
Modern Warfare 2 might be the most epic FPS ever released

It's always difficult to make a first person shooter truly feel epic. It normally has to do with the limited point of view the story has to be seen from and the limited number of "non-target" characters involved. In addition to this FPS developers usually concentrate a lot on gameplay, letting storytelling take a backseat to adrenaline-pumping action.

Infinity Ward might really break that cliché with Modern Warfare 2.

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paul03885368d ago

They fix the 2 garbage details prevalent in every Call of Duty Campaign.

1.The absolute linearity of it must go. I'm not saying open world, and I'm sure it's hard with the amount of scripting present, but allowing the player multiple routes and maybe different scripted (though interlinked) events on each route would really spice up the gameplay and encourage multiple replays. Also, flanking needs to be possible and it's just not with how the campaign is set up. Heart of the Reich in CoD 5 made me want to scream because they had rendered what looked like a wide open map, but when actually playing it you were limited to nothing more that what was basically a wide corridor that provided no way to flank at all. Combine that with it's second problem listed below and it makes it just all the more frustrating.

2.Infinitely spawning, inhumanely accurate enemies must also be phased out. It's a last gen feature in my opinion to avoid the intricacies of programing quality AI. My reasoning behind it is that enemies are way too easy to kill and because of that, they program massive waves of them to just basically charge head-on to their deaths instead of having a limited number of intelligent enemies finding cover and taking a flank. In addition, on harder difficulties, they don't make the AI smarter, they make them outrageously accurate.

To me anyway, it just breaks the overall immersion of the experience because these flaws are so frustratingly noticeable.

Abriael5368d ago

Linearity is what allows for great storytelling though. If i have to chose between a linear campaign with awesome storytelling, or a free roaming sandbox world with a sucky story, my money is definitely on the first.

paul03885368d ago

I said not open world, just more choice with interlocking scripting. It would lead to much replayability.

By more choice, I mean let there be the option of, say, 3 paths to take. The first path might see a plane fly overhead to the right, the second path might see that plane hit a building a to your right, and the third path might be you in the building just narrowly escaping disaster as the plane crashes in front of you.

That's what meant by less linearity. Open world wouldn't work in CoD.

Relientk775368d ago (Edited 5368d ago )

There's alot on the line here

I hope Infinity Ward put alot of work and effort into this title

or theres going to be alot of angry and disappointed people

paul03885368d ago

Killzone 2's intelligent enemies own the mindless drones in CoD.

But Killzone 2's multiplayer setup is very last gen. It's really frustrating picking through custom games to find the 'right one'. If they had a matchmaking system and more depth like CoD it could have been GOTY...


Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: New Season 6 MP Map Gameplay Videos

Here is a look at the first two maps of Season 6 for Multiplayer.
La Casa involves intense action in a Vill and Koro Village is a battle in the streets where enemies lurk at all angles and shadows.


MW3 shouldn’t leave Modern Warfare 2’s overlooked playlist behind

Modern Warfare 3 is set to be one of the biggest COD games yet features-wise, but it shouldn't leave out one of the best MW2 game modes in the rear view mirror.

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Modern Warfare 2 Adds Pay-to-Win Items With Thermal Scope and Merlin the Dog, Here's How They Work

Some alleged Modern Warfare 2 pay-to-win elements were recently added, see what they are here and how they work.

PunksOnN4G311d ago

The DOG is legit Broken if ur hiding in a room or grass he turns his head even if ur behind a closed door he turns his head and barks letting them know where u at thats PAY TO WIN!!!!!

LucasRuinedChildhood311d ago

I hope all the assholes who buy these get stuck in lobbies with each other. I skipped new COD games for a long time and a short time with MW2 convinced me to go back to on a hiatus.

With the skill-based matchmaking (engagement-based would be more accurate), I imagine this will make the game even more miserable for most players when the matchmaking has decided it's time for a tough lobby.

I played the OG MW2 recently on the Series X and it's disheartening how much more fun it is. I don't even care about the balance issues anymore. lol

PunksOnN4G311d ago

My friends dont play with me anymore i am former pro player and i even streamed on MLG for RX gaming the team i played for... My KD is always high 5-6kd my friends who i went to school with are not good wht so ever so with SBMM kicking in its always putting us in TOP TIER lobbys and they cant hang now they dont even tell me when they getting on LOL

ManMarmalade310d ago

I recently started playing OG MW2 again and I'm having a blast. Feels like I'm in high school again.

fr0sty310d ago (Edited 310d ago )

Welcome to COD under MS. It's all downhill from here, they're going to be looking to make that $68B back as fast as possible, at any expense to the player.

StarkR3ality310d ago

The deal hasn't even closed yet you pleb. CoD has been doing stuff like this since the loot boxes in WWII.

Nice try though pal.

TheColbertinator309d ago

Activision has never needed Microsoft or anybody for that matter to act like greedy bastards

PunksOnN4G310d ago

why did my 2nd comment about SBMM get downvited LOL?? Do we have people who Enjoy trash SBMM tbh make sense it caters to LOW KD players and u will never get better playing with the same trahs everyday LOL

andy85311d ago

Probably gonna see more of this BS once the deal is fully done..Gotta recoup that 70B.

Jin_Sakai311d ago (Edited 311d ago )

Look at Minecraft. The game hasn’t went anywhere since Microsoft bought them. No 4K, no 120fps, no graphics pack, and no Ray Tracing. Just some new biomes, mobs, and more skins as usual.

Same could be said about Rare. Who knows what will happen to Activision once they’re under Microsoft’s roof. We can all take a good guess though.

PunksOnN4G311d ago

TBH they did update it by accident then they pulled the update down on xsx and xss i remeber the XSX version having ray tracing but the S did not. Then after people seen that it was updated it was removed that same day

peppeaccardo311d ago

No way !!! Nobody wouild think they would monetize on items that weak asses will use to get advantage during multiplayer action !!! I would never think they would do that ... I mean is a free to play game after all ! /S
Wait once M$ will put their greasy hands all over Activizion and you will see what awaits the "lucky" ones who will play this slot machine of a game. Sooooo Lame !

jznrpg311d ago

They way it works is you give them money and more money and more money.

anast310d ago

It's a true phenomenon that people haven't figured this out yet.

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