
GameCareerGuide: The Ending of Prince of Persia Explained

Essay discusses the reason behind the confusing ending of the 2008 Prince of Persia and why some people loved it and others hated it.

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Ten Characters That Deserve Their Own Games

Video games have given us some truly awesome characters over the years. Mario, Mega Man, Cloud Strife, Sonic the Hedgehog, the list could just keep going and going. With that being said, many of these protagonists are carried by great supporting casts. The Nerd Stash take's a look at ten characters who we believe should have their own games. A few ground rules before we start, the characters in question can not have already starred in their own titles and only one entry per franchise.

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Rumour: New Prince of Persia Game in Development

Prince of Persia voice actor's tweet suggests new game is in development and that an announcement could be coming to E3.

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Gaming Franchises We Would Love to See Make a Return

Throughout the decades of gaming history, there have been many established franchises that have now laid dormant for years. With the seemingly annualized releases of games such as Assassins Creed and Call of Duty, it would be pretty awesome to relive some of these older experiences once again. So check out some Gaming Franchises we would like to see return in the near future!

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Relientk773445d ago

Bring back:

Legend of Dragoon

robtion3445d ago (Edited 3445d ago )

Tenchu!!!! Especially if From Software goes back to making it.

Timesplitters would be great too.

TeamLeaptrade3445d ago

I would gladly play a new Tenchu game. Been missing that franchise for quite a long time now.

Magicite3445d ago (Edited 3445d ago )

Anybody still remembers Army Men?
Fear Effect was also pretty good.
But most of all I want proper Dino Crisis!

P.S. Parasite Eve!

Relientk773444d ago

My friend and I played Army Men 3D everytime we gamed. We loved killing each other and capturing the others flag from their base.

wonderfulmonkeyman3445d ago

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System!
We've got a Trilogy to finish making, damn it!T_T

ninsigma3445d ago

Jak and Daxter. I need a new one. One of my absolute favourite franchises.

robtion3445d ago

Yep, would be more interested in a new Jak than a new Uncharted from ND at the moment. Though even better would be a new IP.

nucky643445d ago

yea, J&D would be awesome. and with the way #3 ended, I'd be curious as to where the duo would turn up next!

Retroman3445d ago (Edited 3445d ago )

Konami need to bring back decent Contra and Gradius , Irem need to bring back decent R-type, Snowblind need to bring back a New Champion of Norrath, Battle arena toshiden. for ps3/4

Darkfist3445d ago

need more Ape Escape love, do it sony

robtion3445d ago

American McGee's Alice needs a new game on PS4/PC/XB1.

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