
Halo's Real Life Warthog: Weta build, they smash – OXCGN Exclusive


"How Weta built a real-life Warthog (Just so Bungie & Microsoft reps could smash things with it…)."

Interview with Weta Workshop's Peter Osborne about the construction of the real life Warthog.

Madusha5387d ago

That's where I live in New Zealand :D Sweet.

gaminoz5387d ago

There's no doubt that there are some pretty talented Kiwis!

gaminoz5387d ago

I think I'd smash a few things myself if I had a go at the real Warthog!

It's amazing the detail of the work they had to do and there isn't even a movie for sure!

XboxOZ3605387d ago

While discussing such things with Alex and Tim, such as no Halo Movie, - at the moment- they did say that there are times when in the movie business, changes happen that often get turned around several times and have ended up working on movies that were once cancelled some time ago.

So who knows, perhaps now with District 9 doing so well, and being a stand-out in its genre, the powers-to-be might just re-think the Halo movie idea after all.

One would hope so. The trailer in the article shows just how well the movie could be, those brutes were exceptionally REAL and lifelike, nothing like what I thought they would be.

I do know that there are several secret projects underway at Weta that they couldn't discuss, so who know what they are - or are not . .

REALgamer5387d ago

Followed by a real-life Mongoose ATV from Halo 3. =P

Godem5387d ago

'Do a Burnout!' haha

Awesome interview, if only you could get them in real life!

XboxOZ3605387d ago

Well he did say if you had a cheque book big enough, with lots of zeros, then they could build you one . . . they'd even like to make it a production vehicle, but some major changes would be needed for rego rules etc.

Was great experience riding in it, that's for sure.

Madusha5387d ago

I'd definitely buy one if they were available in real life lol.

5387d ago Replies(3)
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