
GameFocus: Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2 Review

GameFocus writes: "Back in March, Warner and Deadlines Games released Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 1, the first of a two part game series taken place before the events of the Watchmen movie. Today, we present you our review of Part 2, a few weeks after it was released over the Playstation Network and just in time before it hits the XBLA platform on August 26. Both games are also available on disc since July 21 (date of the release of the move on DVD & Blu-Ray)"


+ Excellent voice work by the main characters
+ Good soundtrack and environmental sounds
+ Combo system remains very fun
+ Co-op does bring something to the table


- Repetitive and linear gameplay
- Visuals are inferior compared to Part 1
- Lack of enemy and environmental variety
- Short experience
- Still expensive (either as a download or disc)
- Doubtful replay value
- Can prostitutes be that skilled as fighters?

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Watchmen co-creator Dave Gibbons did little work on Watchmen: The End Is Nigh, but was paid “a lot”

Watchmen co-creator Dave Gibbons revealed that he was paid a hefty sum to be a consultant on the critically-panned Watchmen: The End Is Nigh game even though he wasn’t heavily involved. Gibbons also says the game is not canon, and because of that, he was actually fine with liking and disliking parts of the game.

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Lost Potential: Watchmen

"A brawler? Are you serious? As a game developer you look at the Watchmen movie / graphic novel and think “Hmmm that would totally go good with a fighting game, but since Dr. Manhattan would own everybody lets make it a brawler with Rorschach and Nite Owl!” Screw you Deadline Games!" - FirstDropShow

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sorceror1714479d ago

Well, *as* a brawler, it was decent. And had better graphics than most downloadable games. And don't forget, most games take longer to make than most movies, so movie games are always rushed.

That said... yeah, it wasn't worthy of the source material.


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rmoar4714d ago

Civ 5 for 16 bucks? Awesome deal.

JakePayne4714d ago

I will gladly take that Civ 5