
Game-Debate: Shattered Horizon Review

Game-Debate writes "In forty years' time, according to Shattered Horizon, we'll all be floating around space in booster suits, shooting the crap out of each other amongst the fractured ruins of immense intergalactic vessels. Back To The Future's retro 80's vision is definitely more appealing, but then how could you possibly beat a giant CG Jaws that gobbles up hapless pedestrians? Besides, Shattered Horizon's concept works a hell of a lot better as a videogame, as anyone who played BTTF on the NES will testify."

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Bundle Stars Bundle 7 - Indie Jam Released

Hardcore Gamer: Shattered Horizon is an FPS with a huge twist - you're flying through space. Also, going through corridors, but seriously, it's a zero-g FPS. Nuclear Dawn is a stealth-ish FPS, while Two Worlds II is more for RTS fans. Planets Under Attack has giant circles full of things doing things to other giant circles with things, but it's impossible to tell just what kind of game it is based on gameplay footage. It's got a neon-heavy color scheme, so if you've finished Blood Dragon and have a thing for that right now, maybe you'll dig it.

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Indie ‘Space Bundle’ Registered On Steam, Details Inside

Well it’s a been a bundling good week but we’re starting off this fresh one with a fresh bundle, this time courtesy of the folks behind Steam. Very recent to hit the Steam registry is a “Space Bundle” and with it all the juicy details on the contents. Five games overall are included and each of them quite stellar in their own right; ranging from deep strategy to first person shooter and a couple of simulators thrown in for good measure too.

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Shattered Horizon three new screenshots

Headup Games today is announcing the release of the space action title Shattered Origins in their own online shop. The game will be available at a price of 8,99 Euro for two weeks.

Pandamobile4615d ago

Way to get the title of the game wrong :l

h311rais3r4615d ago

I know! Shattered horizons released like 2 years ago! What a scrub