
17 Year Old's Halo Render Work Rivals Bungie's

Split-Screen: "Martin Ball is 17 years old. He lives in Stoke-on-trent, Mid-lands in the United Kingdom. He also happens to be a highly gifted graphics artist who created high polygon, low polygon, wire-frames etc. for some of the most famous weapons and vehicles in the Halo-verse. These range from the good ol' fashioned Assault Rifle from Halo: Combat Evolved to the silenced SMG of Halo 3: ODST; from Halo 3's Hornet to…Halo 3's Elephant and Scarab. In terms of 'faithful renditions', these look virtually indistinguishable from from Bungie's work."

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Sunny_D5417d ago

Pretty cool for a 17 year old, but let's see him make full environments? Or character models?

thesummerofgeorge5417d ago

This is pretty cool. It's not breaking news, but a story about a talented young fan, I don't see the problem.

chaosatom5417d ago

It means that Bungie needs to step it up a couple of notches.

gaffyh5417d ago

He's modeled them pretty well, everything needs textures really, because the clay render doesn't do the model justice imo. However, we need to see wireframes to see how many polys/tris each model is, to see if this quality of work is viable for console, and looks like too much polys to me.

My stuff is hundreds of thousands of polys sometimes, and it just would not be possible on console this gen. Maybe not even next gen.

menoyou5417d ago

Environments aren't much harder to do than these models, especially not the environments Bungie makes which look last gen. Bungie is just an amateur developer that's why even amateurs can rival their work.

Hoolock5417d ago

Im currently on a game design course and close to half the people on the course can create stuff that looks just as good as this. The art to been a good model and texture artist is the ability to get it to run in an engine.
Well done on the good work no doubt it is very nice but please people above me don't take this as a sign of bungie's inability to create great art as bungie have to work in engine.

gaffyh5417d ago

@1.5 - That's pretty much what I was trying to say as well. I agree with you. :)

evrfighter5417d ago

you guys need to get out of n4g more. If you've seen what the pc modding community can do this would be "meh"

starvinbull5417d ago

Nothing wrong with this. At 17 it'll be good practice for the lad who will no doubt go far with ease. Which major developer will snap him up in a few of years time I wonder

PinkUni5417d ago

have you guys even been on deviant art?

people make this kind of stuff all the time, and its usually the younger crowd in their late teens and early 20s

but then you have to remember that this person is also copying the halo style. designing your own weapons and actually making it so people don't think they look like crap is very hard to do, which is why so many people just go with the "military shooter" type games so they don't have to spend too much time on design.

you guys are giving this guy way too much credit

someone said "It means that Bungie needs to step it up a couple of notches." even as a joke thats kinda dumb

you're pretty much denying all of the work into technical programing
bungie has to do.

jadenkorri5417d ago

he will never get a job in the industry, he be lucky if he did, he may be talented, but modifying/copying known works is pointless, these models can be easily ripped off the disc. I have Zelda from twilight princess, all FFX characters and some FFX12, let alone you can just dl them off the net if you know were to look. I've loaded them into 3DS Max just to see them. If you ask any graphic/3D artist, not one will ever tell you he got a job copying other works, even if credit is given, the original author can sue your a$$. I graduated from a 3D course, it was a mix between game development and 3D animations. Anyone with time on there hands can model those weapons, but its those who have their own artistic ideas and create their own that gets those jobs, not someone who can model someone Else's work. This is a 17 year old kid, who probably hasn't learned about copyright laws when dealing with artistic works.

Highwayman5417d ago

Lets see you make any of that art.

Tiberium5417d ago

people need to chill a bit. He made these on a PC so it's obviously going to look better than on 5 year old hardware (360). No to mention using the aging halo 3 engine. I'm sure reach will be gorgeous though.

2Spock5417d ago

The kid has talent no doubt, but he is copying models already. Lets see him make a model on a strict deadline with major pressure and your job depends on it.

