
Wipeout HD Blu-Ray Review (TheGamingLiberty.com)

Irish Gaming Website TheGamingLiberty.com reviews the Blu-ray release of Wipeout HD

TGL write 'Everything's here people. Studio Liverpool has really just tested the water with want they can do with the PS3 and this is a great entry level start. Wipeout is a tried and tested franchise for Sony and its future is bright based on this offering. Pick it up on the PSN or in the shops. This is real value for money folks and you'll enjoy every sense popping and retina melting moment of it'.

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Kaleb’s Korner: These Girls Are Going To Kill Me

"Hello, and welcome to the newest episode of Kaleb’s Korner. This time, we will be going over how the first week of my job went and why I should never be in the presence of pretty girls."- KalebJKC94

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maxcavsm4849d ago

Lol...great story Kaleb :)

AmigoSniped4849d ago

I agree, he doesnt do well around girls... I remember that one time when Ladyluck was on the podcast.....


Blu-ray capacity will 'grow with games industry's ambition'

The Blu-ray Disc Association - which comprises key execs from Sony, Samsung, Disney and Warner Bros, amongst others - has told CVG that the capacity of the format will grow to "support the ambitions of games developers" in future.

The news comes after Sharp announced a new 100GB, triple-layered Blu-ray disc in July - dubbed 'BDXL'.

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Redempteur5136d ago

so ..if kojima continues to make big games ... and is followed by more devs, we might get 200gb blu ray in the future ?

Downtown boogey5136d ago

Kojima has nothing to do with this.

brazilianbumpincher5136d ago

the articles title is true but for now only by sonys first party devs

uncharted,MAG,gt5,infamous 2 etc prove that point

8-bit5136d ago

"the articles title is true but for now only by sonys first party devs"

Exactly. Win

Redempteur5136d ago

i know but since kojima want "more space" he and some other people are creating a demand thus are leading the industry ambition ...

you could say the same about cameron when it come to 3D movies ..

first to use it , asking for more , thus creating a demand and leading their industry ...

5136d ago
karl5136d ago

not only xbox is struggling with DVD

we all are.. since we all play multiplatform gmaes that are limited by DVD

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5136d ago
Rainstorm815136d ago

IMHO it seems Blu ray was made for Gaming.

I mean really what else are you goin to piut on a 100GB blu-ray? No Movie on earth would fill it up, maybe if they start to release trilogies on one disc.

Snakefist305136d ago

Movies no but maybe Serials like House or True Blood Maybe able to put in 100GB Blu-ray.

Doc Sony5136d ago

You can put as many episodes of True Blood on a Blu Ray as you wish, but the disc will remain empty.

koehler835136d ago

Blu ray was made for longevity. Designing a media format for 2D 1080p isn't enough. It doesn't leave room for growth. 3D and higher resolution output is just a matter of time. Blu ray is ready for it, even if your television isn't.

avengers19785136d ago

I believe there will be a One Terabyte disc in the not to distant future. Tech always takes longer to create then improve upon. I think we will be buying something like that within' the next 10 years.

Prcko5136d ago

no limits!!!!
same as ps3 powerrr!!!

Acquiescence5136d ago

Somebody's waving the flag for Sony!

Nineball21125136d ago

Bu... bu... but Blu-ray isn't needed?

sikbeta5136d ago

lol to think some crowd hated the tech just cos it's on the PS3, next gen Huge Games or Open World as Standard will be Amazing...

Blu-Ray FTW!!!

hennessey865136d ago

my arguement was never that blu ray wasnt needed i just think its a gen to soon. Dont get me wrong i love the fact thet my ps3 can play blu ray films but for games this gen there are very few that have needed the capasity of blu ray. Its only now are you starting to see developers claiming lack of space. With massive open game worlds like rdr and grandtheft auto i think my points proved. I dont think even the ps3 has the capabilities to fully expliot blu-ray but in the next gen i think blu-ray will be very important to the point that if microsoft dont use it or something simaler they are going to be in trouble unless they go digital which i think is a bad idea.

cliffbo5136d ago


how about ALL first party games? is that enough for you.

nycredude5136d ago


So you'd rather we limit the artist by limiting their tools than give the artist whatever tools necessary to succeed and create a masterpiece, only because you think the world is not ready for the next masterpiece yet? That doesn't make any sense.

I'd rather give them the choice and it's the developers decision whether or not to take advantage of the tech. As we have witness, some have used it and some hasn't. You can tell who they are by the quality of their games.

Cloudberry5136d ago

Brings back memories of those quotes.

