
Birth by Sleep Headlines Jump Festa 2010

KHUnion writes: "Jump Festa 2010, an annual event dedicated to anime and manga, is back for another year. Among other anticipated titles, Square Enix is showcasing Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep at Jump Festa, due to be released in Japan on the 9th of January 2010."

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mephman5390d ago

Some nice pictures, it'll be interesting to see how this does in comparison to 358/2 Days.

CaptainMarvelQ85390d ago

this is gonna be a lot bigger than days ...from graphics to gameplay to story

it's gonna be as big as the main games (kh 1 and 2)

somekyle5390d ago

ooh yeah, I always forget about Jump Festa xD

5390d ago
5389d ago

10 Best PSP RPGs Of All Time

One of the strongest genres that the PSP had to offer would have to be RPGs. The PS1 and PS2 both had strong RPG libraries, so it’s not a huge surprise that the PSP picked up the baton with some real bangers.

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gold_drake75d ago

very good list.

i played almost all but one of them

Cacabunga74d ago

Valkyrie Profile Lenneth was something!! One of my favorite games of all time


Was Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep a Masterpiece or an Exercise in Tedium?

Overall, Birth By Sleep is an important slice of the Kingdom Hearts series, and shouldn’t be missed out on if you’re looking to get into the series. Granted, some of the features and moment-to-moment gameplay is lost when it transitioned from the PSP to modern consoles. But nonetheless, one can’t deny its overall importance to the story and the impact of its mechanics and systems to the series overall.

gold_drake1451d ago

i like it, but its just too much "friendships are the key to our power" bs.
don't get me started on them minigames lol

i think the game had tremendous potential for essential online gaming and other things. but they didnt do a whole lot with it in the remaster.

i would, however, consider it to be one of the harder games in the series, which is good


'Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep' – Making a Prequel

What makes Birth by Sleep’s story so engrossing isn’t that it's as a prequel, It’s the fact that it’s emotionally charged and mature.

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