
Latest scan of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker showing new characters.

9 new characters were revealed in the latest edition o famitsu weekly, including returning characters. Here's a scan showing them all.

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Cwalat5420d ago

Would go nicely with a new PSP Go, but i'll wait til the price drops.

GameGambits5420d ago

Honestly the PSP Go is a poor investment at this time compared to the 3000. You'll NEVER have the full library of games that is available since its launch, because Sony will only try to scoop up bigger selling game titles for digital download.

If you are a fan of RPGs especially this is somewhat burdensome as most RPGs are never high sellers or high reviewed, but the fans of the genre 9/10 times will full enjoy the offering.

I paid 199.99 for my PSP Rock Band bundle which gave me a 4GB memory stick(a 2GB costs 30 bucks), a PSP, the charger, and the rockband game. I sold the game right back to EB as I had no want or need for it and they gave me 15 bucks for it. For 185 dollars I got the 170 dollar PSP 3000 and what is essentially 60 dollars worth of memory.

The GO! if you ask me is more of a casual game players choice, but if you are at all hardcore the 3000 is still the way to go.

Panthers5420d ago

PSP Go is perfect for me. All the games I would want are digital download (mostly PS1 classics) I really like the size of it. PSP is sooo big.

Cwalat5420d ago

zlatko @

I never plan to get ALL games on the PSP library, only the ones that suit me and my needs.

I had the latest PSP and it was awesome, but i could never carry it around with me, cause it needed a seperate bag with all the games i had. I like the new design of the PSP Go and i love the idea of all digital format for a handheld console.

I don't have to be a casual gamer inorder to support my passion for new tech, and i wouldn't consider myself a true hardcore gamer either.... i'm simply, a gamer.

Your deal isn't much to brag about, i got a new PSP 3000 for 99€. All new in package, directly from factory.

I don't think it's too far fetched that we'll see a pricedrop since alot of support has been lost from stores, and when it does drop... it'll be the first thing i do, picking it up.

GameGambits5420d ago

Glad to see that is Miller for sure. This is my most anticipated PSP title probably since Crisis Core. :)

ahall88nhl5420d ago

can't believe I'm this excited for a PSP game, leave it to Kojima I guess

Batzi5420d ago

I am glad to see Miller. In Peace walker, SOLID Snake is around 2 years old. Miller shall pick him up and start taking care of him sometime during the game. Master Miller. Kojima you're awesome!

theEnemy5420d ago

this is a PSP Game rather a PS3 one.


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The Best PSP Games of All Time, Ranked

The must play PSP Games every gamer will enjoy.

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jznrpg153d ago

My son and I played a ton of Monster Hunter on PSP


20 Best PSP Games of All Time

It feels like the PlayStation Portable doesn't get the love that it deserves, so here are the best PSP games if you're picking one up for the first time.

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darthv72695d ago

some really good games on that list. some of my favorites (not on the list) are Metal Slug XX, ultimate Ghosts & Goblins, Gradius Collection, Motorstorm Arctic Edge and Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters.

Knushwood Butt695d ago

Metal Slug XX is surprisingly good.

isarai695d ago

I get that The Warriors is technically a PS2 game ported over, but damn it's amazing on the PSP

roadkillers695d ago

Dark Mirror was the best. Multiplayer and single player was fantastic

roadkillers694d ago

I never tried that one. Once the PS3 was out, I was done with PSP… I would love to see a new one

badboyz09694d ago

Few of my favs Off the top. Midnight club 3,GTA Stories liberty/Vice,god of war and locoRoco


The Out of Place Artifact - A Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Retrospective

VGChartz's Issa Maki: "Even to fans, the thought that a T-rated game could rank as the greatest is virtually unthinkable; how could the best Metal Gear possibly be a handheld title on a system less powerful than a PlayStation 2? Because it had to be – necessity is the mother of invention. Not only is this a full-fledged Metal Gear, the fresh spin on the gameplay draws from several sources outside of its wheelhouse. Peace Walker somehow manages to be less like its predecessor, Portable Ops, and more akin to Metal Gear Solid V. What boggles the mind is that it would be over five years before The Phantom Pain would release, an entire generation later."

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pietro1212920d ago

Such a good game, my second favorite MGS title next to MGS3