
Trinity Zill O'll Zero: 6 screens

Six screens of the PS3 action RPG Trinity Zill O'll Zero, due out this March in Japan, though not yet announced for international release.

Myst5263d ago

This game had fallen off my radar for some time ( due to lack of news and lack of me searching for any ), but thanks to the article it has come to my attention again.

Judging solely from the screenshots I'm not to sure what to make of the game just yet. It looks like it may hold some promise, but as of right now it doesn't look like much at least to my eyes. Would like to know more of the combat and all.

Andreas-Sword5263d ago

nice gameplay screens.
a good RPG!


Trinity Zill O'll Zero DLC 10 Now Available (Japan)

Andriasang: Two new stories became available for download yesterday (3/3) in Trinity Zill O'll Zero. Access story 17, "Yami no Mon no Shima no Fuon na Ugoki," and story 18, "Hakyoku no Kiken," for the always low price of zero.

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shadowknight2034846d ago

that's just awesome, if only they would bring all that delicious dlc over here to the states


GameXplain: Trinity: Souls of Zil Review

GameXplain Says: "Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll is one of those games you don’t expect to be good. Most people have never heard of the game, it has a weird title, and the cover art is goofy. But I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by Omega Force’s action RPG effort. Though it’s definitely no masterpiece, this game has an irrepressible charm to it, and the gameplay is well-polished and satisfying. That said, the experience suffers from a repetitive and excessively dragged out main quest."

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Trinity Zill O'll Zero DLC pack #8 screens

Tecmo Koei Games revealed a dozen new screenshots for the eighth free DLC pack for Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll (known in Japan as Trinity Zill O'll Zero).

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