
Brave: A Warrior's Tale - ZTGD Review

ZeroTolerance writes: Judging by the cover on the box you would assume Brave: A Warrior's Tale was just another shovelware title forced down the throats of unsuspecting patrons of Nintendo's popular hardware. Once you get the package ripped off and dive into the game you will quickly discover that Brave deserves merit for what it is trying to do, which is be a Zelda for extremely young children, but it also fails to deliver on some key areas. The adventure is short, repetitive and chock full of platforming problems, but it still manages to deliver some unique experiences from time to time. If you are looking for a starting platformer for someone under the age of five, then Brave may be just what you need to get your kids into gaming.

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Xbox LIVE Games on Demand: Brave, Skate, A-Train HX

Major Nelson's Blog writes:

"Content: Brave- Warrior's Tale
Price: Check pricing for your region
Availability: Australia, New Zealand and North America
Dash Text: The exciting coming of age story of a young native american, set in a fantastic world of magic and mythology! Re-live the tales of your elders, and learn the skills you'll need to defeat the evil Wendigo.

Content: skate.
Price: Check pricing for your region
Availability: Not available in Australia and Japan
Dash Text: The authentic skate experience.

Also, Xbox LIVE members in Japan, can now purchase A-Train HX"

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TGR Review: Brave: A Warrior's Tale

Lawrence Sonntag writes that "most aspects of the game aren't what a gaming enthusiast would consider good, or even adequate. The important thing to realize is that Brave just isn't for them, and conversely, neither is this review. This review is for parents who can hardly finish reading this paragraph because their child is wailing in the background, and quite possibly about to throw a pudding cup at the monitor. That parent will want to know if Brave will keep the little bast- err... bundle of love quiet long enough to justify the game's $30 price. Unfortunately, several factors prevent Brave from earning this blanket recommendation."

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SlamVanderhuge5439d ago

I love 3D platformers, but this one sounds particularly rancid

mr durand pierre5439d ago

I do like the intro paragraph quite a bit.

midi5439d ago

Hmmm, I really enjoyed this review and as I got to the end, braced myself for the 2/10 that was surely coming. 4/10 suggests a game which is slightly below average.


GameKult Review: Brave: A Warrior's Tale

GameKult: After a first pass on PlayStation 2 in 2005, it was thought that the little Indian Brave had learned from his failures and does not embark on a new adventure after having wisely questioned.

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