
Top 5 Best Nintendo 64 Games Available on Virtual Console

Bright Hub writes: "There are quite a few amazing games to be had on the Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console service. There are great games from the last several generations of systems, including the console that brought us perhaps our first true glimpse into the world of 3D gaming, the Nintendo 64.

The N64 may not have had the huge library or amazing success of its main competitor, the Playstation, but Nintendo did manage to deliver a series of must-play games for the console, most of which are available now on the Virtual Console and can be played right on your Nintendo Wii.

Check out our top 5 picks for great N64 games available on the Wii."

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Shnazzyone5465d ago

In what way was the n64 a failure compared to the Playstation? It had some of the most memorable games of all time. Maybe talking gamecube you caould say it was unsucessful but the n64 was pretty damn successful last I checked. I seemed to remeber everyone owning at least the system and goldeneye.

Graffin5465d ago

The system had some awesome games, hence the article, but I was referring mostly to the sales figures for the systems:

# PlayStation – 102.49 million shipped, as of 31 March 2005
# Nintendo 64 – 32.93 million as of 31 March 2005

Outsold 3 to 1, I'd say the PS1 was the runaway success of the generation.

ape0075465d ago

n64 was such a legendary console,sure ps1 has more games and more sales but is there anything on ps1 that can match the quality of

ge007,mario64,zelda oot,banjo,perfect dark,turok 1,2 and 3,body harvest,shadow man 64(ps1 version sucked)

n64 ftw

Graffin5464d ago

Definitely a legendary console, no doubt about it. N64 was the first to bring us analog control and rumble, and had in its library at least two of the greatest games of all time, Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. People tend to remember the few great PS1 games and forget about all the shovelware crap that was also released for it.

The_Perverted_Ninja5465d ago

Why isn't Goldeneye on this list? it's a must have IMO

Mini Mario5465d ago

Yeh but it's not on the virtual console. Its basically a "Rare" game (which microsoft owns).

Picnic5464d ago (Edited 5464d ago )

I don't agree that the Nintendo 64 was a low point in the history of Nintendo. I know that the N64 only sold about a third of what the PS1 did but quite a large number of series- Super Smash Bros, Wave Race, 1080, Mario Party and Paper Mario started on the N64, as well as the first 3D versions of Mario and Zelda. It was also a heyday for Rare (although so was Donkey Kong Country on the SNES). The console was a treat of epic games and charged for the privilege with those £60 cartridges. There was greater colour choice than in any subsequent console- it was widely available in 6 colours. It also had 4 controller ports - Sony chose to release the PS2 several years later with only 2 ports. A poor aspect of the N64 was the movement, textures and available memory - it was a downturn from the smoothness of Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country on the SNES- but Sega had usually excelled Nintendo in these aspects anyway and the Dreamcast still didn't sell enough. I also thought think that the Gamecube controller was a big improvement over the pitchfork-like N64 controller.

Sales-wise, the Virtual Boy and, for a major Nintendo console, the Gamecube, were more of a low point for Nintendo but the Gamecube still managed to be about level pegging with the Xbox. The Gamecube may have, partly deliberately, had less epic games (but the ones it did have like The Wind Waker, Metroid Prime and the Resident Evil remake and RE4 got very high reviews) but these were complemented by quirky little games like Luigi's Mansion, Viewtiful Joe and Super Monkey Ball. Those last 2 games, especially Super Monkey Ball, were actually very hardcore. Only having Rare on board for 1 game may not have made as much difference to sales as the N64 days but I certainly regret that Donkey Kong Racing wasn't released on the Gamecube.

Another point in the article that I certainly don't accept is that 'nobody but Nintendo seems to be able to get right' karting games. The only Mario Kart games that I have played are the SNES and Gamecube versions but I doubt that either the N64 or Wii version are better than Naughty Dog's Crash Team Racing on the PS1- that game is a proper adventure with great characterisation and overworld/track design.


Super Mario 64 DS: Remakes Done Right

Super Mario 64 DS was offered as a launch title for the Nintendo DS, a remake of the classic platform game with a few original tricks.

Chard145d ago

Not with those D-pad controls

CDbiggen145d ago

Needs more appreciation. I never had an N64 so this was what I played. Sure the Yoshi hat mechanic at first is a slog but you unlock Mario and the others for real and then it takes off. Personally I never had an issue with the controls. Can't forget the mini games and the 4 player rumble over download play.

kevco33145d ago

Indeed, as stated in the article there were tonnes of control options and very much a 'take whatever you like, leave the rest' attitude to most of the game's extras.

141d ago

A Super Mario 64 Remake Would Be The Perfect Game To Launch The Nintendo Switch 2

Releasing the Nintendo Switch 2 with a Super Mario 64 remake would be the perfect way to unleash the console to the world.

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-Foxtrot230d ago

If they ever did I hope they would add onto it, there's so much you could do with Princess Peach's castle alone

roadkillers229d ago

Or just make the Mario 128... the cancelled sequel that sounded amazing (or was it just an amazing tale).

fr0sty229d ago

Funny that after all these years, we still use 64 bit CPUs, so it wouldn't make sense to call it that.

fr0sty229d ago

Yeah, a straight remake doesn't sound good to me. Same formula, but different game.

Number1TailzFan230d ago

Each level is pretty small today in the original game, I don't like huge levels but I think they could be at least 2x bigger, or close to it and more of them, with more things to do.

They could do a mix of having open levels and more linear ones like in 3D World or Land, I doubt they will do that but it would make a change.

Neonridr229d ago

I mean Odyssey's levels weren't massive, but requiring you to do different things in each world is what made the levels feel bigger than they were.

ZeekQuattro230d ago

I'd prefer a Oydessey 2 or Galaxy 3. Besides the DS
game was a Mario 64 remake complete with more playable characters, stages, bosses and muti player content.

Cacabunga229d ago (Edited 229d ago )

I did not like Odyssey i found the idea of ot lame.. i find it boring to just look for moons instead of exploring and enjoying the levels. Let’s not talk about the extremely repetitive and ridiculously easy bosses. Level design is so meh most of the time. Galaxy 2 is a far better game so Galaxy 3 anytime!!!

TiredGamer229d ago

Agreed. I enjoyed Odyssey for a while, but it quickly became very formulaic where each level felt like a checklist of things to do with WAY too many moons to find. The Galaxy series were the best, as they took some of what made 64 great and juiced it up perfectly.

Lolly229d ago

Yes! Let's release an almost 30 year old game to kick off the next generation for Nintendo...
I'm over re-releases...FEED ME NEW MARIO!

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The Most Iconic Game Weapons Ever

BLG writes, "There are many fantastic and iconic weapons in game history, but some are significantly more memorable than others. When we think of iconic game weapons, these are the top 20 that come to mind."

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phoenixwing232d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.