PinkUni5417d ago

thats a stupid response

that's like saying "lets see you bake a pie"
obviously since i cant make pies, people who make pies are geniuses

ps3d05416d ago

Its nothing to make you go WOW over but its still very good. The level of detail he put in those models had take him forever. I doubt anyone on this site realize how long it take to do something like that.

if you really want to see some amazing stuff try cgtalk

RememberThe3575416d ago

The kid is seventeen, get off his back...

He'll do fine once he gets formal training under his belt. And to claim that he could get a job in the industry is ridiculous. Just becasue this is al that you have seen does not mean this is all that he has done.

I give the kid props, good job partner.

SixZeroFour5416d ago

i agree with 1.3, 1.5 and all the others that know what it takes to make games

sure, many ppl amature or not, with or without experience can eventually make a fanatistic looking model with a hell of a lot of polys, but as an experiences modeler with experience in game design, they no how to make the best looking model, using the least amount of polys to look as well as a high poly model

the thing that usually differs in the way of how good a model looks is not exactly how many polys it has, but what kind of texture is applied

you can make a very convincing crate by just using a box and applying a very convincing crate face texture and it would make you think that it had more than 6 polys

THAT is the difference between a normal modeler and a video game modeler

IaMs125416d ago

That awesome i wish i could do stuff like this. He should mod PC games that would be sweet.

I dont see why everybody is dissing Halo 3 graphics i think they are awesome, of course old but still look great. I still do think they need to up it on Reach and you know they will since they have a new engine.

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Peter North5417d ago

We are not surprised, I believe I read somewhere that Halo 3 was a combination of Microsoft Paint and Windows Movie Maker.

Pandamobile5417d ago

Okay, so he re-made some Halo weapons?

There's nothing really special about any of this.

WenisWagon5417d ago

Well for being 17 years old, in that sense it is good considering he has had no college experience in this field, but as gaming news yes there is nothing special about this.

Pandamobile5417d ago (Edited 5417d ago )

Still, I was making Counter-Strike: Source weapons when I was 14, and that was a hell of a lot more involved than this. Not only did I have to make the models, I had to texture, animate, and get it back into the Source engine (which is no easy task), and there was no news about me on it.


I guess the Halo crowd is easily impressed.


Lol at the disagrees.

Eiffel5417d ago (Edited 5417d ago )

Seriously. At 17 he has some skill. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets hired for a major developer. I compared his with some of Bungies and his work is astounding.

Pandamobile5417d ago (Edited 5417d ago )

Weapon modeling is one of the easiest things to make in a 3d application. If he re-made the Master Chief or an actual character, then I'd be impressed.


Yes, the kid's pretty good, but you guys are treating him like he's some child prodigy...

bjornbear5417d ago

You're awsum.

But please be humble and give credit where its due, this kid did a good job, don't be so damn arrogant.

Eiffel5417d ago

So many disagrees just for giving a kid props for his work. The amount of douchebags on this site is astounding. I wonder how many disagrees I'll get if I feel bad for a child dying.

xTruthx5417d ago

I made ut2004 maps when i was 16, wheres me medal :(

Pandamobile5417d ago

I know! The only reason this kid is getting recognition is because it has to do with Halo.

If it were any other game, he'd be nothing.

Darkfocus5417d ago

someone made an unreal tournament 3 master chief charcter model that looks at least twice as good as the actual game that's far more impressive then these weapon models http://www.youtube.com/watc...

STK0265417d ago

here's the thing, like 1.3 and 1.5 said, he can make models, great. Now, are they viable for a game console?

I think it's weird for people to claim this guy can best or even rival Bungie when they have to make everything work with limited ressources (hardware-wise) when all you've seen of this guy's work are a few shots of weapon and vehicule models, untextured and rendered in an empty environment. Ask Bungie to do the same, and I'm pretty sure they can pull-off something even better, but it's pointless to do so if you can't even put it in a game that will run on your console.

