
Mega Man Battle Network: Operation Shooting Star DS screenshots

Capcom released three new screenshots of Mega Man Battle Network: Operation Shooting Star.

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Patashnik3769d ago

I lost it at "It feels good to look at a well trimmed bush" :)

DaveyB3769d ago

"Show the doctor a lesson by blowing him" :D


Ten Games That Need To Be On Tablets And Smartphones

There are tons of games for tablets and smartphones but these ten titles would never leave the "top 10" listings.

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legendof1174352d ago

Disagree, Disagree, Disagree with this article.

I want to have my HOME console gaming. It's what I grew up on and it's what I know DELIVERS.

Mobile gaming... threatens all of that.

Malice-Flare4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

come back to me when phones and tablets can sustain 360 graphics and controls for more than 4 hours on battery...

also, good luck on the main Pokemon titles going mobile. it stays on Nintendo handhelds...


FTG Anniversary Week – Mega Man

25 years ago, in December 1987, Capcom released a simple title, Rockman, on the Nintendo Entertainment System. When Rockman made his debut in the United States later that same month, he would be renamed Mega Man for the U.S. audience. One could wonder if Capcom, or creator Keiji Inafune knew at the time that they had created what would be one of the most iconic and well received characters in video game history, being able to rival the likes of Mario, Sonic, and any other who have made an impact on the video game industry. Despite the Mega Man series constantly falling back on the original’s simple formula, the Blue Bomber has managed to make his series one of the most successful, and enjoyable gamers can find.

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