
Xbox Live Marketplace Update: Wednesday 9th September 2009

Console Monster writes: "The 9th September has arrived, along with the first downloadable content for the newly-released: The Beatles: Rock Band. Only one Arcade title releases today, after an error with Wallace and Gromit in Last Resort and there's some Game Add-ons for Texas Hold 'em and Buku Sudoku. Here is the full Xbox Live Marketplace update for Wednesday 9th September 2009:

Sonic & Knuckles
Price: 400 Microsoft Points (Free Trial available)
Size: 29 MB
The blue hedgehog and the red echidna were sworn adversaries in Sonic 3, but in this platform adventure, Knuckles realises that he's been just a pawn in the schemes of Dr. Eggman (AKA Dr. Robotnik). Knuckles, the former adversary now supports Sonic to chase the common enemy, and each must use their strengths in order to acquire the priceless Master Emerald and save Angel Island. This game requires the Xbox 360 hard drive or the 512MB Memory Unit for storage..."

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skwidd5434d ago

What about FIFA demo? When's that?

Ninji5434d ago

Oh wait, no. It's in Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection.

NMC20075434d ago

I don't have the UGC but I hear that in the UGC they didn't allow S&K connectivity with Sonic 1, 2 & 3, but here, you have full connectivity with all 3 games, so..... yeah.

5434d ago Replies(2)
5434d ago
Saaking5434d ago

You're payments are due bots. Get to it.


The LWOG Backlog: Sonic & Knuckles (Sega Genesis)

Sonic & Knuckles, released for the Sega Genesis, remains a classic that may require some assembly. Take a look back.

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Rebel_Scum926d ago (Edited 926d ago )

If you’re playing this without being locked in with Sonic 3 then you’re doing it wrong.

lellkay926d ago

Never play this without locking on


4 Classic Side-Scrolling Brawlers Overdue for a Revival

Andrew M writes: "To celebrate the mini renascence of brawlers we've had recently, we came up with a list of 4 more classics we hope to see get a revival soon."

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B68W1228d ago

How much you want to bet a Simpsons game remake wouldn't have Marge wielding that vacuum?

Positivelypositive 1228d ago

Cobra Kai says HIYAH!!! Its pretty good and definitely a fun brawler.


Brawlers: Retrospective and Rebirth: Part 3 - Resurgence

Brawlers saw a sharp decline in popularity in the mid-1990s for several reasons. Then in the mid-2000s, the genre saw a resurgence which is still going strong today. So, don your armour and unsheathe your swords as we investigate what led to Brawler's initial downfall and the games which brought the genre back from the brink.

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