
Nintendo Life: Crash 'n the Boys: Street Challenge Virtual Console Review

Nintendo Life writes: "What do you get when you combine the River City Ransom theme with Track and Field-style gameplay? You get Crash 'n the Boys: Street Challenge. The game takes the street gang theme and creates some fitting Olympic-style events to go along with it. Sounds like a mouth-watering proposition, but sadly while the unique urban competitions have a lot of charm to them, the slightly erratic execution of the gameplay tends to pull the whole experience down."

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7 NES classics headlined by Double Dragon hit Xbox One

Neil writes: "Harking back to the glory days? No not of 2019 but years before that. Well, you're in luck if you are as today we see a smattering of old, new, titles arrive on Xbox One with ARC SYSTEM WORKS porting over some NES classics for the modern day gamer to enjoy. And yep, it's Double Dragon that steals the show."

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P_Bomb1520d ago

Double Dragon 1-3, River City Ransom, Renegade, Super Dodge Ball? Omg I played the living daylights outta these! Shoot, nice adds!

Knightofelemia1520d ago

Hopefully there will be an option to turn off those stupid side borders. Great line up never played the NES version of Double Dragon I only own the SMS version.

Neonridr1520d ago

hard to do when playing on a 16:9 monitor with a game that was designed for 4:3

whitbyfox1520d ago

Thought this was going to be Nintendo returning the favour to Microsoft for their exclusives.

autobotdan1520d ago

Why is the final boss of Double Dragon the only character in the game with a gun? There is an entire gang running the streets with baseball bats, dynamite, giant rocks etc. But none of them carry guns. They will kill you throwing giant rocks at you

Knushwood Butt1520d ago

Giant rocks are cheaper than guns.

Also, whips were in plentiful supply.

Auron1520d ago

Nice. Will definately get RCR.

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Retro Review: Crash ‘n’ the Boys: Street Challenge

Hey Poor Player's Mike Vito writes - "Before I begin this review, I believe it’s extremely important to teach uninformed gamers of what the Kunio-Kun series is, because without that I believe you lose what this and many other games in the series offer most: Charm."

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Top 10 Overlooked NES Games on Virtual Console - Celebrate some unsung 8-bit classics

A.J. says: "Ever since Wii's debut back in 2006, there have been many retro hidden gems made available to download. In this list, I explore ten of the best underrated NES games that you can now play on Wii U, 3DS, or the trusty old Wii."

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