
FF XIII on Xbox 360 Losing 15GB of Data?

In an effort to keep the number of discs down to a minimum of three, the Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII appears that it will have to make some unpleasant compromises.

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5333d ago Replies(36)
rbluetank5333d ago

i can not imagine paying full price for a game that has 15 gb of data losss..... compared to the other version... i am glad i picked the right system for this game...

lucifon5333d ago

Put childish fanboy ego's aside you do realise that almost every single videogame you play has compressed data of some kind? Its completely illogical and an utter waste of space not to. Noone even notices the difference. Let alone the performance gains from compressed data due to access time being lower. This is just standard development logic, and is the case with literally pretty much every game out there.

I'm not saying the 360 version is superior in the slightest, but what I am saying is no doubt both versions will be pretty much identical.

talltony5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

:( Guess we will never hear that saying again.

talltony5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

Everybody knows you can only compress so much. The 360 version will be much more heavily compressed and still be 15gb's less than the ps3 version. Everyone will notice the cutscene differences, The lower quality sound on 360, and the fact that you still have to switch disks 3 times and still not be up to par with the ps3 version.

Cant beleive both games will even cost the same.

lucifon5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

Quite frankly thats just bullshit. I own both consoles so will simply buy for whichever I can get cheapest. Disk swapping? Seriously? If people cant be bothered to get off their arses for 5 seconds every 10 hours of gameplay then they have serious issues. Back in the PS1 days games with multiple disks (yes final fantasy) used to feel like you got a ton of value for money.

If the difference is extremely noticeable then i'll put my hands up and admit I'm wrong. However odds are the average consumer won't notice any difference whatsoever unless you stick a magnifying glass up to the screen. Most of the game's 'cutscenes' are in-engine and are not simply a video file.

MK_Red5333d ago

Shouldn't you guys wait until the 360 version is out as well before arguing which one is the right console or how much identical the 2 versions will be?

Guitarded5333d ago

Bluray is not "NEEDED" for games. The evidence is in the fact that the 360 is getting the same game as the PS3. Bluray is a nice to have, but absolutely NOT NECESSARY. Most people can't tell the difference between compressed/uncompressed video and most people don't have a 7.1 surround system capable of utilizing lossless audio.


Why o why5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

neither is dvd...cds will do ¬_¬

ill be polite enough to fix it for ya Bluray isnt NEEDED for gaming but it sure an hell helps and is better than dvd<9

young juice5333d ago


yeah blu-ray is not NEEDED for gaming but the 360 is holding everybody back, can you imagine what they could do with assassins creed without having such limited space. sports games could be better cus you would be able to add allot more commentary,imagine what the halo,gears,or even l4d could do.

Think about it man!

beardpapa5333d ago

gee according to the article,

"However, concerns over a crippled Xbox 360 version are misplaced – of the 38GB of data on the disc, only 8GB is game data, the rest being given over to sumptuous CG movies (see above), leading to the promise that the in-game elements will be “mostly” identical, whilst the movies simply enjoy far lower data rates to compensate, an admittedly dubious consolation."

Man.. that means after all these years, the biggest RPG this year only has 8 gigs of actual game data? What is this? RPG FF verison of MGS4 but no installs? Though, I have to admit Square has always made fantastic CG movies but is this pushing it too much maybe? From another article on SanCon, the 2ch readers state half the game is very linear, no towns, and battles use rehashed resources. This is all Squeenix can come up with?

Someone fire that d-bag Wada already.

talltony5333d ago

Bluray is better for games if you want a better quality experience and this articles just proves it once again. Don't ever forget that more space is always better than less space so this shouldn't even be a debate. Bluray is better and needed if you want gaming to progress.... End of.

SilentNegotiator5333d ago

The cutscenes on the 360 version are going to be like a Youtube Video (Before they added HD).

Saaking5333d ago

Seriously, if you have the choice you'd be incredibly dumb to buy to the 360 version. If you don't have a choice, well too bad.

Mikeyy5333d ago

""QUOTE: The cutscenes on the 360 version are going to be like a Youtube Video (Before they added HD). "

I was thinking more along the lines of those Realplayer videos back in 1996. on my 28.8k modem, the video buffered up, made some weird ass noises then blurridly played something that wasnt very distinguishable.

