
Off the Grid: Grandia III

DualShockers writes:

"Grandia III wasn't the first title in the series I played, but it was the better of the two (the previous one I played being Grandia II). It offers a fairly standard story with mildly unique characters, but offers a lot when it comes to the battle system and the eerily mezmorizing alternate world that proliferates a good part of the narrative.

Naturally, when I think about RPGs I'm passionate about over the course of my gaming history, nearly all of them have a story that draws me in. This one may be the exception."

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BlackIceJoe5393d ago

I so would love to see a new Grandia game. I so think Grandia is a great series and is just right to have a sequel. So I for one the IP holders to Grandia make a new one.

Noctis Aftermath5393d ago

You are not alone, i didn't play it on the ps2(didn't even know grandia was on ps2 at the time) but i played the psone grandia way back and loved every minute of it.

Chadness5393d ago

I kind of want to play the PSOne Grandia, I hear it's on the Japanese PSN, maybe one day they'll bring it here.

iiprotocolii5393d ago

The Grandia series was awesome, hands down. The second one, to me at least, brings back great memories just thinking about it. I would love to see the series get picked back up and see what they can do with it this gen. I had some real good times back then with RPGs... Good times.

FACTUAL evidence5393d ago

Grandia 2 for the dream cast all the dam way!

Myze5393d ago (Edited 5393d ago )

Grandia 3 wasn't bad, but in my opinion, it was definitely the worst of the series (not including the horrible spin-offs), with a lackluster story, which was the best part of the previous two games. The first one was by far the best, and is one of my favorite RPGs on the ps1 (one of many, that is).

I would love to see a new Grandia, but hope it's more like the first one.

FamilyGuy5392d ago

That's definitely one of the many rpgs that I love for things that have NOTHING to do with the games storyline. Star Ocean is pretty high up there too.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5392d ago
5393d ago
iiprotocolii5393d ago

Personally, I wasn't TOO much of a fan of Grandia III. It was good, but it just didn't do it for me as the other ones did.

Baka-akaB5393d ago

Grandia 3 was quite dissapointing after a rather excellent grandia 2 . It had a good gameplay but the rest ugh ...
It was contrary to what's claimed in the article , quite cliché . to the point that you know the hero would always crash his plane , and when ..

Criticizing religion isnt the most original thing in jrpgs , but Grandia 2 did it fairly well and with characters far more interesting imo .

But hey if you enjoyed G3 , more power to you . i just didnt much

Redempteur5393d ago (Edited 5393d ago )

Grandia 3 battle system was great ..almost perfect ...

graphics ( backgrounds ) were also top notch ...

The designs were okay considering the premises of the story

What made it so bad was the poor execution of the story , the lame twists , the horrible english voice acting ( IMO ) and the lame boss ennemies ( on disc 2 ) ... disc one was a perfect IMO

Quite fun to play .. but i doubt someone who finished it will go back to play it again

PS: and what's the deal with a main character who is a pilot but crashes 5 times during the game ?? come on ..

PS2: the "void" parts were beautifull again and hect is easily my favorite character but then again you play with her only 3 levels ...what a waste of potential .

G3 was a great game plagued by bad decisions ..who designed the final dongeon ? who decided to prevent you from choosing your team ? 2 characters are ABSENt from the 3/4 of the game like they never existed ... what poor writing .. if they didn't existed on the ending credits you could swear they disapeared for real ..

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Remembering the Best JRPGs on the PS2

The list is as long as it would take you to grind through Dragon Quest VIII. Here are the best JRPGs on the PlayStation 2.

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RpgSama617d ago

Good list, kudos for adding Shadow Hearts, Covenant is probably the best Jrpg most people have not played and what an improvement over the first one (plus ties with Koudelka which is an awesome game as well).

jznrpg617d ago

I own all 3 of those games with 2 copies of Koudelka on PS1 just in case one of the four discs crapped out on me . Same with Legend of Dragoon. That’s one thing I want Sony to get back into , JRPGs , action and turned based

Melankolis616d ago

Yep, they should have at least 1 Japanese studio with 2 teams in it specialize in JRPG.

RavenWolfx617d ago

The amount of time I bring up Covenant when referring to amazing RPGs is astounding.

RedDevils616d ago

Still my favorite JRPG on PS2.

FinalFantasyFanatic616d ago

I wish I had played the other Shadow Hearts games, didn't know there was so many until later in the PS3 generation, at that point they hard to get for a reasonable price. I only got to play Covenant sadly, hopefully they'll all get ported to modern systems at some point.

617d ago
sadraiden617d ago (Edited 617d ago )

Take a look at the libraries of your favorite consoles. I guarantee you, other than a handful of fighting games better suited on the Dreamcast, PS2 still has the best, biggest, and most varied library. Literally something for everyone. JRPGs on PS1 and PS2 really were special.

Edit: the article basically just lists every single JRPG on PS2 lol

Terry_B617d ago

Nah..it lists only 33 of them. There are probably over 150 ;)

DrDoomer617d ago

Who's gonna tell them that Persona 4 came out on the PS2?

andy85617d ago

DQVIII would be so good to be added to the new service

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5 JRPG Games You Should Play Once Or Revisit

Many people have a love for the Jrpg genre. There are many games that show how brilliant it is, so here are 5 games you should revsit.

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shinoff2183852d ago

O how i miss old school jrpgs. They dont make them much anymore. Sea of stars is looking pretty good. And maybe a few others but not many

CUnit123123848d ago

Yeah they definitely don't make them like they used too. Hopefully Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes will reinvigorate that when it releases next year. The old school turn based style

Zeldafan64852d ago (Edited 852d ago )

Hopefully Dragon Quest III remake releases sometime next year. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 releases in 2 months so I'll have my rpg fix this year.

shinoff2183851d ago

I hope that dq3 remake releases on all the systems. Id also like a physical copy to go with it

Zeldafan64851d ago

Only problem is it'll probably be very limited physically.

CUnit123123848d ago

I agree. I still go back and play my ls2 couple times a month for my favorite series and games

Zeldafan64851d ago (Edited 851d ago )

HD remasters of Xenosaga, Xenogears and Vagrant Story would be ideal. Also, can't believe I almost forgot this, HD remaster of Arc Rise Fantasia. That game got a lot of shit for SOME subpar voice acting but it has one of the best turn based battle systems I've ever played. For the record I think most of the voice acting in the game is really good.

CUnit123123848d ago

Yeah that would be great too. I love these style games and definitely wish we got more

CUnit123123848d ago

Definitely great choices as well

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Gungho Discussing Internally on Grandia III Remastered and Returning to the Series

Noisy Pixel talks with GungHo CEO Kazuki Morishita about remastering Grandia III or returning to the series for a proper Grandia IV.

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Relientk771847d ago

I have been waiting for Grandia 4 for years. Grandia 3 was on the PS2, so long ago. It's time for a new Grandia

ragnalamb1846d ago

But Grandia III was published by Square Enix, wasnt it?? I dont think thats exactly GunGo´s decision...
But apart from that, I NEED GRANDIA ON PS4.