
Could Eye Pet Expand The Playstation 3's Audience?

"Twiggy", PushSquare: "Eye Pet is a massive risk. It's possible we could be playing Eight Days or The Getaway 3 this weekend. Sony pursued Eye Pet – an innovative implementation of augmented reality – instead. Given the platform, and its audience, Eight Days would probably sell better. And that shows just what a risk Eye Pet is. But could it expand the audience?"

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snaz275449d ago

and where exactly does it show that eight days and the getaway were cancelled/held back because of eyepet? also you can buy eyepet with the playstation eye for £30 here in the uk! the eyetoy is £25 alone! so you would be mad not to pick up eyepet if you dont have an eyetoy, the game is damn near free! and if you have kids its a nice little game, my friends bought it the other day, and im gonna be buying it monday, even though i already have the playstation eye, cos without the eye its like £20, ill just keep the second eyetoy as a spare, or use it for when i eventually get the slim for my bedroom, the deal is just too good... some people and their dumb articles! and anyway as if there arent enough ps3 exclusives out for us to deal with at the mo lol. cant believe sony bashing still exsists today lol.

get2sammyb5449d ago (Edited 5449d ago )

It's a risk as a product in my opinion. It's a game not necessarily in tune with the current PS3 audience.

The article is far from Sony bashing though. It's actually a really positive piece, and I reviewed the game for PushSquare (didn't write this article) giving it 4/4.

snaz275449d ago (Edited 5449d ago )

and what abot the eight days getaway comment? these are just bs thougts that hold no weight at all... and how do you know what the audience of the ps3 is? how well did little big planet sell? how much you think they have made from add on dlc? i have 2 kids and ill be getting it for them... my partner has very little interest in the ps3 but she wants eyepet bad! lol... and i dont go into these blog sites anyway, i read enough on the discription here to know its not worth reading.

edit oh and anyway whats the big risk exactly? if eyepet doesnt sell well are they gonna go bust and cancel the ps3? lmao its just stupid mate.

get2sammyb5449d ago

You're too busy arguing instead of thinking. Ask yourself what games sell best on Playstation? LittleBigPlanet aside, you're looking at mainly games aimed at 15-35 year old males, GENERALLY.

Treading the path of Eye Pet as opposed to game that typically pleases the current fanbase is a risk -- but if you'd have actually read the article you might have seen how the author goes on to explain how that risk could be used to expand the Playstation's audience.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I'd urge you to think, and read the opinions of the author before mouthing off about it.

snaz275449d ago

and this certainly didnt warrant one... where is the proof that eight days or getaway was pushed aside for eyepet? sony have always wanted to appeal to a wide range of customers, thhey dont just make games for sales... and being sensationalist isnt going to make me wanna read the article/blog... again what is the MASSIVE RISK? have you ever thought they made it to push the eyetoy further? and im sorry but you replied to my comment not visa versa, you thought i wouldnt reply or what? lol furthermore its my choice which articles/blogs i read isnt it? how about you think before replying to someone.

sunnygrg5449d ago

It most certainly has the Kid appeal factor. I will let everyone know once I get my hands on it next week.

Sitdown5449d ago

"how is it a risk when its packaged with the eyetoy at only an extra £5?"

If somebody was already in the market for an eytoy..then it makes sense.....but on the flip side, not everybody wants an eye toy, and this game might not be enough to convince somebody to buy an eye toy. The only reason I bought an eye toy was because I found the Eye of Judgment bundle on clearance...outside of that, I had no plans of purchasing one.

sikbeta5449d ago

Could Eye Pet Expand The Playstation 3's Audience?

Hell YES, this a family product, it work this way: kids see it and love it, so parent Inevitably will buy it and famalies will play with it, like Fonzo XD

nycredude5447d ago


I think we are all missing the point here. Sony is a huge company and I think in the last 2-3 years the way the Ps3 turned around (not to mention the timeline of Ps1 and Ps2 in the past) sony has proven if nothing else, that they have a long term plan and is willing to stick to it. Eyepet was a calculated decision to 1) appeal to the casual to broaden the appeal of the Ps3, 2) act as a trojan horse for the PsEye. Why would they take the risk you ask? Well did everyone forget that the motion controls releasing next spring will require the eye to function. This is all part of the Playstation machine. Let stop worrying about SOny and just enjoy the ride.

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dale15449d ago

the designers of eye pet said this was just the begining.i see seca won,t release it till next year,which might be a good idea factoring the new software to come out using motion control.but for parents who own a ps3 this would be a great addition for there kids.

Ron_Burgundy the 2nd5449d ago

there's potential, Sony needs to reach out to families and casuals

Godmars2905449d ago

Give it a TV. A mix of live action and the game.

Mind you, give what the game is, that's likely to show up some weaknesses. Or at least what should be in the next game. Like multiple characters and the ability to create a developing personality.

Sunny_D5449d ago

If they advertise then yes Sony can reach a new audience. I'm talking about advertising the eyepet game, not in general. Sony have been really agressive with advertising. I don't see any 360 ads, but ps3 ads.

Godmars2905449d ago

You mean the way MS insinuates that a multiplatform title is 360 only by paying for 3rd party ads?

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