
Game Rant: Could Bayonetta Upstage The Competition?

Sega's Bayonetta has certainly made waves over the last few months. It even has the support of Cosplayers who've dressed up like the protagonist before the game was even released. Famed Japanese gaming magazine, Famitsu, awarded Bayonetta a 40 out of 40 and U.K.'s Edge magazine gave it a 10 out of 10. Released in Japan on October 29, 2009, the title has sold over 270,000 combined on the Xbox 360 and PS3 in its first four weeks of release according to VGChartz.com. But is the title any good or is this just hype?

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Bungie5307d ago

have you played the demo ?

this game kicks the competition arse

5307d ago
Troll_Police5307d ago

I think when Bungie says "the competition", he's referring to Ninja Blade.

raztad5307d ago

Another site trying to get some hits out of this Bayonetta vs GoW war. LOL. Dont hit this site guys. We already went through this in the Edge article.

hulk_bash19875307d ago (Edited 5307d ago )

On the subject of the GOW III and Beyonetta Demos, they are both great (albeit different) experiences. The GOW III demo shows off the sheer epicness and brutality that the franchise has been known for. And the Beyonetta demo shows off the style and sleekness that can only be done by the DMC creator himself. (IMO Beyonetta is what DMC4 should have been, judging by the demo only of course)

Cyrax_875307d ago (Edited 5307d ago )

I think it'll end up a solid 8.5 - 9.0 which is a FANTASTIC score (fanboys seem to only care about "AAA 90+" scores this gen).

If by "competition" they mean GoW then no, Bayonetta has a looong way to go. And by the way, nobody should take Famitsus or Edges scores seriously when buying a game.

Famitsu rated HAZE, Nintendogs and Blue Dragon really highly and Edge simply dislike GoW, they gave GoW 1+2 a 8 and 7 respectively even though Meta has them showing a 9.4 and a 9.3.

RememberThe3575307d ago (Edited 5307d ago )

It's about timing. GOW is much more ballz to the wall button mashing carnage. I like both styles but I could see how some people would enjoy one style over the other.

However, being the massive GOW fan that I am, I'm pretty damn sure I'll enjoy GOW3 more then Bayonetta. That is not to say I wouldn't enjoy Bayonetta, but Kratos is the biggest badass ever thought up.

@below: No one is bashing Bayonetta above. It's just that saying it is going upstage GOW3 seems like a rather bold claim. Plus, we've heard from Famitsu and Edge so far; two sources that may be the most inconstant in the industry. I have no doubt that Bayonetta is going to be great; Hideki Kamiya's record is nearly flawless, I don't see this being any different. That man made Okami; he is a god. :)

THE MAX SPEED 215307d ago

It's funny How it's only PS3 FANBOYS who are saying bad stuff about Bayonetta .

you guys are soo desperate. Anything that isnt ps3 exclusive that is good is bad to you guys.

Cyrax_875307d ago

Would you mind explaining to me then why 65% of my games are multiplats?

THE MAX SPEED 215307d ago


I said "PS3 fanboys"

if you feel offended I guess you just put yourself on blast here and admited your a fanboy.

whothedog5307d ago

Is Kratos gonna have to choke a bit*h?

Cyrax_875307d ago (Edited 5307d ago )

That's funny, I don't see anyone saying anything bad about Bayonetta above our posts. Maybe you should just start being more specific. Or stop being paranoid.

GUNS N SWORDS5307d ago (Edited 5307d ago )

Ive tried out the Japanese demo over 15 times already, and then downloaded the US/Europe version...which plays a lot better imo.

frankly speaking it's not the story or the main character that should be taken as the culprit for why the game is intriguing. (or why people see it as intriguing)

for me it's the implementation of Gun/Sword combination that's makes the experience feel a lot alive. just coupling that with 60 fps and it feels very arcade like. it's a very flashy game, for me the demo alone had a lot of replay value.

you can easily lose your self in the game, and i think that's why it's being brought up as such a popular topic.

that's my two cents.

OGharryjoysticks5307d ago (Edited 5307d ago )

Better Question...

Why is that all the 360 fanboys in media can't keep the God of War out their mouth?

I don't doubt this game becomes a franchise because practically every game releasing today becomes one, but nobody can deny the historical impact Kratos has had on gaming. Bayonetta can't have a similar impact because things have evolved so it's just not possible anymore. Besides that, the game is basically a new DMC.

Sarcasm5307d ago

I'm going to at least rent this game, but man the demo really didn't impress me. No not because of the glitchy PS3 version, but the overall concept and art style doesn't hold my interest.

Sarcasm5307d ago

To the real Bayonetta fans, Kudos.

To the retarded Bayonetta fans only because it's inferior on PS3 and superior on 360, Hoy meets boy.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5307d ago
King Hippo5307d ago

Mediocre games can't upstage the competition when the competition consists of good games like God of War 3. Bayonetta could probably upstage Ninja Blade but that's all.

