The State of RPGs: Xbox 360

Telling your friends you just bought an Xbox 360 wouldn't exactly indicate you'd just bought a machine with an RPG rich catalogue. As of right now, there's only one RPG available on the system, Bethesda's excellent The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and one MMORPG, Square's Final Fantasy XI. However, over the next few years the perception of the Xbox 360 is certain to change. Though not all are high-profile titles such as Final Fantasy, Valkyrie Profile, or Dragon Quest, there are a surprising number of role-playing titles in development for Microsoft's sleek white machine.
RPGs can arguably be described as the most vital genre for a console. Years after release, it's generally the RPGs that are remembered the fondest. After all, they've got detailed characters, intricate storylines, generally 20 or more hours of gameplay, and generally involve much more player emotional involvement and investment than other genres. One thing we're seeing on the Xbox 360 that wasn't evident on the Xbox is the support of Japanese RPGs. Microsoft and Mistwalker are teaming up to bring Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey to Japan, a territory where Xbox 360 sales are as impressive as a slice of bread. Thankfully, Blue Dragon is also being brought West next year, giving American Xbox 360 gamers a chance to experience a big-budget JRPG on their next generation console.

Moving past Blue Dragon, BioWare is bringing its next big title to Xbox 360 as well. Mass Effect has been nothing but impressive so far. Since the franchise is planned as a trilogy across the Xbox 360's lifespan, we're hoping for great things. RPG fans will also get BioShock, a title from Irrational Games that looks so good it won our Overall Game of the Show award for E3 2006. A number of online multiplayer games are being developed for Microsoft's console as well, including EA's Project Gray Company, Sega's Phantasy Star Universe, an upcoming Marvel MMO, and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. Other games such as Elveon and Two Worlds are incorporating online modes as well, though specifics have yet to be released.

Whether a fan of on- or offline RPG gameplay, JRPG or Western RPG, menu-driven or action-RPG hybrid, there's something on its way to the Xbox 360 to suit your taste. IGN has listed all the titles they know about in an easy to digest format.

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Sphinx6594d ago

I'm not too much of an MMO fan, but I've only tried Everquest and FFXI... so I'm pretty psyched about games like Huxley, Phantasy Star Universe, Gray Company, and Marvel's MMO... so I can try some new stuff and see the 360 in action online in more involving ways than the standard FPS.

mikeeno76594d ago

These games are the exact reason why i bought the 360.

ACE6594d ago

phantasy star 1,2,3,and 4 where amazing games shame saga have sold out to sony and seem to be going down hill ,,,, as for western rpg vs japanees rpg , personelly i prefer the western rpgs elder scrolls morrowind and oblivian are fukin amazing there aint no jap rpg that can match them,,,,, the japs seen to have these 12 year old girls with big eyes and well just strange i must say ..... b4 u sony fans come up with finel fantasy lol what a over hyped pece of poo lol

Dazzboi3606594d ago

I'm soo excited for Huxley as it reminds me of WoW - leveling up to get better etc.

Cyclonus6592d ago

360 definitely has some great RPG's on the way.


Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Has Appeared On The Xbox Store

Activision and Raven Software's 2006 action role-playing game, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, has found its way to the Xbox Store.

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LG_Fox_Brazil98d ago

Used to love this one, but X-Men Legends 1 and 2 will always be my favorites, especially Rise of Apocalypse. Would pay some good money to play it today with online multiplayer, back then I had no way to get a modem

RavenWolfx98d ago

Yeah, I loved the Legends games so much.

ZeekQuattro98d ago

I remember buying them dirt cheap on the PS4 and then a few days later I read they were delisted. I was wondering why the bundle was price so low and got my answer when that happened.

Knightofelemia98d ago (Edited 98d ago )

Sad to say this is one game franchise next to the Xmen that needs a sequel. I use to play the hell out of Xmen Legends and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Was great when my cousin had the OG Xbox play with four other people and then playing online. Great games glad to see it reappear even though I own the discs love the mechanics of this game.

Terry_B98d ago

It got a sequel..but for dumbass #reasons as a switch exclusive.

shinoff218398d ago

It looked so horrible to. They should've kept it similar to the first two.

Asplundh98d ago

Because Nintendo funded it, they did the same for Bayonetta.

Knightofelemia98d ago

I totally forgot about the Switch sequel.

MasterChief362497d ago

I thought it looked awful, but I actually fell in love with it. To this day one of my favorites on the Switch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 97d ago
jukins98d ago

Misleading. This page is whats available for people who owned the game prior to delisting.

