PC World: Holiday Tech Gadget Preview

PC World: "When it comes to gadgets and gear, smaller is better, high fashion is in vogue, and affordability will be king this holiday buying season. That's the message from tech firms that showed off their holiday wares at back-to-back industry shows in New York last week.

Heavyweights Asus, Hewlett-Packard, Palm, and Toshiba exhibited everything from supersmart digital displays to the latest in communication devices to cutting-edge geek chic. Also here in New York were smaller firms, such as Avaak, which promoted its wireless peel-and-stick video cameras that last one year before you have to replace the battery.

With a few more good beach days left this summer, thinking about holiday gift buying seems downright wrong. But as the days grow shorter, dozens of tech firms are checking their lists twice to make sure their holiday lineups for consumers hit the sweet spot between function and price.

Have a look at what will be hot this holiday season."


How a Professional Designer Creates Amazing Press Kits for Sony – Interview with Tim Smith

Tim Smith is a graphic designer and illustrator from Wales, who designed press kits for games like MotorStorm: Pacific Rift and SOCOM 4.

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Newegg Pre Black Friday 2013 With Killzone PS4 at $45, PS3 Move Bundle at $200

Techtorial: Newegg is now giving big discounts to Killzone: Shadow Fall and 250GB PS3 Move bundle for its pre Black Friday shopping event.

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Pre Black Friday Deals 2013: PS3 250GB Move Bundle From Newegg at $200

Techtorial: Newegg's pre Black Friday deal today includes a 250GB PS3 Move bundle with two free games.

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