Crackdown Gameplay Trailers

Microsoft released these two gameplay trailers for Crackdown. They look to be from a newer build of the game. The "Rocket Juggling" is going to be a lot of fun, especially on Xbox Live!

BOOSTIN6591d ago

game looks like a ps2 title. not impressed at all. the comic book look is old. only nerds read comic books anyway.

The Real Deal6591d ago

First of all Next Gen doesn't mean all the games look like Gears of War. Any game Microsoft has its hand on will be next gen. Yes its cell shading and it may not be your cup of tea...but it will be most definately next gen. Don't be like those sony fanboys and call people names if they don't share your opinion. If you aren't interested in the game....thats fine.....Me personally, I know its going to be great. Ps2 games looked worse than dreamcast games and xbox games. I think you are just talking about the cell shading in general. You seen it before in other games and you just ain't into it. Well I guarentee when this game comes out if you ever rent it, buy it, and play it. You will be impressed with Microsoft is doing with the genre.

USMChardcharger6591d ago

have you guys actually read about this game. unreal what they have planned. i think this will be huge.

and Boostin, good thing there are nerds i we have things like x men and spiderman for example.

ACE6591d ago

if you have a 360 download the making of trailer of xbox martplace mate it looks much better then that

Sphinx6591d ago

I bought the 360 for two games originally: Oblivion and Crackdown!
BTW- I'm a nerd, I guess.

Gamer136591d ago

PS3 fan boy is sad.

To boostin your just scared because the 360 have alot of great titles.

BOOSTIN6591d ago (Edited 6591d ago )

i have a 360, and do NOT plan on getting a PS3 i despise sony so dont EVER call me a sony fanboy. all im saying is the graphics suck a$$. its not impressive and when you compare games like this against Gears of War it looks like utter $hit! i dont have to love every game on the 360 to own one do I?

USMChardcharger6591d ago

actually find some articles on this Boostin and i think you will change your mind. going to be a fun game.


looks good to me, much better than any PS64 graphics...

Gamer136591d ago (Edited 6591d ago )

To BOOSTIN how can a game like this looks like a ps2 game, maybe your not seeing right and its best if you say you don,t like the concept of the game simple as that.

And the most impressive ive seen so far on the 360 is Lost Planet.

BOOSTIN6591d ago (Edited 6591d ago )

the cell shading (comic) graphics dont look nex gen at all to me. horrible character designs. cheesy a$$ music. and is that the batmobile? WTF?? even perfect dark looks better and it was a LAUNCH TITLE!

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Looking Back to 2007 and the controlled chaos of Crackdown on Xbox

Darren writes: "Despite much moaning and groaning, Xbox has had some smashing console exclusive games during its four generation lifespan. Crackdown was one such game, released in the early years of the Xbox 360"

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isarai886d ago

Still one of my all time favorite games. It hurt to see what happened to Crackdown 3 😔


Xbox 360 & OG Xbox Games Should All be Enhanced on Xbox Series X

Gamerheadquarters; "With the jump in power from the Xbox Series X all Xbox 360 and Original Xbox titles that are backwards compatible should be enhanced as soon as they’re available."

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i3eyond the Circle1615d ago

They’ve been working the past few years and have become proficient in that department so I definitely think they are capable of such a feat. Their BC through emulation that can natively upscale blows my mind and gives them an advantage over competitors using multiple hardware settings which requires higher clock speeds and produces more heat.

I caught Chaos Theory on sale and was actually blown away by how it scaled on the One X.

autobotdan1615d ago

Ninja Gaiden 2 in 8k please

ziggurcat1615d ago

I imagine that they'll carry over the functionality of the X regarding playing previous gen games to the series X.


They better have good support for backwards compatibly.... Since they have no 1st pay games LMAO 😂

1615d ago
CaptainCook1615d ago

Why are you laughing at your own joke? It wasn't funny.

ElementsUnknown1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

“compatibly”, “1st pat games”: Are those supposed to be “compatibility” and “first party games”? Doesn’t really come across as an adult. No disrespect, legit question: is English not your first language?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1615d ago
FanboysKiller1615d ago

And xbox one games, there are many underperformed 3rd party games that needs frames boost.

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Retro Respawn - Crackdown

Crackdown is a series of sandbox-style action adventure video games published by Xbox Game Studios. Retro Respawn looks at the first title.

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