
Pricewars: Walmart vs. Gamestop

When Gamestop started it's subsequent monopoly of the retail video games market by a slew of mergers and acquisitions of other names in the retail space their objective was simple. Saturation. Now, with a Gamestop in nearly every American neighborhood, this objective is complete. But what happens when the a bigger and badder corporation wants to steal market share from you? Well the answer is nothing. You inevitably lose....

5299d ago
ZBlacktt5298d ago (Edited 5298d ago )

This is a good thing. Because those stores like GameStop and Game Crazy are knowingly and willing ripping consumers off with trade in values. This is where they make a killing. I've watch time and time again some poor uneducated person stacking all his games and or consoles on the counter at a GameStop only to get 2 new games in return. Just a complete rip off and if that person would have only sold there stuff on Craigslist. They would have made 60% more back in return. With Walmart coming in, it will keep these rip off stores more in check to be "fair". But even still, I still wont deal with them.

Bt really folks, use Craigslist or any other free service first to buy and sell games. It's local and tax free.

Reshun5298d ago

Yep, craigslist is the way to go. Bargain for the buyer/seller and everybodys happy!

geoholyhart5298d ago

I completely agree the trade-in prices aren't fair by any means, and their sale tactics for employees get more aggressive. It's insanely annoying that as soon as I walk through the door they're breathing on my back about reserving games, getting a discount card, and some warranty.

I see Wal-Mart strengthening its electronics department (adding electronic specialist, trade-in system) in the future which is going to cripple Gamestop for sure. It'll be especially hurt if they offered more money for yours games, because Wal-Mart credit gets your a lot more then Gamestop.

Edit: Just found out Wal-Marts are already getting trade-in Kiosks.

ZombieAutopsy5298d ago (Edited 5298d ago )

"It's insanely annoying that as soon as I walk through the door they're breathing on my back about reserving games, getting a discount card, and some warranty."

I Couldn't agree more, I understand its their job to do that but im in their every other week or so and i always tell them no and its the same people so you would think they would get a clue and not only that after you tell them no they go "Are you sure? You only have to put $5 down right now" or "With the Edge Card you save 10% on used items (which is really only 4% after you factor in sales tax)".

I no longer trade in my games at GameStop anymore, since i've started to sell my Used games on Craigslist i've made at least 3 times more than i would have if I went to gamestop even if i had an edge card and they had some sort of special going.

The younger crowd are the ones that get screwed because their parents wouldnt really want them selling things to people they met online, well them and people who arent patient and/or are just stupid.

Darkstorn5298d ago

Both Walmart and Gamestop suck. I vastly prefer either Mom and Pop video game stores, or trading on cheapassgamer.com
Amazon has good trade-in values as well.

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Sigh5298d ago

what Walmart is doing with their gaming prices. Over here in Calgary, Canada, I managed to get some great games with great prices. I remember just a few weeks ago seeing GTA:IV, Dead Space and Resistance 2 all with 29.99 price tag NEW with their normal boxarts, just too good to avoid. Also saw Mirror's Edge for $18.83 brand new.

Competition is great.

StylizedPlayer5298d ago

I have actually never seen or been to a walmart.I think the nearest one from where I live is about 50 miles. Target and gamestop dominate the game sales. I always hear about walmart deals, but I never get to visit one

Ricdog5298d ago

Gamestop sucks, plain and simple.

And as for Walmart, I dont know where to start. I will NEVER waste a penny on a worthless,disgraceful,inhumane ,corrupt business that I wish would die.


So how do you feel about Microsoft and Sony?

Must be a bad time to be a gamer for you then.

Golfcoachh5298d ago (Edited 5298d ago )

Did they move into your neighborhood and close down all the mom and pops or something. For someone like me its great, I drive about 5 minutes and have everything I need right there with decent prices. Don't see the problem. People complain because they don't pay employees well, its not like they force anyone to work there. It is perfect for College kids like when my wife worked for them. She got a great deal on stock, almost half price per share, they offered medical, sure they didn't pay for it, but it was pertty inexpensive considering it was a huge group plan. Its not like they are the only big company to exploit workers in other countries. Not that it makes it right. They pay a huge amount of tax in the U.S. Most people who cry about them, and I don't mean you cuz I don't know your situation, have never worked nor know anyone who worked for them, they beleive what they read and thats all.

CBaoth5298d ago (Edited 5298d ago )

Were you born yesterday?

Remember the time when we actually bought music, you know physical media at brick & mortar stores instead of digital distribution? They tried to censor the products being sold there, requiring an alternate "cleaned up" version to be released alongside the unedited version (that they refused to carry). Wal-mart, the scum they are, tried to use their influence to regulate an entire industry, like they were some retail Nintendo fighting the good fight for parents.

Thank God my aging generation gave them the big "F you" and bought 3 million copies of 2Live Crew elsewhere. Or else you might be getting a censored L4D2 copy bought by some hapless relative shopping at Wal-mart for Xmas this year.

Harry_Manback5298d ago

I also remember when Nirvana's In Utero launched, they made them edit the track "Rape Me" to "Waif Me".

Golfcoachh5298d ago

Its there perogative to do so. As you said 3 million bought an overated two live crew from other places. You act like that was a bad thing. lol Its not like they deleted the words, it was up to the company that made the cd's to make ones that were radio edits. So because of that you have disdain for a company that has helped keep prices down, employed milliions of people, paid millions in taxes to help fund social programs, made it easier to shop and find things you want. Quit being such babies. I suppose you hate nintendo for not allowing blood in the mortal kombat game back in the day as well then. YOu boycot nintedo too. Nice.

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