
Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble Bumped Up?

When Atlus announced Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble it was warming up for a release "early next year." However, two retailers say the delinquent brawler will arrive early.

Gamefly and Amazon have Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble slated for the second week of November. Of course, retail listings aren't the definitive source for release dates, but unleashing Kenka Bancho early seems like a logical move.

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gintoki7775510d ago

I am actually going to buy this game. I like the style.

So much money will be spent on games fall winter and spring


Diehard GameFAN: Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble Preview (PSP)

While it certainly has its repercussions, who wouldn't want to be a badass? Power, money, respect and some attraction from the opposite sex go hand in hand with the label if we are to believe Steven Seagal movies, however, Atlus's upcoming Kenka Bancho shows us that the times of a badass can also be fun. Kenka Bancho finally rears its head in the United States after a handful of Japan-only releases and when Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble releases stateside on November 11th, American gamers will finally get a first-hand taste of banchosity, originally crafted by the minds at development studio Spike.

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Kenka Bancho: New PSP Screenshots Released

Video game publisher Atlus USA has released new screenshots for it's upcoming PSP action/brawler-style game Kenka Bancho.


Atlus Faithful choose name for PSP brawler Kenka Bancho

Jason Evangelho writes:

"Last week Atlus gave their Faithful fans an opportunity to name their upcoming PSP brawler, Kenka Bancho, mainly because of a vague Japanese to English translation, but also as a method of building anticipation for the title.

Today, Atlus has announced the fans have spoken."

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sinncross5547d ago

I think I voted for that name, it's good i reckon!
Keeps the orgiinal japanese titles but adds a little commercial appeal to it to ensure it doesn't just remain a niche title: it could be given a 2nd glance by customers.

RememberThe3575547d ago

It's shorter and stupid people walking through GameStop would give it a look. Oh well, Atlus kicks ass.

killyourfm5546d ago

Yea, Atlus is a severely under-appreciated publisher. Then again, perhaps it's a GOOD thing their games don't appeal to the masses, right?

bankai5546d ago

lol i agree 100% that its not a good thing for atlus to appeal to the masses. god forbid they end up like EA or SquareEnix. that would just piss me off. i am all about the japanese niche titles, so atlus should stay like the are. if they happen to be forced to merge with any company i would be pissed if it was anyone except NIS

sarshelyam5546d ago

Glad to see my vote meant something...this is exactly what I was hoping it would be called. Why abandon its original name, just subtitle it or append an English equivelent.

That said, hopefully this does will enough for ATLUS to say, "HEY, let's bring part 1 & 2 over on the PlayStation 2!"

gintoki7775546d ago

i picked that name but i cant picture badass being on store shelves
the name might be changed

killyourfm5546d ago

Wild Woody
Spanky's Quest
Sticky Balls
Booby Kids

Those are a bit obscure, but you can make blatant sex jokes on TV and say several curse words repeatedly, so I don't think having "badass" in a title is going to affect sales.

If anything, it'll BOOST sales :-)

Xandet5546d ago

My vote contributed toward the selection of that name! Now to get a PSP..