
PushSquare: Motorstorm: Arctic Edge on Playstation Portable Review

PushSquare: "If Motorstorm: Arctic Edge is an indicator of the type of quality titles we can expect to see during the PSP's resurgence, we're very excited about the future indeed. The game's not quite perfect, but that doesn't make it any less fun."

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Narutone665382d ago

weird kind of scoring system. But nonetheless, a good score for a PSP game.

get2sammyb5382d ago

People say that a lot but to us it just makes more sense -- on a five point scale you have: very bad, bad, ok, good, very good; to us if a game is "bad" you don't really need to distinguish it as "very bad" -- so we removed the complication by having just four points: bad, ok, good, very good. We think it's more to-the-point that way, which has been our philosophy from the start.

You can read our reviews policy on the "About" page if you need to know more.

Hope this helps.

rockleex5382d ago (Edited 5382d ago )

All the websites that give out 9.3 or 8.9 kind of review scores.

Really? Is that 8.9 really keeping the game from being "AAA"? Can't you just round it up to a 9?

Especially considering all the different standards that different games are judged on, even by the same reviewer, it makes all the little decimals even more confusing.

Just let us know if its bad, ok, good, or excellent.

All the extra little decimals can be decided by us, the gamers, AFTER we've played the game. The reviewer's job is just to let us know whether the game is worth our time or not.

I applaud PushSquare.


I don't think he was refering to review system (I too prefer a simpler system) but about the scoring itself.

If we consider 0 as utter crap, 1 as bad, 2 as bad, 3 as ok, 4 as good and 5 as excellent, from what the reviewer was talking we could assume he would give it a 4, like it's fun and fresh, but technically it's no giant, just ok.

I'm only can stand decimals in reviews in case that the review is based in simpler scores for fields, like 0-10 non-decimal for sound, visuals, gameplay, fun, replay etc... And you'll sum up those scores in a 0-10 system. They don't need to have the very same weight, but the weight of each score should be clear stated, unlike, let's say, IGN.

get2sammyb5381d ago

@bishop -- just in case you're still curious or whatever, here's how we score taken from our review policy:

What do our scores mean?

Review 1 Square - Poor

1 Square – generally a game that scores just 1 square will have a number of gameplay breaking flaws. Any game that scores this should probably be avoided or at the very least handled with extreme caution.

Review 2 Squares - Average

2 Squares – generally a game that scores 2 squares will do a number of things right and a number of things wrong. There may be flaws in the game as a package but on the whole the game should be able to hold the interest of those who are fans of the genre or franchise.

Review 3 Squares - Good

3 Squares – generally a game that scores 3 squares is a fun, solid release. There may be minor flaws but these are outweighed by the overall gaming experience.

Review 4 Squares - Amazing

4 Squares – not delivered lightly, essentially a game that receives four stars must represent excellent value for money, quality and playability.

Our scores do not equate to a 10-point scale; thus 2 Squares do not represent 5/10, nor do 4 squares represent 10/10.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5381d ago
Aquarius5382d ago

I might have to pick this up when I get a PSPGO. Missed the game on PS3. So I won't feel like buying it twice :)

Chapulin5382d ago

Hope it's as good Motorstorm PD.

Milky5382d ago

I got it last week, its amazingly addictive, great great game.


Top 10 PlayStation Portable (PSP) Games

Carl Williams writes, "The PlayStation Portable was Sony’s first stand alone portable and boy was it a special platform. The power of this bad boy was about on par with the PlayStation 2 console, could play PSOne titles, had a large library (over 1,300 games worldwide), and it was one of the first portables to offer Internet surfing out of the box. Whew. That is a lot of games for fans to sift through, a lot are region specific releases (but the PSP is not region locked). Here are my Top 10 PlayStation Portable games – got a beef with one? Let me know in the comments!10) Mega Man Powered Up"

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Madeline__2358d ago

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jlove4life2358d ago

Let me smash then I can be your boss


Top 10 Greatest PSP Games of All Time

The Gamer's Network posts an extensive list of the top 10 greatest PSP games of all time.

Derekvinyard133628d ago

Vice city stories was amazing, I remember owning vice city with all prostitution rings lmao

Lord_Ranos3627d ago

That red PSP always looked beast. xD Its games are the best for mobile entertainment. Something the Vita surely needs currently.

trickman8883627d ago

God of War Chains of Olympus over God of War Ghost of Sparter?


DJ-DK7863627d ago

Maybe I should re-play Ghost of Sparta...

Th3o3627d ago

Really great choices but I would've swapped out liberation with Disgaea or a persona game... PES 3 was amazing on vita...too bad there was no free roam:(

DJ-DK7863627d ago

Thanks! Maybe I'll look into having a round with those games, could change my mind. :)

stavrami-mk23627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

monster hunter @ god eater for me

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PS2Home: MotorStorm: Arctic Edge Review

PS2Home: "Needles to say, if you own a PS2, enjoy more elemental off-road driving and / or are looking for a classic racing title to explore"

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