Saying that this guy, who has talent I must admit, can "rival" Bungie because of a few pictures, would be similar to saying that CryTek are obviously a better developper than Naughty Dog since Crysis looks better than Uncharted 2; let's totally ignore the fact that Crysis requires more ressources than what the PS3 can offer and let's just go by the looks of both games. Indeed, that would be silly.

Biggunz5417d ago

while I can't do this I have friends who can.
There is nothing special about this and it shouldn't have been approved as news.

beardpapa5417d ago (Edited 5417d ago )

If he wants to get hired into a game developing company, he'll need to work as a game tester and network with people. I remember reading an article on Joystiq, and the lead developer they interviewed said working in gaming is not just majoring in game design and applying for a job, most of it includes working at the very bottom, understanding what a game software company does, and networking to get your idea out there and let people know you have a desire to design games. Just because a person is good at creating models isn't good enough. He/she needs to know, admire, and understand the expression from Van Gogh's Starry Night, and not just the pretty looks of the stars and buildings in the yonder.

Edit: I actually have a friend who works as a game designer at SE (SE USA to be exact in el segundo CA), and he also had to network to actually be a part of the development team. He started out as a game tester making $13/hr about 6 yrs ago). He said it was boring since they make you play the same game all week long looking for bugs and commenting about the gameplay. You have to really enjoy playing games if you want to be a tester. But it's a place to start if you want to get into the biz.

2Spock5417d ago

Man your comments day in and day and day out is just really sad. You are full of yourself and you never add any importance to any article at all. I should have done this long ago, and hopefully people will strip your bubbles.

"User has been added to your ignore list"

aGameDeveloper5416d ago

Wouldn't the OP have posted a picture of one of the assets, rather than the image from Halo? The way it is now, you HAVE to click the link to see what's so special. If the picture had been one of the untextured weapons, I doubt there would have been much click-through or response to the story.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5416d ago
Masamori Sumimura5417d ago

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heylo5417d ago

the link works just fine...

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Games That Took An Absolutely Bizzare Turn In Their Narrative

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Inverno25d ago

"INSIDE" was bloody amazing, and I miss Uncharted's sci-fi and paranormal aspects greatly.

TricksterArrow24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

TBH, 3 and 4 still have them, but they are heavily implied, which can be terrifying the more you think about it, but it is admittedly, much less scary and less interesting gameplay-wise than what 1 and 2 have done.

Inverno24d ago

U3 did show the Jinn's "bottle" in the end and the city was pretty f-ing dope. Just a little disappointing that they didn't lean just a bit more on the mythical parts of the series. Uncharted is a world rooted in reality and Drake knowing all these mythical stuff exists could've led into something cool.

porkChop25d ago

I remember being particularly confused by the twist in LA Noire where Cole Phelps is sort of "exposed". If you've played it you know what I'm talking about. It always felt weird and odd because the player is Cole Phelps. How can the player not know about these sorts of things happening with their own character? I felt like it came out of nowhere.

Yui_Suzumiya24d ago

Soma, Doki Doki Literature Club, Saya no Uta

UnbreakableAlex24d ago

Is Twelve Minutes on that list? Because IT HAS TO BE ON THAT LIST!
Don’t spoiler yourself with that humongous twist :D

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Report: Halo: Combat Evolved Remaster in Development, Being Considered for PS5

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Rynxie49d ago

So the better version will be on PS5 with VR, haptic feedback, 4k, HDR and so on? Can we ban Xbox owners from buying the PS5 version? Put a requirement to have a psn log in to play it.

andy8549d ago

Tbf considering the Pro will be out you're right. Console wise anyway

BlindMango49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Why do these news websites keep labeling RUMORS as "Report"? Why even have the word "Report" in the title at all? It's like they are faking an announcement to get more clicks

andy8549d ago

Imagine seeing that headline 2 years ago 😂😂


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Exvalos48d ago

If halo comes then nothing is off limits, whole slate is coming.