
GamesRadar: Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao Review

GamesRadar writes: "Despite the appearance of finesse, it's surprising how quickly everything devolves into frantic button mashing and rote flailing. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of your adversaries, who chase you around with a hunger for blood. They'll often whittle down your meager appropriation of lives in seconds, and dying too many times forces you to re-play all of the chapters in the current level from the beginning. Sacrificing your score to buy increasingly expensive extra lives can only sustain your killing spree for so long. Invincible Tiger has great spirit but poor implementation. As a result, even the most diehard Kung-Fu fans will find disappointment in this brawler".

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MSXbox - Invincible Tiger 3D specific review

Msxbox-world dons the glasses and takes one of the first 3D enabled games on Xbox 360 for a 3D spin.

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HenryFord4798d ago (Edited 4798d ago )

I am sick and tired of this - it is NOT a PC GAME! Why is categorized as such? Please - remove the tag. Article would have been reported, but well, I can't.

jetlian4798d ago

matter? the game is 2 years old! really the article is about 3d

HenryFord4798d ago

And I am supposed to know this how exactly? Looked like a good game, got excited - and then, nah. The article is about the particular 3d effect of the game, not 3d itself.

jetlian4797d ago

back and dled it today and the 3d is very bad!! this is nowhere near 9/10 on a 3d scale. I would say 3/10 more like it.

If he liked this try motorstorm, crysis2, socom 4, etc

trollkill4798d ago

this game sucks i bought it for my ps3 years ago smh and 3d doesnt compare to real ps3 3d games that are stereoscopic.


Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week: A week of 3 fighting deals

Major Nelson's Blog writes:

"This week Xbox LIVE Gold Members can choose from 3 different Xbox LIVE Arcade fighting games that have special DOTW pricing:

Marvel vs Capcom:
Normally: 1200
Sale Price: 800
Save: 33%
Availability: All Xbox LIVE Regions

TMNT: Turtles in Time Reshelled
Normally: 800
Sale Price: 400
Save: 50%
Availability: Not available in Japan and Korea

Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao
Normally: 1200
Sale Price: 800
Save: 33%
Availability: Not available in Korea"

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RockmanII75340d ago

I'll get the TMNT trial and see where it goes from their


Q&A: Blitz CTO Oliver On Why 3D Gaming Is Inevitable

In this Gamasutra interview, Oliver discussed the factors leading to increased 3D adoption, Sony's heavy focus on the technology, and the format's emerging standards.

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vhero5352d ago

I think 3D gaming is the next logical step before full immersion gaming.

jalen2475351d ago

I think Sony's HD 3D is going to make a bigger splash with consumers than both the Sony Arc and Microsoft Natal.