
Military: Borderlands: Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot Review


"Though the continued emphasis on teamwork in "Borderlands" is admirable, it would've been nice, just this one time and only because the pool of "Borderlands" players has understandably shrunk since October, if Gearbox backed down a little and allowed solo players to enlist an A.I.-controlled teammate or two. "Riot" offers players a mountain of content and perhaps the stiffest challenge so far, but unless you make a pact with friends to take it on together, proceed with caution."

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5374d ago

Tropes, Cliches and Stereotypes

Characters can be so much more than their end goal. They have personalities, unique traits and there is no one else like them. So many characters are held back from being great because of stereotypes or tropes that the writers put them into. It’s a bottomless pit that they can’t climb their way out of.

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The 10s: Worst DLC

Megan Salisbury writes:

"DLC is one of those things where you love it or hate it. Those who hate it wish it to go away and unfortunately, that will not be happening any time soon. DLC is a part of a gamer’s life no matter what we say. There are good DLCs and there are atrocious DLCs to be offered. Some DLC offered by companies directly insults the intelligence of gamers while other DLC is just plain terrible."

4450d ago
creatchee4450d ago

The COD DLC does not belong on the list. $15 for 5 maps is fine. And it's completely optional.

Lucretia4450d ago

lol ur a fool. 15 for 3 maps that are flash back already made levels from previous games, and 2 new levels that shoulda been in the game anyway. yeah its optional but should have been in the game since the beginning

XctraSnake4450d ago (Edited 4450d ago )

Online passes, map packs, custom packs, etc.....
These type of DLC are the worst and are made to rip-off people.

Great DLC is like the Undead Dlc for red dead redemption, Old World Blues for fallout, or like borderlands The Secret Armory of General Knoxx and Oblivions Shivering Isles.......

MadLad4450d ago (Edited 4450d ago )

I disagree that online passes are unfair.

If I were a developer/publisher, I would be just as upset knowing that more copies of my games are being sold used, putting money into the pockets of everyone aside from those who actually created it, as they seem to be.

Nothing wrong with the second-hand market. But with companies like Gamestop who do everything in their power to persuade you to keep returning to their stores and buying used, well, I don't blame them for putting something in place that gives them SOMETHING for their efforts.


Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week heads to the Borderlands

"Borderlands from 2K Games and Gearbox Software was one of the surprise hits in the shooter genre last year. The game's success continued on through three DLC packs that added more missions, more weapons, more enemies and new level caps. Now all three are on sale for hall off this week as part of the Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week."

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Queasy5177d ago

Good deal for those that already own the game.

Yi-Long5176d ago

... where there were multiple XBLA games discounted.

Also, Borderlands is getting a GOTY-edition in a couple of months, so then you can get the complete game plus all DLC for 20-30 bucks or something, which seems like a much better deal.

Queasy5176d ago

I know. Which is why I said this is a good deal for those that *already own* the game. Heck even if they own one or two of the DLCs already but not the full set.

Better than going and spending 20-30 bucks on the GOTY edition.

Blaze9295176d ago

perfect timing - just got into this game.

Neco5125176d ago

me too! well, about a week or two ago now. But really looking forward to more time with it

CrAppleton5176d ago

Sweet! But not the deal of the week.. the deal of the week by far will be Hydro Thunder for only 1200 pts. :D

Neco5125176d ago

Well, that does sound like a good deal too

Queasy5176d ago

It's definitely one I will be picking up. Was a favorite on the Dreamcast.

lucifon5176d ago

IGN gave it 5.5 but alot of other sites are giving it pretty average reviews. Always thought it looked totally mediocre. Unimpressed looking deeper into Castlevania too being just 6 levels of 30 minute timelimits :( Lets hope Monday Night Combat is as good as it looks

VladimirK5176d ago

It's a good deal with the exception of Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot.
Wouldn't be worth the HDD space if it was free tbh.

There's no variation in waves, all the enemies are the same level as you, the "prizes" are worthless weapons and you get no XP.
It's even worse if you're into achievements. You have to grind through something like 75 rounds overall to get 100% in it. (It gets old by the 5th round. Trust me, I've 100%'ed it).