
Gamestek: WET Review

Nick Akerman writes, "When Quentin Tarantino unleashed Kill Bill into cinemas, it didn't take a genius to note that the limb-splitting premise would make an awesome video game. As of now, the chance of The Bride appearing on our screens as a playable character look as likely as Taylor Swift recording backing vocals for the new Kanye West album. And just like Mr West, Artificial Mind and Movement, the developers behind the questionably named WET, love to get angry. In fact, their willingness to lock heroine Rubi Malone up and force her to disembowel endless streams of burly men underlines their thirst for crimson. Hidden kinkiness aside, Rubi's first showing is dangerously more familiar than expected, often forcing one to acknowledge how far a product can imitate scenes from previously successful media without the heavy hand of the law slapping it towards originality."

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12 PlayStation 3 Hidden Gems

With over 5144 games on the PS3, it is easy to miss out on some great games. Here are some of the best unknown games on the PS3.

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Rangerman1208121d ago

Thought I was the only one who remembered Trinity lol very underrated

Yui_Suzumiya120d ago

WET and Quantum Theory were both phenomenal

P_Bomb120d ago

I remember Stranglehold! One of the first DLC packs of its time. A bit expensive, but cheap by today’s standards.

Chocoburger120d ago

Another PS3 hidden gems list, and yet again Time Crisis 4 and Time Crisis Razin' Storm get snubbed. Such fun games, that shouldn't be forgotten. If only we got a home port of Time Crisis 5: Mastermind Edition.

-Foxtrot120d ago

WET is something I wish they'd remake, they had so many great ideas but not all of them were executed properly

It had a lot of potential

Also Wanted Weapons of Fate is another game that had some new fun gameplay ideas.

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Looking Back to 2009 and WET

Nick writes: "WET was a pretty cool experimental project; a mixture of Stranglehold and Max Payne with a bullet-time mechanic and 70’s china-town movie style."

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Nine Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 Cult Classics That Deserve An HD Release

There were a number of cult classics that didn't sell like gangbusters, but still worked their way into gamers' hearts. Here's WWG list of nine great titles that deserve a second chance on newer consoles

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evilkillerk2630d ago

Blurs servers were the main issue but would love to see it return.

AZRoboto2630d ago

I'll point out that these games are all from the X360/PS3 era - they've already had HD releases when they first came out. Split/Second and Blur - with the crazy vehicle physics capable today, why would we not want sequels to them?

The other games, all a matter of opinion of course, but... thank you for your ads between every single game. /s

TheDCD2630d ago

Problem with sequels is that they aren't very likely. Activision dropped Blur like a bad habit, and Disney isn't doing games anymore. So I'll happily take the originals.

Relientk772630d ago

Remember Me
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Miss_Weeboo2630d ago

Alan Wake
Lost Odyssey
Demon Souls

TheDCD2629d ago

As much as I'd kill for a Demon's Souls remake, isn't likely. We'll probably get Bloodborne 2 instead.

PhoenixUp2629d ago

Dafuq kinda title is that? These games were already released on HD consoles though...

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