
Ar Tonelico 3 media is full of gameplay

SCRAWL: "Gust Corp have done a full reveal on the company's second PlayStation 3 game today, Ar Tonelico 3, releasing forty-seven brand new images and artworks as well as a new trailer of the January RPG. The new trailer is full of great music and anime cutscenes, however, does give us a glimpse at the battle system and world gameplay."

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blacksniper5347d ago

This game might turn out pretty well. And the battle system looked like TOV's, which is a good thing.


Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel - Review by ToS

This series is your standard RPG with strong guys and cute girls, who this time become more powerful the more they strip. The storyline and characters are fine, if not a bit generic and the battle system is actually fun, but not very challenging.

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DanShadow274552d ago

Sounds like a Japanese-ass Japanese RPG to me (as good or bad as it may sound).

If I may... You referenced a few other RPGs in your introduction and, while hardcore JRPG fans may understand what you're trying to say, it can detract from your review. I haven't played Cross Edge, but I have tried Atelier Rorona so I have an idea what you're trying to say.

At the very least, link the reviews to those games you mention so reading can be smoother. And hey, you'll probably get more clicks as well!

Matrix2k4551d ago

stop being a stupid troll please.

DanShadow274551d ago

I invite constructive criticism. Your comment, however, was just immature and thoughtless. Thank you for that.

OtakuStudy4551d ago

Hey Dan,

Sorry I thought I replied earlier but it seems like my post didn't get through. Thank you for the suggestion, I can understand it would have been hard to understand the beginning paragraph so I implemented the changes.

Matrix2k4551d ago

"I invite constructive criticism. Your comment, however, was just immature and thoughtless. Thank you for that. "

wasnt that your comment?


Review: “Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel” (PlayStation 3) | Inside AX

"When I first picked up the Ar tonelico series on the PlayStation 2 on a whim, little did I know exactly what I was getting myself into. Sure, it had moé characters along with the infamous catchline, “you never forget your first” but the series completely flew under my radar. Although Gust’s Atelier series had been out, I was never really into the “girlish” look of the series nor their products. However, after I purchased Ar tonelico I was honestly amazed by the company’s j-rpg title. Not only was it a nice throwback to the Super Nintendo 16-bit era, where character development and storylines superseded graphics, but the music was absolutely gorgeous. Needless to say, I became an instant fan of NIS America and Gust as they began to carry the torch, along with Atlus, as the premiere j-rpg developers."

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RPGSite - Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel Review

Look ma, there's underaged girls on my screen and dey be undressing. But see? They're only drawn that way, so I'm not a total creep. And look, the game is pretty good as well.

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Sidology4833d ago

So, what I'm hearing is that, like the other Ar Tonelico games, this is very, VERY Japanese.

Karuto4833d ago (Edited 4833d ago )

As Japanese as warm sake doused on the head of a young child in a school uniform wrapped in sushi on a bamboo board.

4833d ago
Knightofelemia4833d ago (Edited 4833d ago )

Been waiting along time for this game have the game playing the hell out of the game. Saki does get a little annoying at times specially when she talks in the 3rd person. Too me it feels like the took what was wrong in the second game and fixed it by making the game feel like your playing the first game again. I hope this is not the final installment of the game if it is its a very good trilogy i got to enjoy very much. What NIS and Gust should do is rerelease the first and second game as an HD collection for the PS3 like Sony did with God of War so other people can enjoy the Ar Tonelico franchise and the voice of Akiko Shikata.

Karuto4833d ago (Edited 4833d ago )

Gotta say, I did develop a crush with Soma. That girl be fiiiine. I don't know about HD releases, but if they had a PS2 channel on the PSN like they do with the PSOne game rchives, that'd be enough for me.

Neckbear4833d ago

I believe you enjoyed that certain Soma uninstall scene, then? Heh.

Also, I like Sakia better, myself.

Honestly, Sakia's the only reason I'm doing Saki's route at this moment.

Starting to regret said choice considering the third reyvateil just joined me, however.

Knightofelemia4832d ago

Soma is great I chose Finnels route but I still like installing and cosmosphere diving into Aurica better and Lady Shurelia alot more that Tyria

CaptainGreece4833d ago

This game is awesome and ain't a gay FPS. Loving it and when you buy the game it comes with extras. I'm winning more then Charlie Sheen.

coryok4833d ago

im still playing older rpgs but when i finish them ill definitely pick this up, sounds fun

Karuto4832d ago

Absolutely! I feel there is alot here to enjoy, especially if you get over some of it's shortcomings.