
Kombo: WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010 Hands-On

Kombo writes: "On the weekend of August 22nd, the trucks rolled into Los Angeles to set up "The Biggest Event of the Summer," WWE's 22nd annual SummerSlam. But the night before, THQ held a special event at the Sheraton Hotel, mere blocks from the venue where the show would be held, where they would reveal what the WWE Universe could expect from the 2010 edition of the successful, long-running WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw series".

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Dellis5502d ago

So basically the same crap yet again....damn THQ is horrible


Why the New Study About Black Video Game Characters and Racism is Inherently Flawed

J Station X writes

"Racism still exists. From the day to day micro-aggressions muttered under breaths, to the vocal suggestions in protests and online that any person of colour is less than their white peers and to the systematic oppression of those who don’t happen to be white. It’s around us and poisonously so, to the point where it infiltrates every aspect of society.

A place where it is most called into question and analysed is video games, where a (small, but meaningful) margin of non-white characters are seen. But can the behaviours of these characters influence our views on race? A new study seems to think so."

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prodg523838d ago

Very well written article.

iceman063838d ago

This is exactly what I was saying in the very first discussion of this article. There is an inherent "bias" in this study. The issue is pretty simple...there was no pre-screening. Therefore, we know NOTHING about racial bias, stereotypes, or prejudice that existed BEFORE the actual study. Let's not even go into the "more or less" racist idea. Finally, and pretty important, is that there was no control group. Why not do the same thing for minorities to see if they show similar changes in attitude while playing these games? This would at least provide a basis for quantifying the results, to an extent, and allowing a basis of comparison.
About the only thing this really shows, if at all, is that something that was a known issue remains an issue.

Hicken3838d ago

Well said.

Seems like half these studies that involve gaming seem to have a conclusion they want to come to; anybody that knows anything about science knows that this will inherently skew the results.

Ashunderfire863838d ago

This article hit it right on the nail! Especially the part where the author said,we are dealing with systematic racism. Yes racism is a system that is the reality. The movie and gaming industry need to be more diverse, and stop giving us slave movies like 12 days of Slavery. Why can't they make movies or possibly even games about Africans and Queen? There are a lot of good stories out there.

Ashunderfire863837d ago

I meant to say African Kings and Queens (I did that comment on the cell phone typo my bad) in that paragraph.

legionsoup3838d ago

Gereralizations are wrong no matter who gives them. It's wrong to say that all blacks are violent. However, it's also wrong to label all Americans (or any other culture) as being unwelcoming (or racist).

Individual people can be extremely racist. Just because that one person goes to a certain school, or is from a certain country, doesn't mean that person is the representation for that entire pool of people.

Activemessiah3838d ago

Am I the only one that doesn't see race or sex in video games? It really doesn't register that I'm playing as a woman or black or a goat for that matter when playing, my first thoughts are functionality in terms of what they're capable of but never have I once thought "hey why aren't there people like me".

telekineticmantis3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

Sometimes I see gender. It depends on how out of place the character seems. The girl from heavenly sword was a good fit, but the new Lara Croft felt out of place in a highly violent videogame. Then again so did the guy from farcry 3 and sometimes the great Nathan Drake does aswell.

Honestly I also see race, if the character isn't awesome like kratos, I feel like it was a wasted oppurtunity, and if he's too stereotypical(and not in a funny way). It just seems corny.

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Hours Played - WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 and WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010

"WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 has had 716 days of game-play data reported, while WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 has had 371 days of game-play data reported, through the Wii's Nintendo Channel.
Do the reported game-play hours for these two WWE wrestling games show some Wii owners enjoy wrestling games? Let's take a look...", says CoffeewithGames.

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WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 Hits Sales Milestone, Delivers Wii Intrigue

A most interesting thing has happened this week: THQ’s WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 has become a best-seller. That in itself isn’t amazing; in fact, it’s practically expected. But there’s more to the story.

dizzleK5166d ago

360 owners don't play casual games like this, thats why it's not a platinum hit.

N4BmpS5166d ago

Define casual game, pretty sure this isn't considered one of them.

CrzyFooL5166d ago

I dunno, all wrestling games kinda scream Casual to me.

5166d ago Replies(1)
aselah5166d ago

I don't play wrestling games, although Cena looks pretty hot!

CrzyFooL5166d ago

I haven't played a wrestling game since N64. This doesn't look like its going to change that.

LBD_Nytetrayn5166d ago (Edited 5166d ago )

It's a good game, I had a lot of fun with it. And $20 is tough to beat, definitely worth that much.

Incidentally, the DS game reminded me more of the old N64 games, but with a career mode attached.

KingNintendoFanboy5166d ago

When will we just get No Mercy 2? I'm sick of this series and I think everyone would like a sequel to the N64 smash hit WWF No Mercy.

xX TriiCKy Xx5166d ago

Was that good? I remember thinking about picking it up the day it came out but I never got around to it. Guess I was just REALLY lazy then.

Sandwich Bender5166d ago

For the past 10 or so years, I've had zero interest in pro wrestling on TV but I still love the games. I should pick this one up.

KingNintendoFanboy5166d ago

I stopped watching when WCW died. I was a WCW fan. I still want No Mercy 2 though....ugh.

KingNintendoFanboy5166d ago

No...nWo Wolfpac 4 Life. Sting, Nash, Luger, Savage, and Konnan!

jaredhart5166d ago

Don't forget Disco Inferno!

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