"Bu... bu... but Blu-ray isn't needed?"

djfullshred5136d ago

@ hennessey86

A "gen too soon" seems like a dubious claim when in fact it was introduced at the time the technology was ready to bring to market. Large electronic companies such as Sony are willing to fail in the process of trying to introduce new technology, otherwise they run the risk of being passed up by competing companies. Keep in mind developing new electronic products are core to their business, regardless of the gaming world's opinion.

hennessey865136d ago (Edited 5136d ago )

no i totally agree we needed blu-ray, but in my opinion it is not needed for games. The vast majority of games dont need to utilize blu-rays capacity so in my opinion it has come a gen to soon for gaming but next gen is where blu-ray will really shine. Its just my opinion, can you imagine how cheap the ps3 would have been without blu-ray, id imagine it would have been winning this gen by some margine because i think at launch it wasnt cheap enough for the vast majority of people including myself.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5136d ago
whitesoxfalife5136d ago

dam its 8 in the morning and already yall jumpn on the 360 and which this article is not even about the 360.....

Rainstorm815136d ago

To me it looks like his comment was more to the 360 fanboys and not really to the 360's capabilites itself.

But hey i could be wrong im no psychic.

house5136d ago

he didn't really say anything about the 360 alot of people really thought it wasnt needed just like they said about dvd. but this is just great news for gamers and game makers

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'wipEout HD' Studio Hit By Layoffs, Projects Canceled, Studio Closed

WorthPlaying has confirmed that the rumored layoffs at Studio Liverpool are no longer rumor.

"wipEout HD developer Studio Liverpool, formerly known as Psygnosis, is being hit by layoffs as projects are canceled and people are being relocated to other studios. One former employee goes as far as to say that almost everybody got the pink slip virtually closing down the entire studio."

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Sevir045352d ago


SCE what are you doing to such a grand studio. Wipeout is awesome. why on earth would you close down a studio that makes such amazing games like Wipeout, and where did you relocate them to?

SOAD5352d ago

It appears Microsoft is not the only company closing studios.

Cajun Chicken5352d ago

F**k you Sony, you outta your f**king mind?!?

Well done for going down the MS route.

I just lost a lot of respect for Sony. A LOT.

DeforMAKulizer5352d ago

Guys calm down!!! A Sony rep on Gaf is saying that the studio is alive and well, some have been let go, others have been sent to Cambridge and Evolution (For a super secret unannounced project and Motorstorm 3 respectively) and that Liverpool has become a First Party Quality Assurance studio... Kinda like the UK ICE Team.... He is trying to calm the uproar telling people not to worry, and that we shouldn't believe a third party website reporting some news...

El_Colombiano5352d ago

Still! I don't care if they still have their jobs or not! I DON'T HAVE MY STUDIO LIVERPOOL ANYMORE! What is going to happen to my Wipeout!?

fishd5352d ago

lol,I came here to say the same thing!
According to some Sony employe on Neogaf ,the studio is NOT dead,they just got smaller and majority of ppl moved to Cambridge studio and Evolution studio to help them out.

jack_burt0n5352d ago

uk ice team sounds like a great idea.

gaffyh5352d ago

I hope that Wipeout still lives.

DeforMAKulizer5352d ago

He even mentions that the 3d tech evolution got was from the guys from liverpool and that the shift is for better of future games!
Don't forget Sony still own the WipeOut IP and the combined efforts (Liverpool and Evolution) might just even create something even better...

Baka-akaB5352d ago

Everyone complaining here really need to STFU . We all know Sony supported Wipeout HD quite a lot .

If anyone is to blame , it would be all of those not buying Wipeout HD and Fury despite multiple promos and the product's high quality .

Syriel5352d ago

"We all know Sony supported Wipeout HD quite a lot."

In Europe, perhaps. In the US, not so much. Sony didn't even bother with a disc release in the US and it plastered in-game ads all over in later patches.

That's not exactly top tier support.

sikbeta5352d ago

Studio Liverpool is NOT Closing, Sony will MERGE Studio Liverpool with Evolution Studios

Baka-akaB5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

Not Top tier support ?

That's the second big game they released in full HD glory that's sales in a rather meh way .

Warhawk was a success , but struggled quite a bit against misconceptions ..

To this date Forbidden Siren's excellent remake remains ignored , all that while everyone is complaining about Resident (action) evil 5 and the next gen silent hill ...

Then you got Wipeout HD , a game miles above most arcade racers in both graphics and gameplay , with loads of modes , with a great online , multiple patchs and still a big addon in the form of fury .
But no what does everyone decides to buy instead on psn ?
Frickin final fantasy 8 ...

And promotion ? on psn you'd have a hard time missing it . Sure some people would rather have the game on disc ... it still hardly explain why so many people were buying instead small arcade games ranging from crap to excellent stuff on PSN and XBl .

