool to do so. They should be fined.

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