
Close Call for MechWarrior 4 Reboot | PowerAwesome.com

If you weren't already aware there's an outfit going by the name MekTek that has been hard at work resuscitating a very well aged Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance. The development studio based in Canada has been putting in a good deal of time and effort in completely rebuilding the MechWarrior 4 series for a free (yes, FREE) re-release but a recent development has nearly thrown a wrench in the studios efforts.

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5 Mech Games You Should Play That Aren't Titanfall

J.P. Grant: "Respawn Entertainment’s highly-anticipated Titanfall will probably dominate the gaming discussion for the near future. Many mech fans are hoping it will rejuvenate what was, at one time, a dominant subgenre of gaming. If massive walking robots are your thing—and really, why wouldn’t they be—check out some of these other classic mech titles."

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miyamoto3850d ago (Edited 3849d ago )

Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation is probably the best mecha game out there NOW..... and its only on PS3.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Unicorn looks great btw but...
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories will probably top any mecha game when it comes out in May 2014.

Godmars2903850d ago

Pity Square can't get into their head to fashion Front Mission after Xcom. Introduce research and fog of war.

tulholdren3850d ago

I miss some Front Mission...

combatcash3850d ago

Hawken looks ridiculous wish there was a demo to give it a quick run through.

Ducky3850d ago (Edited 3850d ago )

... a demo for a F2P game?

Edit: Price tag is for early access, because technically the game isn't released yet.
It's kinda like how Dota2 or Planetside2 were at one point.

combatcash3850d ago

Hmm didn't notice that. I remember seeing a price tag on steam for it, guess I was wrong.

Wizard_King3850d ago

How does it look ridiculous? It's just like TF with no infantry or bots?

ExCest3850d ago

I think he meant it looked crazy (cool).

There are bots btw. It's the training mode but there's no setting to make them stronger or weaker. They're just weak.

ExCest3850d ago

The price tag was for the early access to get into the beta early. If you were in the beta even before it went to Steam, you got a key though(I got one). Right now, it's completely free and completely amazing.

combatcash3850d ago

Thanks, time to download it.

Allsystemgamer3850d ago

Plays like Titanfall mech combat but much more in depth with payloads etc.

Titanfall feels like (the good) aspects of cod like the tight gunplay without the cheap crap. Think cod4 literally mixed with hawken.

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MechWarrior 4 is as good as you remember | BagOfGames.com

BagOfGames.com uncovers Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance CDs and after blowing 10 years worth of dust build-up off them BagOfGames.com has been obsessively playing it for the last three days.

BagofGames.com is as dedicated to reclaiming the protaganist's proud heritage with as much fervor now as a decade ago when the game was a cutting edge new release.

Now that's a game with longevity.

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MkaY4264d ago

Excellent stuff! Let's see if I could also find those cds... :)


From pixels to state-of-the-art 3D graphics; the evolution of the MechWarrior series

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s member ‘SqueegyMackoy’ has posted an amazing video, showcasing all the major iterations in the MechWarrior series, alongside their respective soundtracks. It’s really amazing witnessing the jump from 2D sprites to the 3D accelerated graphics that were powered by 3DFX cards, back in the days. SqueegyMackoy has also included Living Legends, the amazing MechWarrior mod for Crysis Wars. Enjoy!"

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