
Rumored PS Store Content for 11-12-09

This week we'll be getting the award winning puzzle platformer Braid. Along with that, Tecmo's NBA Unrivaled will be making it's debut. Call of Duty Classic was released early this week as a treat to coincide with the launch of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. DLC, and a few more PSP games will round out this week's update.

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Redempteur5371d ago

RE2 psone classic is rumored for like what ?? 3 months already ?

Lucreto5371d ago

Vagrant Story might be on the EU store this week.


ginganinja5371d ago

I got 2 newsletters from Square the other day.
First said VS was coming on the 12th, second was pretty much exactly the same except it was changed to coming soon..

.. fingers crossed..

ftwrthtx5371d ago

Is actually pretty good quality. I received a download voucher with my Hardened edition of MW2. It is remastered and has 38 trophies, complete with a Platinum.

The_Devil_Hunter5371d ago

Wait its remastered and has a plat? What!!!!! Imma see what its all about. I thought it was the same ol' thing. Thanks.

ftwrthtx5371d ago

I figured it would be a PS1 Classic like all the other ones, but it turns out that the game is a full remastered PS3 version. I was surprised.

peeps5371d ago

yeh my mates got the 360 version. aint seen him play it yet tho. wish i'd bought hardened tho with the servers down at for us ps3 owners :( ah well, this will deffo be something i'll buy off the store.

i am a bit worried that it may only be on the us store for a few weeks tho, as is the trend with most content on the us and eu stores

Lifewish5371d ago

i want to try braid and the NBA Unrivaled

filfyvillain5371d ago

they would bring Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops to the PS Store. Don't let us PSP Go owners miss out on that gem, Sony!

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The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne26d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.


The GOG Resident Evil 2 port is based on the worst version of the game

The SourceNext version was a Japanese exclusive which could be why it wasn't used.

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Mad_Matt27d ago

Totally positive video on how GOG handled the ports. Leave it to N4G to add an inflammatory click bait title

thorstein26d ago

Videogamer.com wrote the headline.

I know of the BGFG connection.

As usual, the headline doesn't match the article.

mastershredder27d ago

Anglos weebing this had is pretty hard to watch. No f given on the subject matter at this point. If you fetish for culture is that hard, get a room honey or advanve past your teen years.

CrimsonWing6927d ago

I’m not quite picking up what you’re laying down. 🤔


The prevalence of parrying: Why is it so popular?

Parrying has been creeping into more games, with almost every high-profile title of the last few years featuring it in some way.  Why?

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phoenixwing126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

57d ago