I honestly dont see how much more support you want .

Only criterion did better with its awesome Burn out Paradise dlcs and patches .

Syriel5352d ago


For me the implementation of advertising post-sale was a major negative along with the refusal on SCEA's part to issue a disc.

PSN and XBLA are great for little arcade style games, but they suck for full retail titles. For that I want a disc I can own and not have the game tied to a console.

It certainly wasn't the cost that put people off if my circle is any indication. Between myself and my friends I know at least five different people that all ponied up $50 a head to import the disc-based EU release of Fury. NONE of us bought the download version.

Of course SCEE even botched up the disc release by limiting distribution to ONE CHAIN in the UK and not bothering to promote the fact that it was available on disc. Whilst searching for it, most of the UK shops we talked to kept claiming that the game simply didn't exist on disc.

If the game isn't on disc, it's going to have its sales numbers hurt. And when the disc version is a PITA to find, sales numbers are going to get further hurt.

The post-sale in-game advertising patch? That was just DUMB. Talk about a low blow to loyal fans.

Redempteur5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

if i understand this ..they're shuting down the parts that nobody knew what they were doing and merging studios they own without killings projects ?

still don't see what's the big deal ...

"The post-sale in-game advertising patch? That was just DUMB. Talk about a low blow to loyal fans. "

sure you're right on this point thankfully they arranged that part !

Baka-akaB5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )


Like i said it still doesnt explain the much higher sales of games of lower quality on PSN . i'm not knocking down on xbl and psn small sized titles , but some of those were crap and still outperformed wipeout HD .

it would hardly be marketing for stuff displayed on the same store , and mostly praises in reviews and magazines .

As for the retail situation you seems to know more about it , so i'll let go of that one . But on the digital side , Sony did everything needed so far , and beyond when it comes to the game's quality and it's evolution .

Ravage275352d ago

at least most of them kept their jobs. sigh~ I love WipeoutHD and Fury was the most awesome DLC ever, but it seems that the franchise has lost its appeal. i remember that night i bought the Fury expansion, the top download of the week was that f$%$ing RE5 Versus DLC, made me mad as hell :/

Shadow Flare5352d ago

I really hope one day that studio liverpool get back to their psygnosis roots. Psygnosis were quite easily my favourite developers in the ps1 era. Colony wars, wipeout, destruction derby, G police, they just seemed to make everything and it was all cool. Then after the ps1, they just did nothing pretty much. All I knew them for was wipeout and formula 1. And on the ps3, all I know that they've done is wipeout hd. I mean, these are the same guys who created Lemmings.....what the hell happened? I know wipeout hd is amazing, but they're a far cry from the company I used to know. I don't think i'll ever understand why they have not made a new colony wars game. That franchise was pure class and the games were amazing. Get back to your roots studio liverpool

bruddahmanmatt5352d ago

Good to hear that most of the talent is being kept in house via relocation. Evolution ain't exactly a bad place to call home either considering how awesome Motorstorm is. The main thing to me (and most gamers I would think) is that the Wipeout franchise lives on under the direction of at least some of the Studio Liverpool team.

tordavis5352d ago

Wow sad news. These guys have been rock solid for YEARS! Why get rid of them?

phosphor1125352d ago

Come on D=.

That sucks so much.

NoBias5352d ago

WipeOut HD/Fury is in my top 10 games this gen. Easily my favorite racing game! I didn't really get to read all the comments above me so I'm hoping this situation isn't as bad as it seems.

Studio Liverpool is gold, imo.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5352d ago
Syriel5352d ago

Guess we're never going to see a good WipEout game again.

Long live Fury.

MiloGarret5352d ago

Hopefully Wipeout lives on somehow, Sony does still own the ip.

I hope they fired Zico, asshole...
No I don't! We had some good times Zico, good times.


Bordel_19005352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

On 29 January 2010 Sony made the following public statement; "It has been decided that production on a number of projects within Studio Liverpool will cease immediately due to project prioritisation. Our North West Studio Group has been and will continue to be a vital cog in the WWS family, with a history of producing genre defining games such as MotorStorm, WipEout, Formula 1 and WRC and this decision will have no impact of the role that the North West Studio Group will play in the future of all PlayStation platforms".

What does this mean for the WipEout franchise long term?

Only time will tell - although it's clear that the flagship series was being mothballed for a while anyway, after a relative glut of titles since 2005's WipEout Pure.

WipEoutZone extends best wishes to everyone affected by this corporate cost-cutting maneuver.

Source: http://www.wipeoutzone.com/...

ipwnall5352d ago

One of my favorite racing series. Damn, Liverpool will be missed.

djfullshred5352d ago

Sad to hear. Wipeout HD = quality

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