Sonyslave35307d ago

DMC games are the best hack and slash ever.

lordkemp0075307d ago

The cuffing round the ear and custard pie to the face of an xbotter are the best hack and slash games ever.

blitz06235307d ago

This game is mostly style and less substance. In the end, it's just another button-mashing game. At least the demo was.

Troll_Police5307d ago

The God can't be upstaged. In the end, there will only be chaos.

Rikitatsu5307d ago

There will be only QTE button mashing

dustgavin5307d ago (Edited 5307d ago )

Yea. Ninja Blade does have a lot of that.

RememberThe3575307d ago (Edited 5307d ago )

How else am I supposed to rip out a cyclops' eye, or break the horn off a beat and stab him in the head with it?

raztad5307d ago (Edited 5307d ago )

Rikatsu is really off with the QTE bashing. Bayonetta herself uses QTEs to perform her "ẗorture" or finishing moves. You are prompted to press triangle-circle simultaneously.

Sarcasm5307d ago

lol seeing as how GoW was the one that made QTEs popular, it's not even an insult to say GoWIII has QTEs.

Infact, GoW is the only games that does it well. Nothing like ripping the head off of Helios (or some know him as the sun god called Xbox360 that overheats,) it doesn't ever get old.

Homicide5306d ago

Box, box, triangle - That's all that matters in God of War.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5306d ago
cmrbe5307d ago

Byonetta may be good but GOW3 is going to be on a whole different level.

GOW3 will show how next gen H&S games should be made. GOW3 will mark the time when next gen H&S games finally arrived.

Its funny that people are even comparing GOW to new IP's like Darksiders, DI and Byonetta. Its a disgrace and an insult to SM. GOW was voted GOTY 05 for christ sakes in waht was one of the greatest ever gaming year.

Combine all the gamplay, graphics and story of all the other games compared would never ever reach GOW status.

Haters are so going to get owned when SM unleashes the GOW.

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JL2930220d ago

Both requels over 2 and 3? Clowns. Those are two of the most boring games I've ever played.

Snookies12220d ago

GoW 3 was amazing, but I personally hated just one thing. (This is on me alone, because I was dumb, lol.) I hated that you couldn't skip cutscenes on repeat playthroughs. I had to go back through the game a third time because I missed one trophy accidentally on my way to the platinum... The cutscenes were great the first go round, even the second... But the third was pretty agonizing.

Haven't played Ragnarok, but I still think GoW 4 is a wonderful game in its own right. Not sure how I would stack them up against each other honestly.

Monstieur220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

I don't consider the reboot part of the original series. The original series were high-skill games with combos and rewards for mixing things up.

solideagle219d ago

lol square, square and triangle is the only combo you needed. I have played all of them on the hardest difficulties...

Golfcoachh220d ago

Maybe I’m just old school but I just couldn’t get into the last two. Maybe it’s the slower action and more story telling but the original trilogy was by far my favorite.

Crows90220d ago

It's not that youre old school. They're different genres

JL2930219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

Me either, at all. It's just yap yap yap. They try to be a RPG's instead of being action games like they used to be.

Fluke_Skywalker219d ago

I'd put the two psp games over 3 in terms of story any day. But not over 2.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 219d ago
TheEnigma313220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

My favorite was part 2 and I think Ragnarok is better that 2018.

Shane Kim220d ago

The newer games are better imo.

ravens52220d ago

There is no worst. Except for Ascension, only cause I didn't play it lol. They are all masterpieces. 1,2,3, 2018 and Ragnarok. 1 of, if not the greatest video game franchise...besides MetalGear.

Snookies12220d ago

Oh wow, I actually forgot that Ascension even existed... I never played it either.

Crows90220d ago

I like ascension. It was different and some interesting combat additions.

darthv72220d ago

If you didnt play it, how could you call it the worst? Its not as bad as the media portrayed it. Honestly the worst are those flash games. they arent even considered true GoW games but in name only. At least Ascension is a real GoW game.

ravens52219d ago

Not saying it's a terrible game. Just mean it's at the bottom of my list. I played a little bit of it. Jus to me, compared to the other main games, it's last.

Fluke_Skywalker219d ago

Ascension is the only GOW game I never finished. Hated it.

Inverno220d ago

Can't agree, older games do so much more than the last two. More weapons, magic abilities, enemies are more varied, level design is also more aesthetically pleasing, and agree with those who say that they shouldn't have removed jumping. Was a time I'd agree, but those old games are so so much better, that they really should've looked into bringing into the reboot/sequels.

Crows90220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

If a game is good then a game is good. Doesn't matter what came before or what comes after.

