
Game Console Failure Rates

Aug. 28, 2009 -- SquareTrade analyzed failure rates for over 16,000 new game consoles covered by SquareTrade Care Plans and found that the Wii experienced one-fourth of the common failures that the other systems have.

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Ron_Burgundy5416d ago

flopbox RRoD is a common occurrence

Muthafodder5416d ago

Ditto on the FlopBox...pure RROD

Chubear5416d ago

.. no seriously. After 68% failure rate in the first 18months on the market, MS view this as a win for sure.

user39158005416d ago

If you look at the data only 23.7% were faulty and half of it were due to RROD and it was covered with the warranty and therefore it should of been noted that the failure rates are about 11.6%, same as PS3. However, this are old data from the first 2 years of the gaming console and if you look at the consoles since the Jasper released from MS, then MS its the most reliable console of all three with less than 1% reported issues (fact). By the way 360 its not made in the USA dumb droids its made in China, but MS paid for the hardware distribution. There is no such thing as US made car in the USA for about 12 years now, and they all use spare parts and components made from another country, but assemble in the USA (fact). Now that you know wHat GOd HAS STATED, GO SUCK ON A device that stretches.

nightelfmohawk5416d ago

"Second, Microsoft’s policy may result in an underreporting of failures by Xbox 360 owners to SquareTrade, relative to the other two consoles. Because the RROD problem is so widely known to be covered by Microsoft’s warranty, we believe that more customers bypass SquareTrade and reported failures directly to the Microsoft. In a survey of SquareTrade customers with Xbox 360s conducted by email, SquareTrade found that over half of our customers who experienced a RROD error reported their problem directly to Microsoft without contacting SquareTrade. Email survey respondents tend to be a self-selecting group, so the data should be used directionally rather than definitively, particularly because we did not survey PS3 and Wii owners with the same question. With that caveat in mind, applying the survey data to the analysis shows that the Xbox 360 failure rate could be as high as 35%."

xaviertooth5416d ago

the world knows about 54.2%

xbox 360 it only does RROD!

xaviertooth5416d ago

???: *knock-knock!
ps3: who's there?
???: 54.2%
ps3: lol!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5416d ago
capital1player5416d ago

the 360 failure rate was like %50

Biggunz5416d ago

Squaretrade is a independent warranty company so they are only seeing a small portion of broken boxes considering M$ has a 3 year warranty.

It's safe to assume that the failure rate of the box is much higher then this.

cmrbe5416d ago

Because it's covered under warrenty. Read the article. I don't know why this article is posted again.

ChozenWoan5416d ago (Edited 5416d ago )

Actually 50% is refering to how many gamers knew someone who has had RROD, not the actual percentage of consoles that have suffered from RROD. It would be nice if MS released the actual numbers so that this debate would be squashed once and for all.

CryWolf5416d ago

More like 55.4% failure Rates with 360.

Real Gambler5416d ago

"we believe that more customers bypass SquareTrade and reported failures directly to the Microsoft. In a survey of SquareTrade customers with Xbox 360s conducted by email, SquareTrade found that over half of our customers who experienced a RROD error reported their problem directly to Microsoft without contacting SquareTrade."

What's interesting though, is the fact that for the PS3, they don't even mention YLoD!!! It probably fall under "other", but still, that's the only thing we hear about in most websites... For sure, based on Square Trade finding, YLoD doesn't look as bad as some articles you can read all over the place! As a proud owner of a day 1 PS3, this thing was starting to get me nervous, but I guess I can sleep thight!

shocky165416d ago (Edited 5416d ago )

Didn't know the PS3's was 10%, hope mine lasts *knocks wood*

Seems like the 360 is much lower then the 54% some people were shouting out.

UNCyrus5416d ago

This is where it pays to read the article... The 21% 360 failure rate was ONLY counting failures that were outside of the 3-year extended warranty... Therefore, NOT RROD within three years or E-74 for that matter.

The one thing that I was confused about was that there was a category where the PS3 had errors for "disk tray". There is no disk tray! Someone explain this?

HolyOrangeCows5416d ago (Edited 5416d ago )

You're trying too hard.
10% is a decent rate for computer related electronics.

This is quite an old article, btw.

Ausbo5416d ago

that 50% rate was a survey from game informer that included 5000 game informer readers. It is a survey that people could easily have lied about, that in no way reflects all of the 360 ownership.

With that said, it is probably closer to 30-33% which is still horrible.

My 360 has rroded once
and my friend is waiting for his 5th in the mail from MS.

However, i continue to play it, for the amazing game library that it has.

Viper75416d ago

Yellow light of death is quite rare malfunction among Ps3 gamers, it has sometimes something to do with overheating or it might be a problem with HDD or the things connecting ps3 to HDD making ps3 unable to read the hdd.

source for YLOD HDD

However discread errors have been sonys problem from days of the ps2, if not from the days of their first cd players. I remember quite a few friends telling me stories about how their portable cd players couldnt read the disks anymore.

source for ps2 discread errors

Sony really needs to fix the lasers of their products as its not really good to see similar defects product after product.

Bathyj5416d ago

Others might be gloating about 35% compared to 10%, but 10% is too high for a company that outputs the quality of Sony. Its good by comparison, but not good enough. I would think and hope they tried to sort alot of stuff out with the slim.

And I resent the phrase Yellow Light of Death, "insert colour" of Death is a registered trademark of Microsoft. Its their biggest exclusive.

evrfighter5416d ago

"And I resent the phrase Yellow Light of Death, "insert colour" of Death is a registered trademark of Microsoft. Its their biggest exclusive."

