
Name That Game! And Porn Star

Kotaku.....While you won't see any penises in Playlogic's upcoming Fairytale Fights, you can get an eyeful of certain other body parts in these pics allegedly taken from a promo vid for the game.

Glamis5314d ago

You can never go wrong with pr0n!

Blacksand15313d ago

Look like Little Red Riding Hood is bring that old wolf her picnic basket.


The 8 Most Fun Co-Op Game Experiences

For co-op lovers, these games are all must-have experiences that will remind you of the glory days of gaming.

3085d ago

Da Fuq I Just Play?: Fairytale Fights


I have A LOT of games. They traverse all the generations that have been, and there are some gems in there that I’ve yet to play. Fairytale Fights happened to be one of those, I popped it into my Xbox 360 recently at the behest of a friend, and the first thing that entered my mind was “Da fuq am I playing?”

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jokerman273246d ago

There's so many games out there that make you say this, I can't wait to find more of them!

SegaGamer3246d ago

I actually enjoyed this game when i played it. I love crazy games like this one.

WizzroSupreme3246d ago

This game looks it'd give me nightmares.

jokerman273245d ago

Nah, no nightmares, just glorious violence.

TheOnlyMastrx3245d ago

I have this game, so much fun! Better with some coop buddies.