PopEmUp5333d ago

is dam Sure worth the money, not only that you get at least 10-12 bonus disc :)

Digitaldude5333d ago

Lol ill get hate but, does this mean the game couldve been better if not on the 360.
Since SE said they were making it identical, they must make sure it fits on DVDs. So does this mean they couldn't add as many movies, graphical updates or sidequests and what not?
Who knows but we know one thing, Blue Ray is getting more important as time passes.

Rampant5333d ago

I solved it. They put all the game files two times on the ps3 because of the inferior load times. No need for that on 360. That and sound compression makes for an equal experience on my setup!:D

sikbeta5332d ago

"yeah Guitarded
neither is dvd...cds will do ¬_¬"

What are you talking about, cartridge is teh future, oh, wait...


+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5332d ago
rebirthofcaos5333d ago

it will be more the compressed music and videos, but since SE sold their soul they will remove some videos or parts to the ps3 and the 360 NA release

NoxiousD5333d ago

What do you mean movies will be altered in the ps3 version due to the 360 losing data? Can you back up your statement?

Elven65333d ago

Don't worry, it's just fanboyism, they think because the game is a multiplatform title the PS3 version will automatically suffer. =/

Udidntlistenpunk5333d ago

No way to deny this now.

Subpar non HD shortened experience.

talltony5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

Yea owned once again!

BadboyCivic3605333d ago

TRUTH BE TOLD: most 360 owners like myself wished the 360 had a bluray drive...its just a better format and i will not pretend otherwise

BadboyCivic3605333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

wow, disagree for telling the truth...
if you guys feel like dvd is better then i wish you all the best in life...but ill take 1 bluray over 5 dvds any day

Elven65333d ago

When did Square confirm that it wasn't HD?

BadboyCivic360: A HD DVD drive was POSSIBLE at one point, Toshiba sent Microsoft prototype drives in the spring or summer of 2005 IIRC according to employees on the HDi team at Microsoft. At most a minor delay might have been required or a small increase in price but the 360 could have had a better built in format.

I myself am a quality purist to a certain extent so I hate seeing games that are compressed beyond belief like Mass Effect, the various JRPG's, etc.

Foliage5333d ago

A large amount of the content on the disc is comprised of core assets required to play the game, not only that, you have characters/enemies/assets/envi ronments/sounds/etc. that are used in multiple sections throughout the game.

This means that this content that is absolutely needed for the game, will need to be placed on every disc. So the estimate of the loss of data in the article is an understatement. The inferior 360 version will lose a lot more.

TheXgamerLive5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

You all seem to forget that the Xbox 360 can display in 3gb what takes the ps3 about 5 to 6gb to display. Compression techniques people, compression techniques. Both games will have the exact same content.
regardless, I've been watching actual game play footage on JTV for FFXIII in japan for 2 weeks now and I gotta say, it's very underwhelming.

edit: How can you disagree, look at cod mw2, it takes what about 8 gb total on Xbox 360, what does it take on BR? Go ahead look it up with your mandatory download, lol, I'll guess it takes about 13gb total, thus clarifying my statement ladies.

we won5333d ago

PS3 fanboys are still angry about the lost PS3 exclusive coming to the 360 hence all the forced praise of the PS3 version and attack on the 360 version. This is why we get all these speculation articles before the game is even out, with no real comparisons or facts.

Has it ever crossed anybody's mind that not only is the 360 version compressed but parts of the PS3 version are duplicated on disc because of the slow Blu-ray drive?

xcox5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

you make me laugh so hard: how can you spin that one? ha!

you can't!
but' it's hilarious watching you try

we won5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

Did you even read the article idiot?

Anyways I bet the PS3 has better quality movies and the 360 will have better quality gameplay. LOL this 360 article is filled with hundreds of PS3 fanboy troll comments, hoping their once PS3 exclusive is
inferior on the 360 lol

PopEmUp5333d ago

God you gotta love those Final Fantasy collection on the 360

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5333d ago
joeyisback25855333d ago

lol ff13 for 360 flop confirmed haha

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The older it gets, the more I respect Final Fantasy XIII

Alex Donaldson: "Hindsight is a hell of a thing, however, and in the years since Final Fantasy XIII, my respect for the decisions its developers made has skyrocketed. In the two Final Fantasy titles since we see both the brilliance and the folly in alternative approaches - and in Final Fantasy VII Remake, we get a more nuanced understanding of what FF13 was trying to accomplish from many of the same development leads."

