
IGN: TNA Impact! Cross The Line Hands-On

Way, way back in 2008, Midway released TNA Impact for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, and PlayStation 2. The game was beautiful and featured an interesting enough story mode, but the movesets weren't that deep and the commentary was a bore. It turns out that there was a PSP port of the same game in the works, but the title never saw the light of day as things went south for Midway.

Well, now SouthPeak's got the rights to the PSP version of the game, called TNA Impact! Cross the Line, and plans on unleashing it this spring.

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Time for a new TNA Impact Wrestling video game

Recently on a TNA post show Jeremy Borash stated that TNA was working on a new Ipad video game while Kurt Angle also stated the same on his twitter account so WrestlingGamer.com decided to discuss on why TNA should come out with preferably a console game and ways they could improve on their previous console release.

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kingofgames86u4342d ago

Why make another TNA gay game the first one sucks that the Spongebob game was way better


SouthPeak Interactive on the Verge of Shutting Down Again

GPT: "It appears that another recognizable name in video game publishing is bordering on shutting down. This speculation of a shutdown comes as news of the publisher delaying future releases has started trickling down through distributors and retailers. Sources at multiple retail giants are reporting that the publisher’s upcoming PC title Stronghold 3 is being delayed indefinitely."

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vgn244831d ago

I liked Two Worlds and 3D Dot Game Heroes a lot, but I don't see this being a loss. They screwed over so many companies. They spent more time in court than making games. Someone else can localize the 3D Dot Game Heroes sequel here in the UK.

BeaRye4831d ago

I was confused until you said UK. I thought Atlus did 3D Dot Game Heroes, but I guess that was just in America.

radphil4831d ago

Yea. It's like how Atlus and Koei has a few releases as well for EU.

Thing is From Software was the dev that did 3D Dot Game Heroes.

charlescox44831d ago

Oh no! No more broken games!

Quagmire4831d ago

They've published some terrible games. April Fools or not, shut them down.

TheLastGuardian20104831d ago

As sad as it's to see people lose jobs, and to see publishers go in a dwindling industry like ours, I see no loss. They've struggled from the get go, and have yet to publish a SOLID title. All the whiles they've lied, and screwed gamers over.

Baka-akaB4831d ago

"It appears that another recognizable name in video game publishing is bordering on shutting down"

Really ? aside from stuff they didnt develop , they have only released crap

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GameSpot : PSP | TNA Impact: Cross The Line Review

It may have taken two years for the portable versions of TNA Impact to finally make it to launch following the console release in 2008, but don't expect to find many improvements or major changes in this handheld port.

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