CliffyB, the retro gaming god

One astute Joystiq reader found something of great interest buried within the first Nintendo Power issue, which was recently uploaded onto the internet. In the top right corner of page 99, within the "NES Achievers" section, Cliff Blezinski from North Andover, MA, tied among a list of players with the best Super Mario Bros. score of 9,999,950.

Is this the same CliffyB that is making Gears of War, the game we drooled over at E3? You can see the obvious influence Mario had in the making of Gears of War: just replace "Locust" with "Koopa" and "Assault Rifle with mounted chainsaw" with "fire flower." The resemblance is uncanny.

An e-mail to the B-man confirmed that Cliff Blezinski (super-ace butt stomper) is, in fact, Cliff Bleszinski (super-graphic curb stomper) -- the additional 's' makes all the difference. What follows is a rather interesting and hilarious reaction from the man himself about Nintendo, his childhood, and Nintendo Power editor Howard Phillips:

Sidherich6591d ago

Its on CliffyB's own website since at least September 2004

USMChardcharger6591d ago

not anything to do with the actual article, but i found two guys comments at each other funny from the source site of the article:

13. What a sellout. Nintendo made him a gamer... then he goes and starts making Xbox games? If he liked Nintendo Power so much, why isn't he making Gears Of War for Wii? Some loyalty...

Posted at 3:51PM on Jul 10th 2006 by Jay 0 stars

14. Jay... I love Nintendo too! I guess I should smash anything not Nintendo with a hammer. Like my Xbox 360, my laundry machine, your nuts, etc...

andy capps6590d ago

#14 is great. Haha! Funny article, seems like a really down to earth guy.


Fallout London crashes hit fans but early impressions are positive regardless

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Let’s School review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "Well, this is uncanny. This school management sim bears a startling resemblance to Two Point Campus, especially when it comes to planning and decorating rooms. Be sure to add a window and a radiator, along with a plant or rubbish bin. Indeed, certain aspects are almost identical – it’s just like revisiting Two Point Campus, only something is…off. It’s the visual style that leads to the uncanny valley feeling, using a low-poly PlayStation/Saturn aesthetic. An odd choice, considering the 32-bit consoles didn’t have a great amount of management sims. The PS1 did have Theme Hospital though – with Two Point Hospital being Campus’ predecessor, so we guess we can give it a pass on its artistic intent."

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montebristo1h ago

I almost bought this yesterday lol. Then I remembered I have 1000 games I need to play and I would probably touch this once.


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