
Spaziogames: Aion: After Three Months

Spaziogames: It is now more than three months from the exit of the new role-playing game online NCSoft, on which many had pinned hopes to finally find a worthy alternative to World of Warcraft, while many had preferred to remain on the license by providing the Blizzard ' another way is intended to uphold the promises, like other illustrious predecessors before him (Warhammer Online, Age of Conan).

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LoVeRSaMa5271d ago

I play aion, and although I agree with lots of what this artical says, I don't agree with the flusishing community, we have lost about 75% of the population since launch and the weeks after, the servers seem bear after the mass bannings, lots of people in my legion were banned, and servers feel empty and cold.

I only hope there is a rush of players soon, because many people I know have been quitting over the past few weeks.

Staircase5271d ago

Unfortunately, i was one of the people who quit soon after launch. I really loved the game, but the few people i played with were too upset about spamming, botting, and grinding to continue playing. So without them, i soon ended up getting bored and quitting. Was a very great game though!

Midgard2285271d ago

my server seems super fine, and has tons of people. i think its just the low pop server cuz yusitiel is doing great. tons of enemy asmos and help. i see people everywhere.


Aion in 2023: Soaring to New Heights in Atreia

Discover the immersive world of Aion in 2023, complete with deep crafting, aerial combat, and a unique flying system. Join one of two factions and explore the vast land of Atreia, where new challenges and updates await.

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shinoff2183460d ago (Edited 460d ago )

Would this be self promotion, I personally don't care but just wonder.


The fantasy MMORPG “AION” has just released its 7.2 (“Shadows Over Red Katalam”) update

Gameforge and NCSOFT has just announced that they have launched the 7.2 ("Shadows Over Red Katalam") update for their fantasy MMORPG "AION".


Aion Version 7.0 is now available, features a brand new region and class specialization

DSOGaming writes: "Gameforge has released a comprehensive update for its fantasy MMORPG AION in Europe. As the press release reads, with the launch of version 7.0, Gameforge unlocks the new region of Dumaha with the PvE instance ‘Stella Development Laboratory’ and provides Artist class players with a second specialization to select."

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