MasterChief362497d ago

Yeah I'm kind of miffed about that headline. But the information in the article does give me a little hope. I really want to play these games on the PS5! I would assume if Activision actually is planning on relisting them on the Xbox Store, it would be relisting them on the PS Store as well?

Abnor_Mal98d ago

The first game was the best imo.

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The Best Four-Player Original Xbox Games

Remember the days of four-player couch co-op? The Wealth of Geeks team certainly does. This list brings us back to the golden years of the original Xbox with the best four-player games that were available.

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Exvalos48d ago

If halo comes then nothing is off limits, whole slate is coming.


Lost Odyssey Is Still One Of The Best Xbox RPGs Ever

17 years later, it still stands out.

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shinoff2183163d ago

I liked blue dragon more. Lost odyssey is the shit though.

jznrpg163d ago

Two of the few games I still own for Xbox360 . I have Magna Carta 2 , Last Remnant but also have the PS4 version so I may have got rid of it and I have the DS version of Blue Dragon. I think and a few others but I forget what they are since I don’t dust them off. that’s about it.

shinoff2183162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Another one I still havent got to try is infinite undiscovery. I read it was pretty linear but I usually fk with tri ace(star oceans are great).

Really my only issue with lost odyssey was the level cap they hit you with throughout the game. I enjoy just relaxing and doing some grinding every once in awhile. Could've atleast given the option. Other then that. Excellent game.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The 360 imo had atleast half or more that Gen of being the better jrpg system. I bought one earlier then I normally would have for some, and Alan wake. Japanese devs really got in their feelings that Gen and dropped the ball(thanks Phil phish, cocky ass ign, etc)

darthv72162d ago

You'd be better off playing Lost Odyssey on an XBO or Series X as no disc swapping and it looks and plays much better. Same with Blue Dragon. I still keep my 360 hooked up for games not on the bc list. for everything else, I use the series x now. Just last night I installed arkham origins as there is no 8th gen version like asylum/city.

I love having bc on xbox one/series hardware.

shinoff2183162d ago


When I bought the the Xbox one off a couple worker. That was the first thing indid. Bought blue dragon and lost odyssey. Been waiting to catch infinite undiscovery on sale but I forget to check.

I used to own the 360 versions but I bought these digital. I'd like to track down the 360 ones again but no huge deal. I was actually playing through lost odyssey waiting for starfield to drop.

RaidenBlack162d ago

Is Lost Odyssey coming to PS, too?

cthulhucultist163d ago

The game was indeed amazing. Great characters, gameplay and story!

But the dream sequences penned by Shigematsu were sublime.

I still remember many of these stories and I have integrated in the past in my D&D campaign many years ago.

RpgSama163d ago

I'm not going to lie, I cried on more than on a couple of them

Dabigsiebowski163d ago

Microsoft should have just kept pumping money into these guys. Same with a lot of the other studios... the blundered hard.

Lost Odysee deserved a franchise even though development wasn't smooth

Michiel1989163d ago

Am I the only one who doesn't wanna see every good game get sequel after sequel? It was a great game, but sometimes it's better to just make a one off and then create a new universe. Sadly that costs a lot more money and publishers don't wanna risk it, but I would definitely prefer it

shinoff2183162d ago

I'm fine with sequels in jrpgs, even in the vain of ff sequels, all new stories and characters. It does get old in other genres though sometimes. For the most part I just game by game basis it all.

FinalFantasyFanatic162d ago

They could have done it like Final Fantasy, kept the title name and just start with a new world/characters, it's not like the creator isn't familar with that.

Concertoine162d ago

Idk, Japan never bit for Xbox despite their best efforts around this era. Mistwalker never exploded either, despite future partnerships with Nintendo whichhad a much better chance at success

BrainSyphoned163d ago

It's not like it has had any competition since 2007. Would really like to own the short stories from it in book form.

PapaBop162d ago

360 had some amazing JRPGs in it's early days, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia off the top of my head were all amazing games.

jznrpg163d ago (Edited 163d ago )

The problem with most MS games on 360 was they didn’t make the games they paid for them and that makes you less money in the long run and isn’t something you can continue to do especially with declining sales of consoles. MS should have been starting and growing studios from the beginning but they went for paid games and it leaves them without the knowledge and culture of making games.

shinoff2183162d ago

Good points. Never thought of that like that back then.

Sgt_Slaughter162d ago

Not to mention killing the Japanese market that had all sorts of crazy and fun releases up until 2009-2010. They could have gained momentum on Nintendo and kept that going into the Xbox One era, but decided to "unify" efforts and that all but ended their presents in the country. Now, PS4's outsell the Xbox Series S three years into the new system's life cycle, and the 2/3DS at one point was doing the same.

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