
1UP: Zombie Apocalypse Review

The kill counter in this game only served to remind 1UP of exactly how many zombies they'd joylessly mowed down, and likewise, how many hours they'd wasted doing so. That's not a feeling they particularly enjoy; they doubt you would, either.


The Undead Invasion of Video Games

For some time, zombies in video games were associated with only one franchise: Resident Evil. The shambling monstrosities in the 1996 classic were so iconic that they defined the undead horde for a generation of players. Recently, though, they've begun to show their rotting faces in many titles. It's become de rigueur for designers to populate their games with a range of variations on rejects from Michael Jackson's Thriller, but why?

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Kyosuke_Sanada4570d ago

I know I might be wrong but I am going to say because of how well received Call Of Duty: World At War Zombies was received. After that, companies took the lemmings route and decided to implement zombies into every Tom Dick and Harry of a game.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at what Treyarch did because it made the game fun but I am disappointed at the other companies that put in unnecessary undead in order for their game to pocket sales.

MasterD9194570d ago

I think zombies are an interesting genre...It is a shame that so many crappy games tried to copy and paste the formula from the bigger companies and just over-saturate the market with bland zombie games. Same thing occurred with the alien genre.

There actually is plenty of room for an innovative zombie game.


Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone Review (Gamerlive.tv)

Old-school zombie shooting fun awaits!

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Zombies Ate My DLC- Games Plagued By The Undead (RunDLC)

Like movies, video games go through fads. When it comes to bad guys, for example, we experienced the street thug phase, followed by Nazis (we hate those guys) and most recently, zombies. At this point, the undead are so popular that it’s impossible to go an entire month without seeing a game inhabited by these brain munching creatures, either at retail stores, on the iPhone and for the sake of this article, in the magical world of console DLC. There are a slew of released and upcoming games starring flesh eating monsters, so without further ado, here’s a list of zombified downloadable content.

Chris Buffa (RunDLC)

mr.selfdestruct5166d ago

U just simply can never have enough zombie games EVER!!!!

Buff10445165d ago

I agree. I never get tired blowing their heads off.