
Chapter 4 of Tales of Monkey Island out this Friday, plus new screenshots

Telltale Games has announced that Chapter 4 of Tales of Monkey Island will be available this Friday, the 30th of October.

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Yi-Long4520d ago

.... he was just so great in Monkey Island 1 and 2, design-wise.

... and then they went all cartoony with him for MI3, they went cartoony 3D with him in MI4, and they went butt-ugly redrawn sprite for the remakes of 1 and 2. Sadly.

There's some fan-art out there which shows how Guybrush SHOULD look when you do a HD-remake, which sticks true to the original design of the character while still looking great for todays' gamers.

Guybrush is such a brilliant character, but he hasn't been done justice by Lucasarts since Monkey Island 2. Sadly.

coolbeans4520d ago

I like the how the remakes look. You can't possibly expect there to be a definitive 'remade Threepwood' when the first ones came out in early 90's. You could hardly tell certain pixels apart back then.


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