Well seeing as how M$ stole most of Sony's exclusives. It looks like Sony is out to steal M$'s biggest exclusive.

Real Gambler5416d ago

Don't worry too much about the 10% figure...

Acceptable failure rate in electronic products in 3%. But that's per YEAR... So basically, if you sell 100 microwaves, there's a good chance that 3 of them will fail the first year. Then, even if not as likely, you could expect 2.9 on the second year. Then 2.8 more on the third year.

Now, if I call all 100 owners after 3 years, I will get 9 unhappy people (or 9%). Sure enough, for a microwave, it's much less than that... Yes, 3% will fail the first year (typical electronic component failure, bad assembly, etc), but after that, they will likely last forever, since they only are used a few minutes a day. PC and game consoles are another story though... They get abused... The only other electronic device in your house that get abused more, is likely your tv set. Most home have many, so luckily, hours are split among them. But take a quick survey in your family and friends. Ask 33 of them if they had a TV failure after buying a tv within 1 year, 2 year and 3 years. Out of 33, I'm sure you'll find 1, 2 or even 3! So, sleep thight!

NegativeCreepWA5416d ago

I've never had a RROD, but I've had a lot of consoles die from disc read errors.
1 ps1
3 ps2s
3 xboxs
2 360s
All died from disc read errors. I get a two year warranty with every console I buy for this reason.


11.7% Failure rate and 23.7% for Xbox 360 with RRoD included. Stop spining Microsoft haters you fail.

Mini Mario5415d ago (Edited 5415d ago )

Holy crap, almost 1 in 4 ratio failure rate for the 360. And i thought the wii was the inferior console>?

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5415d ago
PimpHandHappy5416d ago

yea right

MS has spent over a billion on RROD with the extended warranty! They have the numbers and THEY KNOW they CAN NOT release em!

CryWolf5416d ago

I think only reasons why people are still getting 360 even with the high failure rates are because it a cheap console and its American made by Microsoft if this was anyother normal company it wouldn't have a chance in hell like the Phantom console.

kyiren5416d ago

Just like the cars here for so many years are crap you may find 1 or 2 that are good but for the most part american cars are crap. just like the 360 made in america with a built in timer to just fail so you have to buy another. thats why i stick with imports they never break down or i should say the % is way lower.

CryWolf5416d ago

You know what i mean, 360 was made by MS company first before china started to mass production in facility.

RJ920095416d ago

know what the gamecube ps2 and xbox failure rates are i had 2 gamecube's 2 ps2 and 3 xbox last gen lol this gen 1 ps3 2 wii and 13 360 lol

NotSoSilentBob5416d ago

13? And you went back and got more after the 5th? Im guessing most of those are RROD/Warranty boxes?

RJ920095416d ago

had most of them fixed for free lol but i did buy the red xbox 360 i love red lol o i see i got a disagree lol sad but true 360 hardwere suck's but it has some great game's on it lol

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

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Sonyslave319h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6023h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro242h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro242h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Microsoft is discounting the Xbox 360 store up to 90% before it shuts down for good

Microsoft has slashed the prices of games across the Xbox 360 store in preparation for its July 29th closure.

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Tacoboto6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

The Dishwasher
Vigilante 8

Two non-BC and no-PC-version Arcade titles I downloaded recently. Dishwasher's sequel is on Steam at least.

I've also downloaded Ninety-Nine Nights II (shame the first wasn't available). I still want to download Burnout 3: Takedown before the weekend's up, though that is still the full $9.99 non-discounted price

franwex3h ago

Burnout 3 not available in modern times is a crime to humanity.

I know it’s probably due to the music licensing-though they can simply add other music as Burnout 3’s biggest flaw to me personally-is the music!!!


Xbox gamers warned they've 72 hours before a ton of classic games are gone forever

The Xbox 360 Marketplace is officially shutting down in three days, which means dozens of exclusive, digital-only 360 games will no longer be available to purchase anywhere else once it does.

The Xbox 360 will be almost 20 years old next year, and to celebrate this milestone Microsoft have decided to obliterate all of its online functionality.

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shadowT11h ago

Phil Spencer: "Game preservation is critical to us at Team Xbox."

9h agoReplies(7)
darthv728h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Technically, the games ARE preserved... they are just removing the ability to purchase new games through the 360. They have to keep a full backup of every title (even delisted ones) because they will have to offer the ability to redownload purchased content to users.

I had deleted some games a few years back that had become delisted. I was able to get them back by going through my download history. The games in question were TMNT (classic and re-shelled), afterburner climax and outrun online. Im glad I was able to get those back as they are some of the best on the service.

Lightning776h ago

Well The Ultimate Alliance games have been delisted. I dunno how many old Activision games have been Delisted but MS needs to remake or remaster old Activision games and release them on Xbox and PS. I. Hope that's what they're doing right now.

They can't reserve everything but they 100% can reserve what they got or own.

Vits8h ago

Fortunately, the X360 was jailbroken a long time ago, so a good part of its library is available for download from 'alternative' sources. Still, it's a bummer to see the store going away.

Inverno6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Dawn of The First Day
-72 Hours Remain-

Also they can keep the store up for life if they wanted.

hiawa235h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Series X for the back compat titles, and OG Xbox and X360 for those not on BC. I pretty much bought all of the digital games I want for the 360 so I am good.

anast3h ago

They are holding games hostage so people spend more money. This is some sleazy stuff.

Reaper22_2h ago

No, not telling you would be sleazy. I have a few more games to buy then I'm good. 360 was and still is a great console. Xbox is the best place to play!

anast2h ago

I'm not sure we are on the same page.

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