Einhander1972217d ago

FFXIII is actually one of the best Final Fantasy games.

I also sort of was disappointed at the time, never as much as the bandwagon. But really all the fantastic 3D rendered cutscenes and I actually liked the characters and the story though convoluted was actually fantastic and the ending was extremely emotional. So much budget and time were put into that game Square had such big plans, I actually have always felt kind of bad for how things played out.

I have been thinking for years how great it would be to get all three games on one disk for PS4 or 5.

Nyxus217d ago

I always liked this game, and I agree, a rerelease for current gen would be nice.

Shane Kim216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

Gotta take off the nostalgia glasses. It's the worst FF. Shiva as a bike, I mean come on.

Elda216d ago

Shiva as a bike is strange but saying FFXIII is the worst FF is not at all a fact, that's simply your opinion.

Terry_B215d ago

*One of the 3 equally bad FF's

DivineHand125216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

When I got my series X a year ago, I bought FF13 for nostalgia reasons but ended up being disappointed. When I first played it around the time it launched, I didn't have a lot of experience with final fantasy games, so I enjoyed it. Fast forward to when I played it again, I found that the game had many unnecessary filler moments instead of just giving us meaningful content.

The game is also very linear and a quote on the article said it best. "It is like a sewage pipe that leads to the ocean until it opens up on Grand Pulse."

The story didn't make much sense either and I believe it is my mistake as I played the FF7 remake on PS5 prior which is a night and day difference in terms of pacing, storytelling and likeable characters even though cloud is aloof.

FinalFantasyFanatic215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

Probably was a mistake to play any of the golden era FFs first (e.g. FF6 through FF10), it makes it harder to enjoy some of the FFs that aren't as good. I think FF12 was where major issues with the series started becoming apparent, and it just got worse from there.

FinalFantasyFanatic215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

I didn't really care for it that much, the only saving grace was that it had a better story than 15 (overall it was better than 15) and possibly 12, and even then, you had to read some of it through primers, like reading a book. Plus the battle system was reasonably fun for what it was, even if it was more the spectacle that was exciting for me (e.g. summoning). And to be fair, the 13 trilogy got better with every games, I still don't like Snow though.

Gamingsince1981215d ago

Ff13 is only good if you haven't played a ff before, or any other games that are decent for that matter.

-Foxtrot215d ago

It is in fact no way the best Final Fantasy game, it's one of the worst

Linear corridors, Cutscene, Fight, Cutscene...rinse and repeat

Dialogue and characters are pretty bad, especially Lightning as the main FF hero, they literally said they tried to make a "Female Cloud" and they failed.

Story was pretty awful

I could go on

I think the only alright thing that came from the game was the music.

Elda215d ago

That's not a fact that's your personal opinion. The game sold 11 million copies between its 2009 release up until 2014 including critically reviewed as an 8 out of 10 or an 80 out of 100. The game does have some issues but it's not at all a fact as one of the worst FF games.

-Foxtrot215d ago


Not just mine mate

A large majority


Traecy215d ago

N4G commenters such as yourself aren't the majority. The game was well received.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 215d ago
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gold_drake217d ago (Edited 217d ago )

i liked the game alot but i didnt like how they handled the terminology.

i dont mind reading data logs but it had soo many.

but i always loved the music and how it looked. the battle system wasnt too bad either.

but i like 13-2 more :)

i still dont understand why we never got a remaster of the trilogy

Eonjay215d ago

Xbox kinda did. Besides the video files of course which are still best on PS3 due to bluray.

Snookies12217d ago

XIII is a pretty solid game, but XIII-2 is WAY better. XIII-2 was one of the few games I decided to go for a Platinum trophy in, early on. Had so much fun the entire way through getting it too!

Eonjay215d ago

Totally agree. FF 13 was okay but 13-2 is my favorite FF game ever.

shinoff2183217d ago (Edited 217d ago )

I hated this to when it released. I haven't much liked a ff game since ff10 as much , aside from ff7remake. I decided to give it another shot on my series x since it's not on a current ps and was liking it quite a bit(just takes me some time to get over things ) until star ocean 2 remake came out I was all over that.

Square should definitely remaster it or something for ps4 ps5

KillerB216d ago

my favorite jrpg trilogy ever

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