The PS3 Bandage That Never Was

There's no denying that the PlayStation 3 is a complicated beast. One of the most finicky of the thousand-plus components in that concave box is the much-touted Cell processor, which uses high technology to speed the system along. And according to the Cell's maker, if things go wrong, the chip is smart enough that you won't even notice - in theory, at least.

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THE TRUTH6591d ago

alittle more info on Cell

PS3 Chip a Developer's Dream?:

Turn Down the Heat … Please


my comments about this article

The article crearly explains that cell has only a 10-20% of yields. Obviously, that figure is refering to the cell, with 8 fully working SPE´s. He then clearly stays that the yields percent increases to 40% when redundancy is applied. So, what is the redundancy that he is talking about? mthe original redundancy on cell chips that Ken Kutaragi originally explained, and that is using only 7 spes for the ps3, so that if a chip doesnt have 8 fully working SPEs, but 7 of them still work, they can be used in the console. The eight SPE is the redundant one, so taking in account that the eight SPE could be damaged but only seven of them are needed then the chip is still usable. Obviously, you have a higher percentage of having chips with 7 workings SPEs than having onces with 8 fully working ones.

Those with 8 fully working SPEs, whose yield rate is between 10-20%, are the one that are being used for military and medical agencies.

And before someone starts jumping the gun about the 40% yield rate still being too low, thats the same yield rate of the A64 chips.

And now regarding faulty PS3s. that article clearly explaings that sony is spending quite a fortune to assure that there are no faulty cell chips with their ps3s.

How are they achieving this? the article clearly states that they are using burn-in every chip, and that could cost as muchs as 1 dollar per chip. 6 Million ps3s in the end of march 2007, means at least 10 millions dollars spent just making sure that the chipos are not faulty. As much as 10 millions cuz not all the chips will be ok after the process.

If you want to know what is Burn-in, check this link:

PS360PCROCKS6591d ago

this is the same story for the 3rd time from a different source, just like the one below this about backwards compatible it was just pulled from this interview, geesh how bout we check the news before it's posted mod.

jedicurt6591d ago

yes because having multiple sources reporting the same news does nothing /end sarcasm.

all it does is add support for the statements, i like the fact that multiple sources are reporting it, that is a positive and give is more validity.

Schmitty076591d ago

I don't want to hear about this new technology anymore. It's getting so boring. Can we just wait till release?

Islandkiwi6591d ago

This isn't a positive article. It's talking about how the PS3 could have had a redundant spe built in in case of breakage, but it doesn't. Add to that the story of one spe being utilized at all times by the OS (which will constantly run in the background) and you're now down to 6.

What does that mean to programmers? No idea...but I thought the redundancy was a good idea.

THE TRUTH6591d ago

Do the research, don't make stupid post on how "This isn't a positive article" and then say "What does that mean to programmers? No idea...but I thought the redundancy was a good idea." How on one hand you have no idea what the article is saying and then say it is bad?

Add to that the story of one spe being utilized at all times by the OS (which will constantly run in the background) and you're now down to 6.

This is really old news but if you know about the OS PS3 is planning to use than maybe you can see why they have one spe dedicated to it. Do some research.

The article crearly explains that cell has only a 10-20% of yields. Obviously, that figure is refering to the cell, with 8 fully working SPE´s. He then clearly stays that the yields percent increases to 40% when redundancy is applied. So, what is the redundancy that he is talking about? mthe original redundancy on cell chips that Ken Kutaragi originally explained, and that is using only 7 spes for the ps3, so that if a chip doesnt have 8 fully working SPEs, but 7 of them still work, they can be used in the console. The eight SPE is the redundant one, so taking in account that the eight SPE could be damaged but only seven of them are needed then the chip is still usable. Obviously, you have a higher percentage of having chips with 7 workings SPEs than having onces with 8 fully working ones.

Those with 8 fully working SPEs, whose yield rate is between 10-20%, are the one that are being used for military and medical agencies.

And before someone starts jumping the gun about the 40% yield rate still being too low, thats the same yield rate of the A64 chips.

And now regarding faulty PS3s. that article clearly explaings that sony is spending quite a fortune to assure that there are no faulty cell chips with their ps3s.

How are they achieving this? the article clearly states that they are using burn-in every chip, and that could cost as muchs as 1 dollar per chip. 6 Million ps3s in the end of march 2007, means at least 10 millions dollars spent just making sure that the chipos are not faulty. As much as 10 millions cuz not all the chips will be ok after the process.

If you want to know what is Burn-in, check this link:

Islandkiwi6591d ago

It's not a stupid post, look at the title of this article: "the ps3 bandage that never was".

You're looking at this from a Johny-come-lately perspective. When the PS3 was first introduced it was announced as having 8 functional Spe's. Then it was reduced to 7 to allow for this bandage feature...there would still be 8 functional spe's, but only 7 would be utilized. That way if one failed, there was a redundant Spe to take it's place, and you wouldn't have to repair or replace the console.

But then the story changed again. Because of the relatively low yields they were getting, so long as 7 of the 8 spe's were functional, it was going to be used in the ps3. Poof, no more bandage.

Now, from a programming point of view I have no knowledge of the ramifications of this, which I freely admit. But I have followed the history of this quite closely. So please don't tell me to "do my homework", or that I "make stupid posts". My homework is done.

Marty83706591d ago

Even with 6 SPE's free PS3 is still more powerfull than Flopbox360.

Islandkiwi6591d ago

And you know the processing power of an spe? I'd love to hear about it.

THE TRUTH6591d ago

your answer is here, much too long and detatiled to be posted here!

Islandkiwi6591d ago

There's information on Spe's at wikipedia as well, but they don't go into a comparison of power versus the 360. PS3 fan was saying how much more powerful the PS3 was than the 360, even when using 6 Spe's. That's the data I'm interested in.

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

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Sonyslave320h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6023h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro243h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro243h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Playback: Outland

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The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

The Simpsons: Hit and Run, The Legend of Dragoon, and Chrono Trigger would benefit substantially from a modern remake.

Knightofelemia1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.