Inverno220d ago

Of course it matters. If not for what what came before there wouldn't be an after. And if something is great before then you strive to make it just as good if not better, after. I personally don't think there's a fair way to judge the new with the old because the newer games are still essentially a reboot, and went a way different direction. But I still believe the old games did it better. I'm probably bias though since I've been going back to old games and have been finding that they lack all the annoying aspects that devs have shoehorned into new games to fluff out game time.

Crows90219d ago


Im not talking about the passage of time here. Im talking about individual pieces of software. If a game is good then it is good. Thats not a controversial statement. You can compare good with good...sure. But you still end up with good. Now if there is a bad game in the mix and you compare you do end up with some differentials between them...makes sense to compare and see where it went wrong.

But theyre different genres and styles which were individually executed very well.

And no. The new games are not a reboot. Theyre a new direction but simply a continuation.
Tomb raider was a reboot.

Inverno219d ago

The new games are definitely a reboot, and a continuation, it can be both which it is. And a good game might be good, but my point is that if there are things done better before it then there's plenty of room for critiquing and trying to make whatever comes after better rather than just good.

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5 Of the Most Unlikeable Video Game Protagonists

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258d ago
GhostScholar258d ago (Edited 258d ago )

I disagree that max is unlikable. Chloe is infinitely more unlikable in my opinion.

gold_drake257d ago

omg chloe was awful. i really hated her at the end haha

Cacabunga257d ago

Abby was absolute trash protagonist in every way..
Tidus was so meh to me..
On villain side, the one i didn’t like wa Micah, because they wanted him to be that way and it was brilliant👍🏽

Rancegamerx257d ago

I agree, I liked Max, Chloe was a horrible friend and a bad influence.

Cacabunga257d ago

Everyone agrees on chloe, I’m sure even ND do.

H9257d ago

Both are horrible, granted Chloe is infinitely worse, it feels like Chloe is just fanservice for people who too over the edge and wasn't written to be a character that makes sense

GooGobbler258d ago

What about that Forspoken Tw*t

MrChow666257d ago

exactly I was expecting it to be a the top of the list

ravens52257d ago

Ye I was expecting her too. Guess they actually played the game. Unlike you and whoever agrees.

gpimlott256d ago

I played through the whole game and think she is one of the worst character Ive ever played as

ravens52256d ago (Edited 256d ago )

gpimlott. How?

Stanjara247d ago

Why would I payed and played the game if the whole internet is making fun of a character?

-Im here to kill Chaos...are you Chaos?

Yeah, I didn't play that game either.

Christopher257d ago (Edited 257d ago )

She's actually not bad. It's the writing itself that is bad overall, but she's fine overall. She's no worse than Miles Morales IMHO. Both thrust into a spotlight and receiving both praise and blame and dealing with it.

Forspoken is a bland game because it's 75% bland, boring, repetitive going through the motions and diversions that add nothing of the value with purposefully gated memory moments that don't feel organic or like you're discovering things but waiting for others to reveal things.

ravens52257d ago

Exactly Chris. Even though I liked the game. I kno u played it. People who actually played it and went thru her dream saw she was a good likeable person who really just acted out due to being alone and unloved. I think your problem is it was open world, I think if it was more linear you may have liked it better.

savedsynner257d ago

Oh no she's bad. Very unlikable even before you add on the bad dialogue. The game could have been quite good with a good protagonist

ravens52257d ago

For all the people like synner. Shes actually half white lol. Inferior complexity is a hell of a thing. You'll be ok.

Nerdmaster258d ago

Most of these aren't even that bad. Especially comparing to others like Squall "Whatever" Leonhart, Forspoken's Frey, and the guy from Atomic Heart.

-Foxtrot257d ago

Squall is one of the best developed main FF characters so...

People talk about his "whatever" thing thats at the start of the game, not the character he eventually becomes in the end.

Nerdmaster257d ago

No amount of "character development", (especially the ones that for me feels sudden and undeserved like Squall's), will justify him being a d**k to my girl Quistis. Even if he found the cure for cancer, from that moment on, I would never like him.
The article is about being unlikeable, and he was indeed unlikeable for at least half of the game.

BrainSyphoned257d ago

Squall is the best protagonists in FF so you can go whatever yourself.

H9257d ago

My good sir, I need to steal that "you can go whatever yourself" because it's gold

BlaqMagiq1257d ago

Except Squall has actual character development.

gold_drake257d ago (Edited 257d ago )

the "watever" is only present in the english localisation.
so your argument doesnt rly ... stand imo.

Nerdmaster257d ago

Good for you that you could enjoy the japanese version. That's not the case for me and the majority of people here, though.

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gold_drake257d ago (Edited 257d ago )

i had to stop reading after the "blatant misogyny" in the Dantes inferno section.

i actually liked Max haha.

the forspoken chick is missing tho

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